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Is using frozen veggies healthy...

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Especially in smoothies? I can never keep enough fresh in the house...they go bad and we live 1/2 hourbfrom everything.


I want to add more green smoothies into our diets....but, need to be able to stock up.


Anyone know??


P.S. I do mean frozen veggies without salt, sugar, or sauces.

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We've been switching over to organic fruits and veggies around here. I was reading up on produce last night and the book I was reading said that frozen fruits and veggies are generally very healthy because they are flash frozen right after picking at the height of freshness. If you go to the store and buy strawberries from California they were picked who knows how long ago and shipped across the country. We use frozen veggies and fruit a lot!

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They are healthier than canned, and they can be healthier than fresh - if you are buying non-local vegetables which had to travel to get to your supermarket.


My preference is:


own garden

locally grown fresh


non-local fresh



I stock up on organic frozen veggies, because they are convenient to have. If we don't have anything fresh in the house, it's better than not having veggeis, as a pp said.

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Here's what I know.....Acccording to the organic farmer down the road, I buy corn picked locally I should can/freeze/eat it within 24 hours before the naturally sweet corn sugar converts into more carbohydrates. I've never researched it myself. So it seems according to his logic, local fresh is best then frozen.



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Not many green veggies in season locally during the winter here in PA, so I use frozen veggies frequently; I stock up when they're on sale.


Especially for smoothies, look at it this way: if the alternative is no veggies, you're getting a boost of nutrition that you wouldn't get otherwise. It might not be as big of a boost as if you were using fresh, but it's not like it's poison -- it's a bonus.

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I look at it this way: It is 100 times healthier than not eating veggies at all. That's good enough for me. :-)





And even frostbitten veggies that have been sitting in your freezer for 6 months are better then Mc Donalds :lol:

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