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Wisdom Teeth Take Two

How many wisdom teeth do/did you have, and were they removed?  

  1. 1. How many wisdom teeth do/did you have, and were they removed?

    • 0 Wisdom Teeth
    • 1 Wisdom Tooth
    • 2 Wisdom Teeth
    • 3 Wisdom Teeth
    • 4 Wisdom Teeth
    • More than 4 Wisdom Teeth
    • None Removed
    • All Removed
    • Some Removed

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OK, this is a two-part poll: the first set of questions asks how many wisdom teeth you have/had--members of my family have had anywhere from 1-4 (I had three). Second part asks whether you had them removed. Please answer both parts. This poll has not motive but curiosity:001_smile:


I'm reposting because I forgot to allow multiple choices on the poll. Please ignore the other poll and answer this one!

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I had four. All were impacted and surgically removed at the same time.


The only thing about mine to add, was that it was done 4 days before my high school graduation. The nurse told my mom I'd be fine. Well I wasn't. I looked like Chucky Chipmunk because my mouth was so swollen oh and I could barely open my mouth to speak or eat. Let's just say it wasn't a good party day afterwards. My family and friends got burger, bratwurst, and hotdogs with all the fixins. I got babyfood peaches and applesauce.

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I have 3 wisdom teeth still in the gums. They are all apparently sideways according to the x-rays, but they've never caused me any problems, so I've never done anything about them.


ETA: According to the dentist, I've only had the 3. One was never there to begin with.


I had 3 as well--two on the bottom and one on top. Had to have them all removed though, they were pushing against my other teeth and causing pain. I think one of my brothers only had 1 wisdom tooth. It's odd--I would have expected to have all or none or just top or bottom, not two on the bottom and one on top. Even though the teeth are gone I can tell which side never had one--the gum just ends after the last molar, on the other side it sticks out behind.

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When I was still on my parents' insurance I asked my charlatan of a dentist whether I should have them removed as I have a small jaw and I was worried about crowding. He told me it wasn't necessary. They ended up crowding my other teeth and two became infected and had to be removed which I had to pay out of pocket since I was on my own and no longer insured. Grrrr.

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I have all of my teeth including the wisdom teeth. Now my front two bottom teeth are crooked but my dentist said that is from the lower jaw shrinking with age. Not looking to get braces or my wisdom teeth out to fix that. If for some reason they need to come out I may consider braces to straighten the teeth.

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I had all 4, which is somewhat unusual in my family. I might have been the only one of my siblings to have them all. The Army wanted my bottom ones out before they'd clear my ROTC scholarship ... well, that was one of their excuses/roadblocks that they threw up, one my parents paid out for, since the Navy, who was in charge of my medical and dental care at the time wouldn't. I had the two dug out under general anesthesia.

I cut one of my top wisdom teeth when I was in my late 20's. By my early 30's, it was disintegrating, and I had it pulled (they wanted to dig for the other one, but I was pg, didn't want to risk general anesthesia, though the trauma of it all may have contributed to the miscarriage anyway).

I might be starting to finally cut the last one now. I'll be 40 in a couple of months. Our insurance stinks right now, so I'll leave it until it causes trouble.

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I have all four but they all never came through and aren't bothering me. Once in a while one will ache. I've had two dentists send me to oral surgeons to get an opinion but I never went since they're not bothering me. I'm 35 and often wonder if anyone else is in my shoes and never had them out. My dh had all four come in and they all had enough space that he kept them.

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I had 4 wisdom teeth, all impacted, and all removed when I was about 21. My dh and oldest ds never had any wisdom teeth. My middle ds had 4 wisdom teeth that erupted at age 15. We had them all removed at one time and then he got his braces. My youngest ds also has 4 (showing up on x-rays). I'm really hoping he can keep his, but it's not looking too promising!:glare:


Elvis and Miss Kitty

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I had four wisdom teeth, all impacted, all removed in one visit.


It was a nightmare that is now humorous. My dad's insurance told them that it wouldn't be covered if I was put to sleep, so we did the whole thing awake. The nitrous the gave me made me feel like I was being spun really fast on a roasting spit. When I heard crunching sounds in my mouth, I slammed to a halt and was being operated on by humanoid aliens. I didn't know what language they were speaking to me but I understood what they wanted me to do. Then the lidocaine wore off and they didn't believe me until I started screaming from the pain of them pulling impacted teeth without numbing. And I broke their chair...stripped the bolt holding the arm in place. And I ripped out my stitches a couple of days later...ooops.


In the end, it wasn't covered anyway. My dad was pretty unhappy about that because I had moved out and wasn't talking to him for any reason. He didn't even know I was going to the dentist.

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