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Unclaimed money - is any of it yours?

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I found one in my mother's name when our state posted a list a few years ago -since she is deceased all of her kids would have had to sign a statement saying that they did or didn't want any portion of the $600-and there are 7 kids--a brother thought it was a scam and wouldn't ever sign anything (kind of protecting all of us)--so it's still there LOL....

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There was nothing of mine but I started putting in random names of people I know and family members, just to see if it was for real and what kind of things would come up and I actually found some money that belongs to a friend of mine that the bank said they "lost" and didn't have any record of, and the state now has it. I couldn't wait to call her and let her know. Thanks for posting that!

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In 2007, my husband found this and checked our name.... a few months later, we got a check for $3800 dollars!!


It was awesome! We went to Disney World with it :)


Apparently, it was insurance money. When we were in the Army, we were stationed in Texas for only 4 months, and during the last month there, there was this GIANT hail storm that damaged our car. So, we filed a claim with our insurance and took the car to get an estimate. USAA sent us a check for the amount, minus the deductible.... BUT, we were gearing up to PCS to Hawaii and got super busy and we couldn't do without our only car, and we were young and stupid and didn't think about renting one, duh! So, we never got it fixed, I filed the check away, it expired, life goes on....


Then, we checked that site, filled out some paper work and got that money!!

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Ok, I found my name and downloaded the claim form. BUT, it says amount as over $50 and lists a health insurance company I have not ever used. The name and address are definitely me though (from about 12 yrs ago). Why would a health insurance company, that was not mine, have money for me? :confused:


Any ideas?

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We have something from a bank that still had an address from 13 years ago, even though we had the account up until 11 years ago. It's in dh's name, so I forwarded to him to look into. We only had joint accounts there, but it only came up in his name. Less than $50 according to the state, but hey...

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Guest MaryFindsMoney

Missingmoney.com does not include all the states as you mentioned. Click on the map of the US on the home page. You'll go to a color-coded map and be able to see which states do and don't participate. Green do, blue do not. You can click on the individual states to check.

I have also found that the very old listings are not on the missingmoney.com site but can be found on the state sites.

Another one is unclaimed.org. NOTE! This is.org NOT .com that will charge you. Never ever pay for an online search.

Here's more useful info. If your ex is behind on child support, some states will intercept the unclaimed property listing and apply it to the delinquent child support balance. If you find the ex's name, check with the state unclaimed property folks. If your state doesn't do it, notify the child support people and they may be able to get a court order to take it.

One more thing, there is a link at the top of both of the sites mentioned for additional places you can search for unclaimed property. It provide links to the IRS that is currently holding $153 million in tax refunds that were returned because of a bad address, the FDIC, HUD, the Veteran's Administration and more.

One place is the Treasury Department for savings bonds. There are 40 million savings bonds that have stopped earning interest worth $16 billion dollars. Here's the key: Where it ask you to eneter the SSN (it's a secure site) you have to enter the SSN of the person who would have bought the bonds if you're older than about 30. Long ago kids didn't get SSNs until they started working.

Even this is the tip of the iceberg.

Happy treasure hunting!

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Guest MaryFindsMoney

For verification of your dad's address, you can check with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (the driver's license folks) the tag office for his auto, the county tax office if he owned the home, Voter's registration, or pull his credit report. It usually shows a few years of addresses. You can get a free one by going to www.annualcreditreport.com.

I hope this helps.

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I don't have any, but I should. I lost a paycheck when I was in college and was too embarassed to have them issue me a new one. It's not on the list, thiugh, so either someone stole it or BK decided to keep the funds. It was a few hundred, which would be nice, but isn't life changing.

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Guest MaryFindsMoney

Check in the state where BK has its headquarters. If they didn't have your address, it goes to the state where the business is incorporated.

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