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I saw it! It was fun to see Kirk Cameron and his family live (as in, they appeared live at the beginning of the movie to welcome everyone) in their house! We were laughing at the end of that part because some of the kids were peeking through the windows into the house while the grownups were talking.


The subject matter was extremely familiar to me, having gone on a number of the Vision Forum Faith and Freedom tours (which they no longer give, sadly). I went to Plymouth with VF and saw the sights they showed, met the very same tour guides, and heard much of the same material. I was also in Scotland with VF and went to many churches (not the Scrooby church, but others very similar), and last night's show brought that to mind. But I didn't mind one bit hearing the information again. I *loved* the emphasis the documentary placed on the huge statue in Plymouth. Loved it. It was the centerpiece of the movie, and deservedly so. The ending lines (where he's in his backyard thinking about what he learned) were so moving.


Here's what I didn't like: The way the camera jerked around -- it was choppy and extremely irritating. I realize that's the trend in filmmaking nowadays, but it's a trend that needs to go away. The subject matter of Monumental was important and uplifting, and it didn't need choppy camera action and *really bad* blues music in the background (while they're talking about the Pilgrims? Come on!) to make it relevant.


I'm looking forward to seeing the supplementary material he mentioned at the end of the show.


Overall, I give the movie a B+ -- the subject matter was fabulous, but the jerky camera action and bad music got on my nerves.

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I watched it with my two older girls. I thought it had some good information, but it kind of ended abruptly. It did get my kids excited to start American history in September. Our theater was packed. We ended up on the second row. There were 5 theaters showing it here and from what I heard they were all packed out.

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You know what, I think something happened to the live connection at Kirk Cameron's house as he was winding down his goodbye speech. He was in the middle of talking about theaters that would be showing the movie this coming week, and suddenly...nothing. At our theater we all sat there waiting for a few minutes, then everyone clapped and got up to leave.


On the website (http://www.monumentalmovie.com) you can see Kirk Cameron's entire conclusion speech. Since it was a special live presentation for the opening night crowd, that won't be on the movie every time.

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I'm somewhat interested in seeing it. For those that have, is there any talk in the movie about "receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior" in the evangelical sense? Even if in introductory or concluding scenes (not as the main part of the movie). That's almost the only way I "hear" Kirk anymore, so want to know if that's part of this film also before seeing it.

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No, it's not an evangelical movie. There's a lot of talk about why the Pilgrims left England (they wanted to purify or separate from the corrupt Church of England), and there's talk about how our forefathers did *not* base this country on separation of church and state. (They use the founders' own writings to show this.) No "come to Jesus" talk.

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You know what, I think something happened to the live connection at Kirk Cameron's house as he was winding down his goodbye speech. He was in the middle of talking about theaters that would be showing the movie this coming week, and suddenly...nothing. At our theater we all sat there waiting for a few minutes, then everyone clapped and got up to leave.


On the website (http://www.monumentalmovie.com) you can see Kirk Cameron's entire conclusion speech. Since it was a special live presentation for the opening night crowd, that won't be on the movie every time.


Yeah that happened to us as well.

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I would never in a million zillion years

call that a 'documentary'.




They tried to give away 1000 free tickets or something and I guess our theatre had 6 people take them up on it. The theatre ran it but their website showed it had the poorest performance ever done at our local theatre.


We didn't go and I don't know anyone who did.

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