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Do you have a 2-year-old girl?

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My 2 yr old isn't into dress-up yet, but my eldest daughter began being into princesses and dressup around the age of 3- and hasn't stopped yet! So that is a good idea.


Purses, shoes, tutu's, hair accessories, nightgowns, underwear.


She also loves anything Dora.


Puzzles and books and coloring/painting. Something like the TravelDoodle or ColorWonder.

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Lego now has some Duplo sets that are make-your-own-cupcakes. My now-3-year-old got a set this weekend for her birthday and loves them. Since she could walk, she likes anything that has to do with baking and tea parties. I second the PP who mentioned the Fischer-Price talking tea set. It drives me nuts but she'll sit for a good 30 minutes having a tea party with her stuffed animals.

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Leapfrog magnet for the fridge - http://www.amazon.com/LeapFrog-Fridge-Farm-Magnetic-Animal/dp/B0001X0DR6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1332856640&sr=8-3


She dances to the music. She likes Fisherprice, particularly the animals or anything that makes music. She also likes her stroller, stuffed animals (monkeys especially), balls (always a hit with the little crowd), a broom her size, finger painting, and large boxes. My mom took a large refridgerator box and turned it into a playhouse for us. We'd crawl inside to play. Othertimes we flipped it upside down and turned it into a boat. It provided years of play for my siblings and myself. DD 2 also spends hours playing with her duplo set. She loves to build walls for me. :001_smile:

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Mine likes Curious George, Dora, Tinker Bell, Strawberry Shortcake, Disney Princesses, dress up and fairies in general. Yesterday dd dressed up as a princess doctor.. couldn't get to the camera fast enough to get a picture with her in a lab coat, tutu, tiera and a stethoscope around her neck, chasing the poor cat around the house with the play syringe and bandaid.

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My 2 year old is very girly. She loves her "baby sister" (doll) which she insists on being without clothing. We're buying her a doll stroller for her birthday because she insists on trying to push her around in the big stroller. She'll likely get doll diapers, wipes, wipe box, and a diaper bag as well.


She also likes cell phones, purses, shoes, jewelry, and make up.


I don't buy her clothing. She's very particular about what she wears, and it is best to take her shopping so she can pick her own clothes.

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