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Would you serve this?

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(The mere fact that I'm asking means I probably <i>won't</i> serve it to the family, though I've been eating it myself. But I'll ask anyway, because I don't want to throw food away. Convince me!)


I cooked a whole chicken in the slow cooker last night, but we ended up eating something else for dinner. I left the chicken out all night, in the juices, and didn't refrigerate it until this morning. Is it safe to eat? As long as I re-heat it well? Please and thank you.:001_smile:

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I wouldn't. I can eat things that would horrify most people, but the last time I ate chicken that had sat out all night (it was on a pizza) even my stomach kicked that back out pretty quickly. ;)


Yeah, that. I play pretty fast and loose with the "food rules", but I couldn't bring myself to eat that.

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NO! No, no, no. No one should eat that. Ever.


Can you imagine if you went to a restaurant, and they said 'Here, we cooked this chicken yesterday, and then it sat out on the counter all night. Enjoy!' Um, no. And there's a reason.


You reeeeeeally shouldn't be eating it. And certainly do not serve it to anyone else.

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Awww....I feel for you. I did similar last week: cooked a piece of chuck to start vegetable soup, about $9 worth, and then thought husband would put the pot in the fridge, and found it the next morning, on the stove, the kid had thoughtfully turned the burner off. It was probably room temperature about 5.5 hours or so. I chopped it up and used it to spruce up the dog's dry food for her next few meals. It smelled and tasted just fine, but still scared me. The waste really bothers me.


I wouldn't feel good about your chicken, even with additional cooking. If something is only sitting out, after coming to room temperature, about 3/4 hours, I would save it, usually.

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No way, no how for me.


I don't understand the boiling for soup thing either. Some pathogens give off toxins that are not killed by cooking. They also can't be detected by smell.


So you might kill the bacteria that started things, but the toxins produced by it can still cause food borne illness.


http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/foodnut/09300.html See Staphylococcus for example.

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I rarely waste food, I eat things left out often, BUT I will never eat chicken that has been left out. The last time I had food poisoning was from chicken (though it was from KFC not my kitchen), not an experience I intend to repeat. Chicken and Mayo are pretty much the only 2 foods I will garbage without a thought if they are left out for more than an hour or so.

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I make stock overnight too but with the burner on low. Do you leave it sit overnight? Just curious.


Yeah, it is on low but low temp is not up to conventional wisdom or USDA guidelines on food safety. But I grew up too poor to mind such things. If it smells fine, I am generally eating it even though financially it is no longer imperative for me to do so. :001_smile:

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But it smells FIIINE!


Oh well, if there's one thing I like, it's clarity!


Soooo, I guess I won't eat any MORE of it (with hot sauce, in case you're curious). :)




I make stock overnight too but with the burner on low. Do you leave it sit overnight? Just curious.

I used to make stock overnight in my completely verboten countertop appliance

that I no longer own, set to low. But it was hot in there.

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