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A Beautiful Thing

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Kids got sooo excited about making craters on Mercury ( paper plate wrapped in foil- kids dropped rocks on it.) Pretty simple and a no brainer. That's how I role! It was like I gave them a new toy... hmmm, maybe I should do more Science stuff around here.;)

Anyways, it was a beautiful thing! :D

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I watched a duck land 30 feet up on a tree limb (it's a big, horizontal limb). It was very peculiar, but the duck seemed happy. :)


I found my children picnicking in their play structure, happily filthy from playing in the yard all morning. Yay, spring!

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A few days ago I needed to break a $20 bill and my 7yo had a ten, a five and five ones. I asked if I could give him my twenty for his money. Half way through the day he came to me all upset. He liked having more money and now that I took his 10, 5 and ones he didn't feel like he had as much. I explained it was the same amount just different denominations. He knew it but was upset.


I told DH about it that evening and hadn't given it much more thought.


DH came home from work today with 20 $1 bills. DS was thrilled!! :D

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Yes....I sure did encounter beauty. Our small high school's production of "Aida." Molly played oboe in the orchestra pit, and the show was amazing. SO beautiful to see such a talented, dedicated group of young people unabashedly singing their hearts out. These weren't acting class kids-- our school is so small. The football players, computer geeks and band nerds all put on an amazing show. Good thing there's another show tomorrow night-- I'm not ready for it to end, and neither is Molly!



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My 15yo dd telling me that I'm the best mum anyone could have - all because she saw a picture of a mother with her hand on her child's forehead, and she remembered how I always looked after them when they were sick (& still do)!

Made my heart melt! :001_wub:

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Yesterday I took my 2 girls and my 3 yr old niece to the park. We met a friend who brought her 2 children and 4 kites. I sat in a swing gently rocking my 3 yr old niece when she got sleepy and watched the kids across the field running joyfully with the kites behind them over and over trying to get them up, and it was a thing of beaty to see.

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It's Saturday morning, and I've already seen beauty today. While I was still in bed, my dh kissed me as he was leaving for work. ER is home from college for the weekend, and as soon as he got up, he came looking for EK so they could play a game together. As I type this, they're giggling together in the next room. Just like when they were little. :001_smile:

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