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what do you use for spelling ...

momma aimee

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i would still say AAS, just without the tiles (use a white board instead). i only suggest that because i know you are still working on reading, and this will really reinforce the phonics.


:iagree: Also i put the whiteboard w/ the tiles on it out of reach when not in use, so that might be an option too (unless you're worried about them being toys or weapons DURING spelling :lol:.) We actually don't even use the tiles most days.

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i would still say AAS, just without the tiles (use a white board instead). i only suggest that because i know you are still working on reading, and this will really reinforce the phonics. that's what i did in grade 1. apples and pears is supposed to be good too. :)


I did not think about using it without tiles -- i just know that he doesn't do well with manipulatives, they over stim him and he gets too silly -- my concern is during the lesson -- he'll get to playing more than learning -- he can't use manuplatives in math either --

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i would still say AAS, just without the tiles (use a white board instead). i only suggest that because i know you are still working on reading, and this will really reinforce the phonics. that's what i did in grade 1. apples and pears is supposed to be good too. :)



You can use AAS without the Tiles. They are optional. Some kids don't like them so it leaves room to do something else. You can use pencil and paper and still get the same effect. Some days my 5yr old doesn't want to use the tiles so I just let her write on our dry erase board or paper.

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Spelling Workout, but that is because dd is a natural speller and is accelerated in language arts. If she struggled more, I would use either How to Teach Spelling or AAS. I like AAS a lot, but it's too pricey and time- intensive for a kid who is already a good speller (IMO).

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i would still say AAS, just without the tiles (use a white board instead). i only suggest that because i know you are still working on reading, and this will really reinforce the phonics. that's what i did in grade 1. apples and pears is supposed to be good too. :)



We aren't currently using the tiles.

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...if you do not use AAS


i am looking for first grade -- I do not want to use AAS because i see the manuplatives being toys or wepons, hey i know my kid. :001_smile:




I had one student who I had to take away his white board marker when he wasn't writing!! I did as much oral spelling as possible, and when he wrote something on the white board, I would grab my marker as soon as he was done. He whined a bit at first, but was fine once he got used to the drill. He could not listen if he had something in his hand. As soon as I found out his vision was fine, I transitioned from writing words on the white board to reading out of printed copies and books so there was no marker to guard. (If I set it down between words, he would take it and distract himself.)

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i would still say AAS, just without the tiles (use a white board instead). i only suggest that because i know you are still working on reading, and this will really reinforce the phonics. that's what i did in grade 1.


I would do this as well. I haven't found any other spelling program close to AAS. We bought 2 white boards from Costco (on one has the tiles which you don't have to do). While sitting on the couch, we do all our spelling on the white boards (breaking words into syllables, labeling types of syllables, etc.) and she spells words, phrases and sentences on the plain white board (it's more fun than paper lol).


This has been successful for both of my children.




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We just started Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary. My ds is 5 (6 in May). It's 1 page each day. A pretest on the 1st day and on day 5 a spelling test. No manipulatives needed (although we do you magnetic letters to spell the words and sidewalk chalk). We really like it and for less than $20 for 36 weeks worth of lessons I haven't found anything better.

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I also would still say AAS. I tried to avoid it for the longest time, and have used everything else. For us, nothing else works....at all. We are now going to use AAS all the way through. With my youngest two I will not use anything else.

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WRTR. If you have time to read and post and read and post and read and post, before you need to start teaching it, it's awesome.

Spalding is awesome. WRTR is just the manual. :D


I only poked at Spalding when I was homeschooling, but I did Spalding with the children in my little one-room schoolhouse (12 dc, first through high school); the youngest, who wasn't reading yet, learned to read well; the others all improved their reading skills *and* their spelling scores came up three or more grade levels by the end of the year. The one child in second grade had been already labeled as having learning difficulties by his professional teachers, in whose classes he had been for kindergarten and first grade; however, I, the uneducated homeschool mom, taught him to read, and the improvement was noticeable by Christmas. His parents were so impressed. :-)

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