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If you create whatever you dreamed what would you build?

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I've been day dreaming about what I would do/build to make my life easier. I encourage my kids to take some time to daydream, so I thought I would enjoy the practice for awhile today too! Don't let the realities of life hold you back, dream really big and impractical! The zanier the better!


  1. Automatic house cleaner. (wait, isn't that what kids are for???)
  2. Automatic school work grader and checker.
  3. Windows in cars that clean themselves.
  4. Any window that would clean itself! LOL
  5. A trained bird to eat the spiders on my front porch.
  6. A device to mute the voices of anyone to isn't speaking nice things to you.
  7. BBQ's that don't run out of propane (ok, this is possible but there are no gas lines on our road. So, for me this is a big dream item)

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1. A tele-transporting device (we live in the middle of nowhere and I don't like to travel, so this would allow me to visit libraries in other parts of the world, relatives, museums...)


2. A sushi-making machine, so I could have my favorite dinner every night without having to make it (because it's such a hassle). It would provide all the ingredients too, including fresh eel.


3. A timed espresso maker (this probably already exists) that would have my triple espresso ready for me every day at 6:30am, including a radio alarm that would wake me up with a different favorite song each day.

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Some days I'd just like to be able to clone myself. Or I'd like to clone myself so my clone could do all the stuff I'm not crazy about (like monitoring teeth brushing, and bed time).


When you figure that out, let me know. I'm willing to pay big bucks for that ability! LOL

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To answer the question seriously, if I had time, I'd be working on designing, building, and selling affordable serious science equipment. Things like sub-$100 UV/Vis/IR spectrophotometers, GC/MS, column and bed gel electrophoresis apparatuses, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) apparatuses, electron microscopes, and so on.


I would like to see every K-12 public school and private school, every homeschooler, every hobbyist, and every kid with a science bent have access to affordable serious science instruments.


The stunning thing to me is that, with the possible exception of the electron microscope, with current technology it'd be possible to build fully-functional models of every one of those instruments for $100 or less, assuming they could be produced in volume.

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Oh, yeah. Another serious reply.


Uterine replicators. It really bothers me that even with our current knowledge and technology, women still have to risk pregnancy and child-bearing if they want to have children. A close friend of the teen-age daughter of one of my wife's co-workers is currently in intensive care and not expected to live, the result of a pregnancy gone wrong.

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To answer the question seriously, if I had time, I'd be working on designing, building, and selling affordable serious science equipment. Things like sub-$100 UV/Vis/IR spectrophotometers, GC/MS, column and bed gel electrophoresis apparatuses, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) apparatuses, electron microscopes, and so on.


I just started homeschooling but I'll admit my first thought was :001_huh: Huh? Obviously, I need to be researching more about science as the kids get older!

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I just started homeschooling but I'll admit my first thought was :001_huh: Huh? Obviously, I need to be researching more about science as the kids get older!


It's the kind of equipment that's common in university science labs, but absent, rare, or present only in inadequate numbers in most high school science labs.

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Some days I'd just like to be able to clone myself. Or I'd like to clone myself so my clone could do all the stuff I'm not crazy about (like monitoring teeth brushing, and bed time).




But, the clone wouldn't like it either, I'm thinking! I've thought of this, too. :lol::lol:


My mom likes to do a lot of the things I don't, but the closest we've lived is 1,100 miles away. She is currently 2,000+ mi away. Sign me up for that teleporter! My children want one, too, they don't like driving.

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I would build my own tiny little house in the back yard, with a tiny little yard, two trees with a hammock between, and a tiny little chicken run. It would be filled with books in tidy bookshelves. It would always be clean because there would be no toys allowed; also no noise, no mud, and no children or pets. Maybe no husbands.


It's been that kind of day. Alas, I have to settle for a hot bath, a glass of wine, and a good book.



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I'm not really sure. I'd probably build an awesome house though. That sounds good right about now.


Pigby would probably like me to build him some rocket shoes. He took it pretty hard when I told them they don't really exist in real life and that if he wants them, he's going to have to learn a lot of math and science so he can grow up and invent them. That's turned into him telling me to invent them for him. :lol:

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I want a transporter and a replicator.


I would add a holodeck.


Ds wants to invent a real lightsaber.


On top of that I want it to be like the Matrix where you can download knowledge into your head, except I don't want the hole in the back of my head.

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