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Funnily enough, I was trying to motivate my ever squabbling kids to stop ... well, squabbling, by reminding them were are "Team Love" (a term one of them coined). I asked them, "What team are we, anyway?" and my baby promptly replied, "Team Dumb!" Indeed.



Awww well that's just cute! And who wouldn't want to be on Team Love?

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"It's all good" makes me grind my teeth, because quite often, the speaker means the exact opposite, or is just trying to shut you up.


Emails as a plural noun. Mail is a collective noun. You do not walk down to your mailbox to collect your mails, so why would you log on to your computer to read your emails?


Yo as verbal punctuation.


Sister, from a near stranger. I have a sister, and it isn't you. My relationship with my sister is special.


Children's video games that try to get them to use substitute questionable phrases that are supposedly cute. Why is it cute to get little kids yelling, "What the Shell?" Hammit!" etc? You have to have the brain of a carrot to not understand what is really being said here. To me, words don't have any special powers per say, but what you mean behind them when you utter them does, so you are still teaching young kids to cuss by intention, and I don't find that cute.

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I recognize that different people read this usage differently, so I don't react outwardly to it, as no offense is intended. I just don't like it, myself.


Actually I like it because it amuses me. It's either to be rude (I don't know where you think you're going with that knife, sister!) or suggesting we have some sort of bond, which especially amuses me depending on who's doing the talking. I also enjoy things that are done very differently based on ethnicity. (White people don't, as a general rule, call me "sister," although occasionally for religious reasons.)

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I hate it when people use the term "people" when talking to a group.


As in, "Listen up people...." usually followed by some rant about how everyone is wrong in their thinking.


It just sounds so rude to me and makes me not want to hear a word they say.

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"It's all good" makes me grind my teeth, because quite often, the speaker means the exact opposite, or is just trying to shut you up.

Emails as a plural noun. Mail is a collective noun. You do not walk down to your mailbox to collect your mails, so why would you log on to your computer to read your emails?


Yo as verbal punctuation.


Sister, from a near stranger. I have a sister, and it isn't you. My relationship with my sister is special.


Children's video games that try to get them to use substitute questionable phrases that are supposedly cute. Why is it cute to get little kids yelling, "What the Shell?" Hammit!" etc? You have to have the brain of a carrot to not understand what is really being said here. To me, words don't have any special powers per say, but what you mean behind them when you utter them does, so you are still teaching young kids to cuss by intention, and I don't find that cute.


I never thought of that. More on your point: http://www.businesswritingblog.com/business_writing/2007/05/email_emails.html

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