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Hosting a teen 1980s party. Need ideas.

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I am hosting our homeschooled teen group's gathering this month and it is a 1980s party. I am trying to think of decor, food and interactive ideas for this party. Here is what I have so far:


Get an eighties cd compilation from the library or do a special mix on Pandora

Show some 80s videos from YouTube

Show an episode of The Cosby Show.

Print off some movie poster images from 1980's movies.

Make some 45 records out of cardboard and have some 80s hits written on them. ETA - I mean construction paper.

Make (or buy) pacman cupcakes. (The kids will be bringing food and beverages as well.)

Have a Rubik's cube contest.

If we had a basement, I would so do the live pacman game (where you make your floor the pacman screen and have the teens be the players.)


Any ideas for an 80's trivia game? I thought about trivial pursuit, but most of them wouldn't know the answers.


What else can I do easily this week?

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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Decor: black with neon/bright splashes, OR the Miami Vice look with pink, aqua, and white


You could have fun with hair! Offer gel for Mohawks or short 'dos and crimping irons, banana clips, and Aqua Net for big hair. :D


I can't think of a trivia game that doesn't require some knowledge, but you could: offer vintage video games (look up MAME games), vote on cutest Brat Packer (or worst-aged), pin the ponytail on Madonna, learn the Thriller dance...

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We had an 80's party and we served 80's food:


Gummi Bears


Cool Ranch Doritos


Huge sub sandwhiches


Big Chocolate Chip cookie on which I wrote "Welcome Back to the 80's"


I realize that these things may have been around before the 80's, but everyone at the party recognized that the 80's seemed to be when those food items GAINED in popularity.

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We had an 80's party and we served 80's food:


Gummi Bears


Cool Ranch Doritos


Huge sub sandwhiches


Big Chocolate Chip cookie on which I wrote "Welcome Back to the 80's"


I realize that these things may have been around before the 80's, but everyone at the party recognized that the 80's seemed to be when those food items GAINED in popularity.


Good list! Goldfish crackers too. Maybe Reeces pieces?


This might be so obvious it should go without saying, but surely you'll want some sort of dress-up component. Costume contest? Dress up as an 80s celebrity? etc.

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Food: french bread pizza, Doritos, fruit roll-ups


Drinks: Kool-Aid (especially blue), Tang, Hi-C juice boxes, Capri Sun, Shasta


Snacks/Prizes: Pop Rocks, Whatchamacallits, Abba Zabba, Nerds, Tootsie Rolls, Now and Laters


Decorations: I used the bags/boxes that the food came out of.


Trivia: If you PM me your email address, I have a Word file with about 160 trivia questions and answers.

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