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I need an intervention

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I went to Tractor Supply and bought more chicks today. I guess I'm just going to have to stay out of town til no one is carrying chicks. Dh just laughs.


:lol: My kids noticed the "Chicks are here!" signI at Orcheln this week. I have a funny feeling chicks are in our future.

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All this chicken talk is so cool. Where I live, I have never, ever seen baby chicks for sale in a store.


Well, they used to sell them many years ago as Easter chicks, but then they started carrying disease or something, and the stores weren't allowed to sell them any more. Or something like that. I can't remember exactly what happened, but I remember my mom being glad when I was a kid that you couldn't buy the chicks any more, but that a lot of people bought them for their kids when my brother (who was older than me) was little. She said she always felt badly for the chicks because most of them died because people didn't know how to take care of them.

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How do you keep your cats and dogs from eating your chicks? My animals seem to think that anything smaller than the current smallest pet is fair game. Not that I am complaining mind you, it's the only thing that is keeping the small animal population from exploding at my house but I am curious.

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I want to know what breed too! I'm leaning toward getting Welsummers this year. I want the chocolate colored eggs. :D


Oooh! You should get ducklings! I saw the cutest little call ducks at the feed store the other day, but the only water we would have for them is in with the pigs. I don't think that would work out well. :glare:

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How do you keep your cats and dogs from eating your chicks? My animals seem to think that anything smaller than the current smallest pet is fair game. Not that I am complaining mind you, it's the only thing that is keeping the small animal population from exploding at my house but I am curious.


One of our large dogs likes to catch and slobber on a chicken if she can but she is part retriever and has never actually harmed one (Ialways rescue the bird fairly quickly also). The other large dog is very obedient and only had to be scolded once or twice.


On the other hand our small dogs have learned that chickens peck. One of them is actively and blatantly afraid of the chickens. The other two mostly ignore the chickens because they know if they bother them they will get pecked and then scolded.

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Stop it with the chickens and the ducks or the next thing you know, I'll be the one who needs the intervention... and a really good divorce attorney, because I don't see things ending well when I show up at home with a bunch of tiny feathered friends. :D

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How about a funny story to go with it. When I was in college a friends parents donated ducklings for a school project, (think kind of like carrying around an egg to pretend it is a baby) Well when the project was over they gave my friend back all the ducklings which she ended up keeping in the bathroom and bathtub for several days until she could get them back to her families farm. Needless to say quite a mess:tongue_smilie:

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All this chicken talk is so cool. Where I live, I have never, ever seen baby chicks for sale in a store.


You have stores that sell ducks, too? :eek:


I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on something. :glare:


Thank you Catwoman!!!

I live in a VERY rural area and I finally feel COOL! :D. I read all of the posts about city things people do like going to art museums, Starbucks, even costco and I feel like a bumpkin and like I may be missing out too. It is nice to be on the other side and be the cool ones!

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Hahahaha. LOL. * sort *


Ok. Now that I have that out of my system, have fun with your new fluff. And trust me, it could be a lot worse. You could have bought an incubator. :D Though a bunch of Silkies could very well get you in just as much trouble as an incubator...


You won't get intervention-type talk from me. I'm down to my "bare-bones flock" of breeding and show birds for 2012. Last count that was nearly 100 birds. I think I was around 86? I haven't started hatching yet this year, but the girls are starting to lay. I usually get up to 200+ birds before I make the final cut for the following year and sell a mess of 'em. The husband doesn't like birds at all, so late summer/early fall can be kinda, well, tense around here. :001_huh:


Oh, I have ducks, too. :tongue_smilie:

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I haven't seen these replies because I've been in the chicken coops. Been in there for so long there is actually some concern for my lungs.


Anyhow, yesterday I got Silver Spangled Hambugs, White Crested Black Polish and Speckled Sussex. The week before that I got some Welsummers, RIR, Salmon Favorelles, Jerseys Giants and Barred Rocks. Already had Silkies, D'uccles, a Delaware and a Golden Laced Wyandotte.


I have a broody on a couple of eggs. The cats and dogs are only a problem with chicks, and I keep them in pens inside the coop so they are double protected. My coops are inside the building that is my tack room, so it's like Fort Knox.


Here are some videos, but the coops look better now. Dh went in and installed new roosts and different feed and water holders.


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All this chicken talk is so cool. Where I live, I have never, ever seen baby chicks for sale in a store.




Thank you Catwoman!!!

I live in a VERY rural area and I finally feel COOL! :D. I read all of the posts about city things people do like going to art museums, Starbucks, even costco and I feel like a bumpkin and like I may be missing out too. It is nice to be on the other side and be the cool ones!




I have to say, I love walking in the Tractor Supply and hearing that distinctive peeping. It's my official notice of SPRING!

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You have stores that sell ducks, too? :eek:


I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on something. :glare:


We have a pet store where we live (near Tampa- definitely not the country) that is selling chicks and ducklings right now. My boys are DYING to get them. I'm considering chickens, but have to do a lot of research first to make sure we can handle them :o) Our back neighbors apparently have chickens (hens) and a pig (we just saw them walking it down the street yesterday). Who knew??



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I haven't seen these replies because I've been in the chicken coops. Been in there for so long there is actually some concern for my lungs.


Anyhow, yesterday I got Silver Spangled Hambugs, White Crested Black Polish and Speckled Sussex. The week before that I got some Welsummers, RIR, Salmon Favorelles, Jerseys Giants and Barred Rocks. Already had Silkies, D'uccles, a Delaware and a Golden Laced Wyandotte.


I have a broody on a couple of eggs. The cats and dogs are only a problem with chicks, and I keep them in pens inside the coop so they are double protected. My coops are inside the building that is my tack room, so it's like Fort Knox.


Here are some videos, but the coops look better now. Dh went in and installed new roosts and different feed and water holders.



I wear a mask when I do coop cleaning. You really don't want chicken poo in your lungs. I believe it can cause granulomas, like bat guano.


I breed and show Polish. :D They are uber-goofy birds, but a lot of fun. Keep an eye on them; they may not do well with most of your other breeds. They usually get along great with Silkies, though. They are like walking bulls-eyes with those white crests, and other birds often pluck their feathers. Once that starts, it can turn into all-out canabalism. They also don't free range well, again on account of those crests and their limited vision (walking bulls-eyes for hawks)!

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I wear a mask when I do coop cleaning. You really don't want chicken poo in your lungs. I believe it can cause granulomas, like bat guano.


I breed and show Polish. :D They are uber-goofy birds, but a lot of fun. Keep an eye on them; they may not do well with most of your other breeds. They usually get along great with Silkies, though. They are like walking bulls-eyes with those white crests, and other birds often pluck their feathers. Once that starts, it can turn into all-out canabalism. They also don't free range well, again on account of those crests and their limited vision (walking bulls-eyes for hawks)!


I only have one, I would have bought more but that's all they had left. Thanks for the heads up. I think it can stay with my Silkies until I need only Silkie eggs. I saw a pic on the internet somewhere of a chicken that was given a hair cut for that same reason. Looked like a newly clipped poodle.

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I just got 3 chicks on Monday! I really wanted a Buff Orpington but the store didn't have any.


When I bought the chicks, the man at the store told me they were getting ducklings next week. I was sure I looked like such a city girl that no one would ever suggest I should have any kind of animal!

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I haven't seen these replies because I've been in the chicken coops. Been in there for so long there is actually some concern for my lungs.


Anyhow, yesterday I got Silver Spangled Hambugs, White Crested Black Polish and Speckled Sussex. The week before that I got some Welsummers, RIR, Salmon Favorelles, Jerseys Giants and Barred Rocks. Already had Silkies, D'uccles, a Delaware and a Golden Laced Wyandotte.


I have a broody on a couple of eggs. The cats and dogs are only a problem with chicks, and I keep them in pens inside the coop so they are double protected. My coops are inside the building that is my tack room, so it's like Fort Knox.


Here are some videos, but the coops look better now. Dh went in and installed new roosts and different feed and water holders.



I wish we had so many choices near us! I love the ones with the fluffy feet!


Now that we've watched the videos, my boys are begging to set up our chick cage in the basement and go get chicks today. :) We're planning on getting six new ones this spring.



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I wish we had so many choices near us! I love the ones with the fluffy feet!


Now that we've watched the videos, my boys are begging to set up our chick cage in the basement and go get chicks today. :) We're planning on getting six new ones this spring.



Unfortunately they aren't all that close. I ordered some from Ideal, and some of the others I drove 3 hours one way to pick up. I had no idea it was that far, google lied.

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