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Which would you rather be a survivor of?

Which would you rather be a survivor of?  

  1. 1. Which would you rather be a survivor of?

    • I'd rather survive "The Stand" type plague apocalypse
    • I'd rather survive "Walking Dead" style zombie apocalypse

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Would you rather survive a Steven King "The Stand" type thing, or a zombie plague "Walking Dead" type thing? It seems we have been having a lot of zombie conversations between friends and family and this question came up.


So which one? And why?


Poll to follow.


I think I'd rather do 'The Stand'. While there are bad guys, they aren't trying to eat you and you don't run the risk of turning into one if you get bit or die.

Edited by Renthead Mommy
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I voted zombie, because I want to hide in a mall. :lol:


Seriously, I have a horrid immune system. I'm sick now. If there is a plague I'd have a smaller chance of survival.


Zombies? I can drive fast, I know what double tap means, I always wear my seatbelts, and I already follow rule #32, it's the little things.

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I voted zombie, because I want to hide in a mall. :lol:


Seriously, I have a horrid immune system. I'm sick now. If there is a plague I'd have a smaller chance of survival.


Zombies? I can drive fast, I know what double tap means, I always wear my seatbelts, and I already follow rule #32, it's the little things.


Even though I can agree with all of that, and I know the rules? I still voted The Stand. I don't want to have to kill zombies who were my friends.

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Too funny! I just turned on the tv for a second and Andrew Lincoln (aka Rick of Walking Dead) was on Rachel Ray.


Along with talking about how hard it is for the zombies (make up at 3am for 5 hours, then filming in the Atlanta heat/humidity in all the makeup and latex) told the story of dropping his daughter off at school. As he dropped her off he heard her friend as "So what does your daddy do for a living?"


The daughter, who I think is around 5, responds: "He shoots zombies."


Now that one would be interesting for career day!

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Definitely zombies! I can see (and therefore shoot) the zombies coming. Little germs? You can't see those. Plus, zombies are so much cooler than germs.


Yes but in The Stand, the germs were already out there. Either you succumbed to the germ and already died, or you were immune. And while we don't know if the germ had died out or not, we are lead to think it did becuause the one girl had her baby and it lived.


So really you don't have to worry about the germs. The zombies however... think about it you've got a great survivor community, but then one night, one of your best people dies in their sleep of a heart attack. Suddenly they are in camp! Unless that plague germ has died off, you just never know who you are going to wake up next to!

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If anyone likes post-apocalyptic novels and hasn't already read Jeff Carlson's Plague War trilogy, I highly recommend it. Be forewarned that there is some rather graphic content, but they are really excellent. You can read my Amazon review of it here.


Did you read World War Z by Max Brooks? I really liked that one.

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I didn't vote, because it really depends on the day I'm having. On a "Why won't you people just leave me alone for 2 stupid seconds?" day, I'd vote The Stand. Lots of peace and quiet. I might even head to a library--taking my spare glasses of course. On an "Oh My G##, I am so cranky I have to hack something all to carp or blow it to bits," day, well Zombies, obviously. Today it is the Stand. :tongue_smilie:

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