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I am so very, very sick


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I am so sick. I have had an off and on fever since last thursday, have been so extremely tired and have been coughing, coughing, and coughing some more. Unfortunately most of the coughing isn't even productive. Bah.


My friend thinks I have the flu and should expect about 1 week of sickness plus 1 week of being tired and a lingering cough. Dh thinks I'll be better in a few days. I think I'm dying...


What else can I do to get better? So far I have:

- been getting tons of rest

- taking vit. c (sodium ascorbate)

- taking my regular vitamins (multi, vit d, vit b12)

- taking CLO

- drinking fresh smoothies (today it is kale, ginger, orange, and pineapple)

- I went to the chiro yesterday


Is there anything else I can do? Some type of magic remedy?


Last night I felt so awful I took a cough suppressant and and some ibuprofen so I could sleep decently. Obviously that wasn't in the cards for me - a little while later I had a horrible coughing fit which triggered my gag reflex resulting in me vomiting my medicine and my dinner. Want to hear what made it extra awful? Every time I heaved I peed my pants. Nice.

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I think elderberry extract is a miracle drug...Sambucal is a brand name, at Walgreens. And I totally sympathize about the peeing the pants thing...i've got morning sickness and pee myself everything I throw up. lovely.


I do think you should be seen though...it could be whooping cough or something that needs antibiotics.

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Dr visit is in order. I'm just now starting to recover from the same bug, after being sick for nearly 2 weeks with NO improvement. The Doc I saw yesterday said almost everyone is needing antibiotics to clear this one up.


If you want to go the herbal route, the only thing that really helped me was COLD BUSTER, which I got at Walgreens. It's got a bunch of stuff in it, but you could really feel it working.


And yes - those coughing fits are just Lovely aren't they :glare: I've done more laundry in the last 2 weeks than I even want to think about.

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one of my friends is just out of hospital after a six day stay with double pneumonia.... she sounded a lot like you describe the first week, but kept on going as much as she could, and didn't go to the doctor. with that fresh in my mind, i'd be headed in to see someone....




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Are your lungs clear? I'd probably want to see my doctor just to make sure. Hope you start feeling better soon.


I think so. I don't feel congested at all.


I also don't think it can be WC as DS2 had practically the same thing about two weeks ago. For him he seemed to recover faster. DS1 is also coughing with an off and on fever but he is in much better spirits than I and his fever is more off than on.

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It sounds like the flu. The nasty thing about the flu is that you can end the flu and begin complications (like pneumonia or nasty sinus infections). I had the flu with sinus infection and thought I was dying last year. Seriously, I worried that I wouldn't wake up when I went to bed. I was sick for nearly a month. It was horrible.


I went to the doctor twice and they gave me some strong meds to help with the nasty symptoms, congestion, coughing, and it had also triggered reflux which made me feel like I was gagging all the time. If you can, go to the doctor. I hope you feel better soon.

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I think elderberry extract is a miracle drug...Sambucal is a brand name, at Walgreens. And I totally sympathize about the peeing the pants thing...i've got morning sickness and pee myself everything I throw up. lovely.


I do think you should be seen though...it could be whooping cough or something that needs antibiotics.


I turns out I have this. I just took some. Thanks, perhaps it is my miracle solution ;)

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I am so sick. I have had an off and on fever since last thursday, have been so extremely tired and have been coughing, coughing, and coughing some more. Unfortunately most of the coughing isn't even productive. Bah.


My friend thinks I have the flu and should expect about 1 week of sickness plus 1 week of being tired and a lingering cough. Dh thinks I'll be better in a few days. I think I'm dying...


What else can I do to get better? So far I have:

- been getting tons of rest

- taking vit. c (sodium ascorbate)

- taking my regular vitamins (multi, vit d, vit b12)

- taking CLO

- drinking fresh smoothies (today it is kale, ginger, orange, and pineapple)

- I went to the chiro yesterday


Is there anything else I can do? Some type of magic remedy?


Last night I felt so awful I took a cough suppressant and and some ibuprofen so I could sleep decently. Obviously that wasn't in the cards for me - a little while later I had a horrible coughing fit which triggered my gag reflex resulting in me vomiting my medicine and my dinner. Want to hear what made it extra awful? Every time I heaved I peed my pants. Nice.


This sounds like pertussis to me. Call your doctor and see if he will call in an anti biotic and swab your nose for a culture.


Grown ups can get whooping cough.



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I am so sick. I have had an off and on fever since last thursday, have been so extremely tired and have been coughing, coughing, and coughing some more. Unfortunately most of the coughing isn't even productive. Bah.


My friend thinks I have the flu and should expect about 1 week of sickness plus 1 week of being tired and a lingering cough. Dh thinks I'll be better in a few days. I think I'm dying...


What else can I do to get better? So far I have:

- been getting tons of rest

- taking vit. c (sodium ascorbate)

- taking my regular vitamins (multi, vit d, vit b12)

- taking CLO

- drinking fresh smoothies (today it is kale, ginger, orange, and pineapple)

- I went to the chiro yesterday


Is there anything else I can do? Some type of magic remedy?


Last night I felt so awful I took a cough suppressant and and some ibuprofen so I could sleep decently. Obviously that wasn't in the cards for me - a little while later I had a horrible coughing fit which triggered my gag reflex resulting in me vomiting my medicine and my dinner. Want to hear what made it extra awful? Every time I heaved I peed my pants. Nice.



I am so sorry. :group hug: Go to the doctor, an MD.

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