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The Teacher's Lounge 2-24-2012

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 1 spelt Eng. muffin, jam, water

Lunch - salad with protein

Dinner - Hmmm. Don't know yet! (Ds14 and I made really good gyros last night.)



What are you doing today? This weekend?

Today is one of those routine days. I have Zumba tonight.:)

I'm not sure what we're doing this weekend. I will be researching a short vacation that we want to have in the San Juan Islands.



Do you have any pets?


Yes - one dark grey cat. And two very springy English Springer Spaniels.

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Mostly normal day in our house! Oatmeal for breakfast, sandwiches and leftovers for lunch, and tonight gets to be frozen pizza. Why? The Teen is in a play and will spend most of the early evening rehearsing before I go see the show for the second (and last!) time. Frozen pizza was easy and dh can make the other for him and the Groundhog while I'm gone.


Hmm...pets...we have no pets. After having to give away our dog before a move the rule became "no pets until there's a SOLD sign on the house." When we've put down roots, we'll add to the family. Until then we'll take advantage of our pet-free state and vacation a bit more often and carefree.

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TGIF, Everyone!



Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


B'fast: Sausage, Egg & Cheese on an English Muffin

Lunch: ?

Dinner: YOYO (You're on Your Own) DH & I have a "Date Night". :)


What are you doing today? This weekend?


Today: Addressing Wedding Invitations

Weekend: Finishing a horse "run-in" shelter; shopping for Mother-of-the-Bride dress

Do you have any pets?


yes - cat, dog, hamster, 2 horses and 20 chickens :)

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We are off this week because it's winter break for dh. We all slept in, and he made pancakes for breakfast. I'm not sure we'll be hungry for lunch. We might just snack in the afternoon. Dinner is going to be salad and baked potato bar.


What are you doing today? This weekend?


We're having thunderstorms right now and are just hanging out. Dd volunteers at the library this afternoon. Ds gets a hair cut. Dd has a lock-in tonight and the rest of us have a Bible study at a friend's home. Ds has his last Upward basketball game tomorrow. His team has lost EVERY game. They are the worst team in the league (there's only 4). He's still had a good time, though. Church is Sunday.


Do you have any pets?


:crying: Sadly, no. We don't have and can't afford a fenced-in yard, and I won't put a dog on a leash. I have cat/dog allergy issues, so I can't have one inside. We also leave quite a bit to see family because all are within decent driving distance. It's probably the one true regret I have for our children's childhood.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

yogurt with flax and berries.


homemade gf pizza


What are you doing today? This weekend?

science with friends today

going to try for the nature and science museum this weekend



Do you have any pets?

yep. We have a jack russell terrier, a big, fluffy white mutt, and a parakeet.

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Whatever we can scrounge because I was too lazy to make something/ Lunch out with friends/ Lasagna Casserole and salad.


What are you doing today? This weekend?

Today is errand day - we'll have an early lunch with some friends and then go grocery shopping. I'll probably save one of the stores for later and take DS1 after nap for some one-on-one "mommy and David" time. No plans for this weekend - DS2 has been teething and the week long runny nose has induced a cough so we'll probably stay home from church.


Do you have any pets?

Technically, yes. We have a "secret fish" - our betta Sebastien. My anxiety/depression was bad enough this week that I made my DH take the car every day so that I wouldn't have the ability to go out and buy a kitten or puppy. Our landlords would be displeased if that happened.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Breakfast was Special K bars and bananas for the kids. I had biscotti with my coffee. I feel like crap today, so lunch and dinner will be whatever people can figure out on their own.


What are you doing today? This weekend? Today I am doing laundry and taking it easy and being grumpy all at the same time. I will probably be working on home improvement stuff all weekend so we can get this house ready to sell. I am all done with that. I hate doing it. I just want to sell the house as-is at this point :p


Do you have any pets? And how. Six cats, two dogs, one gerbil, 10 chickens. And a partridge in a pear tree. (Not really, but in the past we've had fish, a lizard, and a turtle. The kids are begging for something new right now, but I'm saying no until we move. As it is, I'm not sure how one shows a house with this quantity of animals.)

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

The kids had waffles for breakfast. I treated myself to a bacon biscuit on the way to take dd4 to dance class. I'm not hungry right now, so I'm not sure what I'll eat for lunch--maybe just some veggies. The kids are having strawberries, yogurt, and sandwiches. For dinner, I'm going to make chicken cordon bleu, rice, green beans almondine, and salad.


What are you doing today? This weekend?

DD14 has a high school coop on Friday, so we had to take her there this morning (8:45). Then we had to drop one of the little girls I babysit at her mother's morning out program (9:30-1pm). Then we took dd4 to dance class. We got home around 11:30, with enough time to make and eat lunch before heading back out to pick up the little girl from MMO. We have to pick dd14 up at coop at 2pm, then drive her to her friend's house two towns over. In other words, we're spending the day :auto::auto::auto:. Thank goodness for "portable schoolwork" for my 10 and 8 year olds!


This weekend is pretty calm for us. At some point tomorrow morning, I'll have to go pick up dd14 from her friend's house (sleeping over). DH has to work 9-3pm tomorrow. DD8 and I have a Girl Scout cookie booth to man tomorrow (3-6pm). I also have to work tomorrow night (9pm-1am). Sunday will be spent between home and church. DS wants to go ice skating with his youth group in the afternoon, but we'll have to see about that!



Do you have any pets?

Yes, we have one dog (Rudy-a 2 year old beagle) and one leopard gecko (Einstein).

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Breakfast: scrambled eggs & toast


Plans: hoping to keep head facing the right way. Currently it's spun backwards, and keeps spinning.


This weekend: heading to DisneyWorld to run the Princess Half-Marathon. First half marathon ever. CAN'T BREATHE, TOO EXCITED!


Pets: couple of mice, ducks, chipmunks, and dogs this weekend only (remind me again why Goofy can talk but Pluto can't?)

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Jean, would you post how you made your gyros? Pretty please? :bigear:


Breakfast-pop tarts.




Dinner-Chicken and lentil soup


Plans for today-I have to clean the whole kitchen. Try and survive a massive sleep deprivation headache. Try to survive Digby and Chuck's illness.


Tomorrow-some friends are coming over and we're putting together freezer meals. Then we are going on a search for a bunk bed. I love baby girl dearly, but she needs to get out of our room. We tried sleeping in our room last night for the first time since she CIO. Yeah, it was awful.


Pets-DH has a small saltwater aquarium. There are two clownfish, Nemo and Marlin. He also has an even smaller aquarium with a mantis shrimp that he rescued from his old job. The shrimp's name is Seymour. He also got Pigby some Triops:ack2:. I'm hoping those die off soon. He also has two poison dart frogs that are unnamed. If they're side by side, you can tell the difference between the two, but just looking at one, I can't remember which it is, so they were never named. (I'm the one who insists on names for the "pets").

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TGIF, Everyone!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Breakfast was Chocolate Chip muffins for the kids and a part of a muffin and grapefruit for me. Lunch will be whatever we can scrounge and dinner is still up in the air. I couldn't find the fish that I liked at Costco so I don't know what we will have tonight.


What are you doing today? This weekend? Today - Having a long discussion with my 6 year old about listening and doing what he is told - repeatedly. Also we have park day with a local homeschool group. This weekend - not sure. DH's birthday is Saturday but he has to work all day.



Do you have any pets? Too many - 5 cats and 2 dogs.

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BLD: Breakfast was peanut butter toast and coffee from my Keurig :001_wub:

I am going out for lunch with my mom :001_smile: And the kids get to have their once-a-week frozen junk food meal - chicken nuggets and fries today.

Dinner is going to be just snacky food probably. I love Yoyo (You're on your own) that someone else mentioned. I think we'll start calling it that.


Plans for today: Friday is our day off. I don't work and we don't homeschool. I am doing some organizing for my business though. And I am working on a Rainbow Resource order.


This weekend: Saturday is cleaning day. Maybe I'll get my new steam mop out of the box and give it a try. I was hoping that the floors would be cleaner just by having it in the house, but it hasn't worked so far. Sunday is housechurch. Pretty mellow overall.


Pets: We adopted a mini schnauzer in November. We love him to pieces.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast for me was more rice cakes with fruit spread and cashews. Plus, today, I drank coffee . . . lots and lots of coffee.


Lunch thus far has been a bowl of air-popped popcorn, but I'm considering a bowl of salad in a few minutes.


I don't have inspiration for dinner yet, although I might run out and see if I can pick up some corn on the cob and do a BBQ-without-the-meat meal. Hubby and I were talking last night about that sounding good. The problem is that both kids have to be on the south end of town tonight for shows/rehearsals, and I don't know for sure whether my husband will get home early enough for the four of us to have dinner together. If he's not going to be here, I'd prefer to do something simpler that he can just plate and eat when he does arrive.


What are you doing today? This weekend?


My son took the National Mythology Exam this morning. I couldn't help myself and looked over his answers before I stuck the form in the envelope. I think he did well, but we'll see when the official results arrive in May.


Other than that, it's just the usual. I put a load of laundry in the dryer, emptied the dishwasher, fed the kids breakfast, did some more dishes, argued with my son about doing schoolwork, etc. Tonight, I'll be running them around for theatre stuff. But at least their events are close to each other for once.


I have to call and see if I can get my son an appointment to audition for another show Monday evening. I hate phones, though, and am putting that off as long as I can.


This weekend, my son has shows both Saturday and Sunday evenings, as well as a rehearsal for the other show on Sunday afternoon. But we're hoping to free up enough time during the day on Saturday to scoot down to Tampa for the Rennaisance Faire.


Do you have any pets?


We have three, two black cats and a mixed-breed dog. I had two cats when we got married, and when they were gone, we had agreed not to have more pets for a while. By that time, we had two little kids, and it seemed like enough. But I didn't make it longer than a few months before I was researching dog breeds. My husband (not a dog lover) tried to head me off at the pass by gifting me with a pair of guinea pigs that Mother's Day. We loved the piggies and enjoyed them very much, but they weren't especially interesting pets.


So, the next time I started making "I want a dog" noises, my husband suprised me with a kitten. Unfortunately, the cat hated me. No matter what we did, he strongly preferred my husband and son and wouldn't have anything to do with me unless forced. He's actually a little nuts and has scratched and bitten all of us more than once. He was just especially awful with me. A year or so later, we adopted a second kitten, who was supposed to like my daughter and me best. Needless to say, the minute we got her home, she transferred her affections to my husband.


By that time, because I wanted a dog, we had four pets in the house, not one of which was a dog. The next time I started talking about a dog, my husband agreed.


In the meantime, both piggies have passed along to piggie heaven.


I absolutely adore my dog, as does my daughter (who never knew she was a dog person). Even my husband likes her, although he does his best to hide that fact.


Every now and then, I remind him that all I really wanted was a dog.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Breakfast- berry smoothie and coffee

Lunch- whatever

Dinner- dunno


What we are doing this weekend? Hmm. The list is long, but short, which is probably confusing. We have been sick almost the entire month of February. The first week it was the kids, so only able to do about a half days worth of school work, stuck to the basics. Week 2, my turn to be sick, again half days of the basics. Week 3, we finally get some traction, we get a full week of school in, but out of town for ds11 basketball tournament so no cleaning is done, much like the last few weeks. This week, we are all sick again, I think our only academic accomplishment this week was spelling. Not awesome. All that to say, I will be trying to clean as much as possible in between doing nothing at all because I am still sick. Grrrr. At least the sun is shining today, and that makes me happy. I will also be busy trying not slip into a depression over how little we have accomplished and what fun things we have missed.


Pets- 2 sweet cats, a German Shephard, and 12 chickens. dd13 has a beta that is always on the brink of death because she can't be bothered to clean the bowl.

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TGIF, Everyone!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?



What are you doing today? This weekend?



Do you have any pets?


Breakfast - protein shake, greens smoothie


Lunch - probably a salad with nuts and some cottage cheese


Dinner - Steak and veggies


Today I'm practicing music with the kids, getting some school work done, cleaning the house and getting ready for our companyl.


This weekend we're attending a seminar on the book of Revelation at our church, going to the Youth Symphony and walking 5km in a fundraiser for the homeless shelter. And a very old friend of dh's is spending the weekend with us.


We have three pets - one small dog and two spotted cats.

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Hi Jean and happy Friday to you too!


My standard oatmeal w/raisins and Craisins. I did bake some "fruity-fruity" muffins this morning and 2 of the children ate a few (I don't know what ds14 ate b/c he doesn't care for these muffins). I had one w/coffee as a midmorning snack.


Had some leftover Rachael Ray's Goulash over rice pasta


"White Knight" Burgers (turkey burgers w/muenster cheese on English muffins) and oven-fries



What are you doing today? This weekend?
Party planning and shopping for Ds10 (who will officially turn 10yo in early March)



Do you have any pets?
After the passing of our gecko lizard we've been happily pet-free for about 2 yrs.
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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

For breakfast the kids had the last of the cereal, I had some chips and salsa. Lunch will be sandwiches and dinner will be leftover potato soup

What are you doing today? This weekend?

The kids have a sports class in a little while and we have a visiting friend here for the day. This weekend we're selling Girl Scout cookies and hanging out here at home. My dh is working on a desk for the school room, so he'll be staining it this weekend.

Do you have any pets?

We have two turtles, a cat and a bunch of fish. The kids have named them all and know which one is which. How? I don't know.

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Karen - could you post the recipe for your gf pizza crust? I've just gone off of wheat and could use that.


Jean, I cheat. I buy gf crusts - after many tries at making them. There is a local gf bakery in CO, and I order these tucked into my weekly veggie delivery.


I have Cooking for Isaiah which has a pizza crust recipe, but the upfront cost of making her baking mix has prevented me from trying it.

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Breakfast? Peanut butter toast & coffee for me and tea for kiddos

Lunch? Mac & Cheese with last piece of leftover steak cut up in it

Dinner? You mean I have to fix something else? :001_huh:



What are you doing today? School, laundry and need to do some major house cleaning


This weekend? basketball game and more house cleaning :ack2: :thumbdown:



Do you have any pets? nope

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Jean, I cheat. I buy gf crusts - after many tries at making them. There is a local gf bakery in CO, and I order these tucked into my weekly veggie delivery.


I have Cooking for Isaiah which has a pizza crust recipe, but the upfront cost of making her baking mix has prevented me from trying it.


You know, I think I saw some gf crusts at our natural foods co-op. I had forgotten them until you mentioned this. Cheating is good.;)

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Jean, would you post how you made your gyros? Pretty please? :bigear:






We used garlic naan bread (or you could use pitas). I had lettuce, cut tomatoes and onion on the table and some tzatziki sauce to put on top.


Tzatziki Sauce:


16 ounces plain yogurt


1 medium cucumber, peeled, seeded, and finely chopped


Pinch kosher salt


4 cloves garlic, finely minced


1 tablespoon olive oil


2 teaspoons red wine vinegar


5 to 6 mint leaves, finely minced


Place the yogurt in a tea towel, gather up the edges, suspend over a bowl, and drain for 2 hours in the refrigerator.


Place the chopped cucumber in a tea towel and squeeze to remove the liquid; discard liquid. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the drained yogurt, cucumber, salt, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, and mint. Serve as a sauce for gyros. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to a week.


Yield: 1 1/2 cups

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TGIF, Everyone!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Breakfast was bacon,egg and cheese sandwiches.

Lunch was McDonald's.

Dinner: California Tortilla... I really didn't feel like cooking today. ;)



What are you doing today? This weekend?

We are doing school today. I also cleaned the house really good.

This weekend...hitting the commissary and post exchange. I need to stock the house and get ready for the grand babies to come home on Monday.


Do you have any pets?


We have Ella Bella the amazing border collie. :D

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TGIF, Everyone!


Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? We had pancakes and eggs for breakfast, just doing pb&j for lunch and then it is shepherd's pie for dinner



What are you doing today? This weekend? I have 2 extra daycare kids today, so 8 total. We just finished finger painting, yeah big mess. THis weekend I am dyeing rice, and doing housework



Do you have any pets? Not anymore. We had birds and hamsters but the cat ate them, and then I had to rehome the cat because we could no longer afford to care for her properly. One day we will get more pets but for now it is not the right time to have them

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast: Apricot-almond scones, eggs with potatoes, applesauce

Lunch: It's Friday, so the boys will make their own. I'll have leftover tortilla pie from last night.

Dinner: Pizza at a friend's


What are you doing today? This weekend?


Art project this afternoon, dinner with friends tonight. Saturday, ds7's birthday party, a few weeks late. Sunday, driving to Portland with friends to meet another friend for the day.


Do you have any pets?


Dog, two cats, four birds, four chickens.



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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast: TJ's artisan whole wheat toast with peanut butter

Lunch: Salad with lots of yummy things and a homemade vinaigrette

Dinner: Just DH and me tonight: Chipotle maybe?


What are you doing today? This weekend?


Taught my Spanish classes for our co-op, getting ready to take DD to voice lesson. Kids have a party to attend tonight; we had plans to have friends over for dinner, but they had to cancel.


A normal weekend: errands, etc. tomorrow and Family Night on Sunday


Do you have any pets? Two cats (whatever) and a smart and spunky dog (b/w retriever/spaniel mix). Can you tell I'm the lone dog person in this family?

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Too funny! I opened a lounge, too, today, because I didn't see yours, Jean! Here is what I opened with:


Yep, it's the "lounge" today because I'm too tired to hike up the mountain and open the Lodge. :D


What did you plan on doing today that isn't going to get done?


Here: I wanted to go to my friend's crop (scrapbooking event) for at least a couple of hours but that's not going to happen. And I have so much to work on, too! :glare:


What did you do that you didn't plan on doing today?


Here: I took not only my kids, but a friend's daughter, to Biology today with the understanding that my friend would take the kids to MoezArt (drama class). Well, because Biology was the only co-op class meeting today, it lasted longer than anticipated. So I wound up buying lunch (Little Caesar's pizza) and taking the kids to MoezArt. Then I had to come home and let the dog out of her crate and thus, the reason I didn't make it to the crop. Because I have to pick up my kids, too, at two different times! :tongue_smilie:


What are your plans for the weekend?


Here: my son has his last baseball game of the season tomorrow morning at 8am! Then, I believe my daughter's writing group is meeting tomorrow afternoon.


A friend and I might get together to scrapbook tomorrow night but she said it all depends on the state of her kitchen. They're putting in a new stove/oven today. :D


Talk to me! :bigear::lurk5:

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And I didn't see yours! Good to see you, though, Scrap.


Let's see. I never seem to get everything done on my to-do list. Today is rainy and it seems to have just made me sleepy!


I suppose the only thing I hadn't planned on doing was calling my sister. I did that on the spur of the moment. We had a nice chat while I folded laundry.


I wish I had a new stove/oven. A couple of months ago, the broiler part went out. Now I think that the oven part is broken. It is seriously burning or undercooking everything. My goal for tomorrow is to clean the darn thing and then use an oven thermometer to see if we can eke some more life out of it.

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