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Of COURSE you're exhausted!

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Today, I was thinking about what it takes to be a homeschool parent (usually mom). What I think most of us DON'T think about (nor do the non-homeschooling people we know/meet) is that WE have at least two full time jobs that overlap. Unlike a public/private school teacher who, while at work, is able to focus primarily on her teaching job while teaching, then any jobs at home while at home we have them both mixed together or, at least, layered on top of one another, and therefore tend to think about them both at the same time all the time.


What this means is that we, the homeschool moms, are continuously thinking about all the jobs that need to be done in both home and school, while we are teaching, assisting, coralling, disciplining, discipling, managing, etc. When you combine the physical effort with what we do along with the emotional and spiritual effort it takes, I think I can honestly claim that NO ONE has a more difficult/arduous job than we do!


So, Mom, I write all this to tell you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! And if you're exhausted most to all of the time, THIS is the reason! AND that it is OKAY to take a break now and then, even for a week or two. DO NOT stress because you are sick and there's no one around to take care of you. DO NOT stress when everything goes wrong in the house when you're trying to get schooling done. I think we stress because we THINK we're not doing a "perfect" job and we just might mess up our kids.


The REALITY of what WE do and accomplish probably scares the pants off of most people and, subconsciously, that's why they question your ability to homeschool. They are really questioning their own ability. AND they probably have enough difficulty with their own ONE full time job and wonder why any sane person would choose to homeschool.


Well, we all know we're not completely sane or we wouldn't be doing this! :lol:




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Wiped-out here, too. The puppy (10 months old, whom we adopted 3 days ago) is not house-trained and is also evidently related to Houdini (twice has gotten out of a room with a securely closed door. Need to find a crate (even though we recently sold ours). And my ds has been a pistol lately, whining about schoolwork and not being obedient.

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A couple of months ago, dh took all the kids for the day, while I spent the day doing heavy cleaning around the house--you know the kind of deep cleaning that usually leaves me ready to crawl into bed with exhaustion before dinner time. Well, by the time the dh and the kids got home in the evening, I was kinda tired, but I had sooo much more energy than I do after a normal school day.


It made me realize that I must be doing a lot even on those days when I feel like I'm accomplishing nothing.

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Add to this the stress of being a one income of family for most of us.


I had school and scout stuff going on this week too. Which meant I was on the phone more than I would like handling scout deadlines during schooltime. I still managed to do a full day of school and cook 2 healthy homemade meals from scratch and fold and almost put away 2 loads of laundry today and run the dishwasher and do the pots.


All in a day's work, right? But we have a car that stopped running yesterday, so dh had to take mine. I need mine to run all of the errands we need to do, and really want to call AAA to get it to the mechanic to get it repaired. But dh wants to wait until his day off on Sat. so that he can look at it himself first and possibly repair it himself. But that means no co-op for me this week. So now I get to spend tomorrow calling people to fill in during school. It means I may or may not be able to get to church on Sun. where I have responsibilities and to a bday party out of town that night and spend that night with my mother like I said I would. If we had a 2nd income I wouldn't think twice about using a mechanic on a week like this.

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My nanny always said you can have educated children or a clean house but not both. lol I think that is why she was always so relaxed. She focused on what she decided her primary job was and then if there was time did the house. While I spend all day trying to make everything perfect.


Thank you for the reminder! :)

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You guys should be proud of all you do without having to make guessing games about other women's lives. Let's just say that this was not a good thread for me to read tonight. Right now, I feel like I have several jobs that I can't do justice to because of the time I have to be away from home:sad:

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I work 20-30 hrs per week outside of the house. When noon hits and I go home, I've worked 5-7 hrs already. People outside of the house make demands of my time, demands that are absolutely impossible for me to meet even if I wanted to. They have no CLUE the 17 hour solid days I'm putting in. Full time working moms with kids in daycare/school and a cleaning service have given me lip about how much more work they do than me. Whatevah!

Edited by Lisbeth
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Amen. (I spent the last 24 hours in bed with salmonella. the house is a wreck, but Dh kept them alive. :-) )


There are days where alive is enough, entertained/occupied is good, clean (kids not house) is better and everything else is just a huge bonus. Stomach bugs definitely fall under that category.


(Hope you're on your feet and better soon!)



And sometimes it is hard to explain that you have two jobs (at least) in the same office and live 24/7 with all your co-workers. And your family lives there too. And they are all the same people. And there is no leaving the office at the end of the day. It is a tough transition but can be done. Hang in there folks!

Edited by JumpedIntoTheDeepEndFirst
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Add in a third overlapping job if you work from home on salary :)




OP I love the post. It is so true. I love how those that do not homeschool think we have so much free time on our hands. I look at my sutuation as basically having 4 fulltime overlapping jobs, (teach school, the home, my actual paid job as a home daycare, and all the kids therapies etc for their special needs). How in the heck do they figure I have loads of freetime?


The funny thing is I run the beavers group and after my beavers leave I help with the cubs/scouts for 30 minutes until they are done. I also handle the letter writing/grant requests etc. We were requesting help from the parents of the boys with 1 activity coming up. Most of them said no, they are too busy and pointed out they work all day and so in the evening they have to tend the house and could not possibly help out for that 1 hour. 1 of them even made a comment that the only reason I can volunteer the way I do is because I was *only* a stay at home mom.



Suuuure that explains it :glare:

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Yes, and to make matters ever harder, we have several bodies home all day to make the housework that much more!!


:iagree:Amen to this! I visit friends' homes whose kids go to school and I have to tell myself, well of course their house is clean... no one is home to mess it up!

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