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If you give someone advice, and they ...

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I rarely give rep to those with multiple squares. Not because I don't find their posts helpful, informative, or funny. But I prefer to build up the rep of those still sporting a single square. :001_smile:


Spread the love around. :D


Same here. I was going to rep you, too, but saw that you have 2 squares:). Glad I'm not the only one. Although, once in a while I feel I really have to give rep to a stellar post, particularly if they said what I would have said if I'd gotten there first, but much better than I would have, even if they have 2-4 squares.


I've even repped a couple of people I disagree with most of the time if they've stated something well, or I actually agree with them (can't assume that will never happen.)

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I try to rep that have helped me. I do either run out of reps or I repped a person too much that I can't rep her anymore even though she has helped me alot or alot of her postings on several threads helped me.


If I give advice I do not expect anything back.



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I have been doing my best to undermine the current popularity contest that the rep system has become. It didn't work in junior high, and it isn't working now.


See, I just don't see it that way. I've just always seen it as a way to let a person know if we thought their post was great, helpful, etc. I think it's fun.

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Same here. I was going to rep you, too, but saw that you have 2 squares:).


Now this seems odd to me. It's sort of like liberal politics. Those with two or more squares already have enough and shouldn't get more, while those with only one are the needy ones.


But, now that I have 3 squares, everytime I rep someone, it counts for 3 points.

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Now this seems odd to me. It's sort of like liberal politics. Those with two or more squares already have enough and shouldn't get more, while those with only one are the needy ones.


But, now that I have 3 squares, everytime I rep someone, it counts for 3 points.


:iagree: I do not even look at how many squares they have. I rep if I find their post helpful. It is because they deserve it (regardless if she has 3 squares or 1 square). I rep those that helped me regardless of their popularity, unpopularity or the number of squares they have.



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I do feel a bit slighted though, if someone has asked for advice, I chime in with a thought-out post, and then don't get acknowledged either personally or with a blanket "thanks everyone for your input." I try to respond to responders to my requests for advice with either a blanket "thank you" or a personal reply. I think it's just courteous. But I'm the kind of person who writes thank you notes for birthday presents and such.


I admit I am one who is very bad about that. I do try to acknowledge people who have given valuable advice, but sometimes a thread takes off and gets ahead of me. Or I get busy and don't get back to the computer for a week or more.


But I do wish I were more like you. I am VERY bad about sending things like Thank You notes, yet I know how much it means to recieve them. This does not at all mean I am ungrateful. Some things I just can't seem to get together...

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I have been doing my best to undermine the current popularity contest that the rep system has become. It didn't work in junior high, and it isn't working now.




This has been said several times by several people, but I just want to say that if I ever leave this board, it will be because I get to the point where it is apparent that a good many people I so respect here (like you, Laura) truly think I've joined some sort of popularity contest and for some reason think I'm trying to be "popular" or "better" or "junior high queen bee" in my thinking or actions. The sideways references to this just make me feel helpless. I can't opt out of this. I could stop giving good rep, but what purpose would that serve except to make me look mean and stingy?


I am very VERY uncomfortable being looked at this way. And if there was some way I could delete myself back to a one square newbie level poster, I would do it in a heartbeat.


No way do I want to stop posting here. But if there becomes a serious undercurrent of, "Gah, who do they think they are, so superior and mighty with their stupid squares," then it will cease to be anything like a safe place to hang out.

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Same here. I was going to rep you, too, but saw that you have 2 squares:).


Not me. I am an equal opportunity repper. I like to spread the love to the wise homeschooling veterans of this board as well as the newbies who bring fresh, helpful insight. I don't discriminate on the basis of "squares" ;)

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This has been said several times by several people, but I just want to say that if I ever leave this board, it will be because I get to the point where it is apparent that a good many people I so respect here (like you, Laura) truly think I've joined some sort of popularity contest and for some reason think I'm trying to be "popular" or "better" or "junior high queen bee" in my thinking or actions. The sideways references to this just make me feel helpless. I can't opt out of this. I could stop giving good rep, but what purpose would that serve except to make me look mean and stingy?



I think every one of us who has known you for a short time realises that you speak only the truth as you see it. You post with heart, and really could care less about impressing other people. In fact an attitude of "performing for popluarity" would go against the entire "SFSOM" philosophy ;)

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The whole rep sytem.....and feeling 'slighted' when you don't receive any for giving someone advice, LOL!


Well the system itself is neutral. The way people treat it is what defines it.


I think the OP was just looking for perspective on how the system should be used. Do you think it is "immature" to seek this kind of advice? Which responses do you think demonstrated a lack of wisdom, or popularity competitiveness?


I just see the statement made often and I wonder what evidence you all have that this board has a "high school" mindset.

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I never said the 'board' had a highschool mindset.....I think the rep system does, LOL. Look how many conversations we have had over it. It certainly seems like a popularity contest to me. It doesn't bother me though....I couldn't care less about the whole thing. I was just posting my opinion.

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This has been said several times by several people, but I just want to say that if I ever leave this board, it will be because I get to the point where it is apparent that a good many people I so respect here (like you, Laura) truly think I've joined some sort of popularity contest and for some reason think I'm trying to be "popular" or "better" or "junior high queen bee" in my thinking or actions. The sideways references to this just make me feel helpless.




No way do I want to stop posting here. But if there becomes a serious undercurrent of, "Gah, who do they think they are, so superior and mighty with their stupid squares," then it will cease to be anything like a safe place to hang out.


:iagree: That stung. And Laura is one of the posters on my most respected list.


I don't ask for rep. I don't post about how close I am to this or to that. I never share my negative rep on the boards. (Once I put a negative rep comment on my blog because the comment was so funny and if I did not put it somewhere I was going to burst) I don't try to be popular and I don't get upset about negative rep. I have some staring at me right now everytime I check my CP. (I deserved it by the way, though I will be glad when it slides off the page!)


I don't know why I am where I am in the lineup. If I could order things the way I want, people like Jean in Wisc or Jane in NC would be at the top for their years of gentle wisdom and true support to this virtual community. If I beg for rep it is always on behalf of someone else.


Please don't think that our standing in the prom queen lineup is because of some manipulation on our part. Really.

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don't give you rep, do you feel slighted? I try to give rep when people respond to my thread or when I really appreciate what someone wrote, but the other day I was asking a lot of questions because I was getting started with SOTW, and I ran out of rep! Then I felt like a jerk. But come on, is rep really that important? Can't we all just help each other out? How do you see this?


I try to give rep when someone expresses something succinctly, or provides truly helpful insight/advice - whether it's meant for me or not, whether I agree with that person or not.


But I'm always somewhat pleasantly surprised when someone gives me rep. :)

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I don't know why I am where I am in the lineup. If I could order things the way I want, people like Jean in Wisc or Jane in NC would be at the top for their years of gentle wisdom and true support to this virtual community. If I beg for rep it is always on behalf of someone else.




Maybe that is partly why many see it as a popularity thing? (And I'm just thinking out loud here... not sure exactly where I stand anymore.) I have found that a lot of my rep comes when I am just being silly and having fun. And when I notice myself move ahead of other wiser, more helpful posters on the rep lineup, it doesn't seem all that fair.


But in reality, the fun and jesting are just as much what makes this place what it is as the helpful thought-provoking posts. And it is great camaraderie when you find other people with the same sense of humor or outlook as you.


I've come to accept that the rep system is what it is. I can choose to participate in it or I can quietly make my stand by not participating. I do think there is some level of "popularity" to it, but that's only because the more squares you have means there are lots and lost of people who like your posts. And I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of.

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But in reality, the fun and jesting are just as much what makes this place what it is as the helpful thought-provoking posts. And it is great camaraderie when you find other people with the same sense of humor or outlook as you.



Absolutely! I come here to unwind, and I often rep people just for making me laugh. :001_smile:

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I will always continue to view each post on its own merits, and agree or disagree based on content, not frequency of posts or number of squares.


It is the system (let me say, the apparent abuse of the system) that I object to, not individuals at all.


Since reputation seems to be here to stay, I'm going to use it as I personally see best: with stealth, sprinkling rep when and for whom it is least expected, and never to a post in any thread where the word "rep" is used. I will say no more. ghost.gif

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I do try to post a thank you when folks answer my questions, though. I don't yet have a good mental map of how the new format actually works, and I'm sure that I'm using only a fraction of what's available. There are lots of good features, but the truth is that I'm old enough to notice an increasing resistance to change; not good!


I do love having access to the virtual teacher's lounge, so if I've slighted anyone with regard to repping, it was unintentional, and I'll try to pay more attention from now on. Thanks for the reminder!

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I don't even know how to do it, or the purpose of it?


Same here. I could look into it, of course, but it seems like just another thing to eat up time. I'll try to help people when I have something to contribute and I hope they do the same. That is all. Sandy

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I will always continue to view each post on its own merits, and agree or disagree based on content, not frequency of posts or number of squares.


It is the system (let me say, the apparent abuse of the system) that I object to, not individuals at all.


Since reputation seems to be here to stay, I'm going to use it as I personally see best: with stealth, sprinkling rep when and for whom it is least expected, and never to a post in any thread where the word "rep" is used. I will say no more. ghost.gif


I agree with you on that!!

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In short, no. It really doesn't bother me whether I get positive rep, negative rep or no rep at all. It seems there are all these threads about rep, getting it, giving it, getting upset about it, etc. Just doesn't seem worth worrying about to me. :confused:




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I try to give rep when someone expresses something succinctly, or provides truly helpful insight/advice - whether it's meant for me or not, whether I agree with that person or not.


But I'm always somewhat pleasantly surprised when someone gives me rep. :)



Agreed on all counts. And since you expressed that so succinctly, and even moreso because I share your sentiment, I'm gonna surprise you with some rep right now.:D

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Now this seems odd to me. It's sort of like liberal politics. Those with two or more squares already have enough and shouldn't get more, while those with only one are the needy ones.


But, now that I have 3 squares, everytime I rep someone, it counts for 3 points.


Perhaps, although I'm not usually liberal in my politics. I think it stems from the fact that in some schools I didn't have many friends or something;). I do rep people with multiple squares, but not as often. Of course, there are far more people with single squares than multiple, and so many times I'm getting great advice from people with one square who don't fequent the general board, etc. And often I answer great posts in the thread and don't think I need to answer and rep together, particularly if I'm acknowledging them in the reply.


Some people on this board are very, very funny or very, very good writers, and I think it's great to see them with many boxes, but I also see some valuable posts that are simply put. And, I just tried to rep someone with 3 squares for a great and helpful post and found out it's too soon since the last time I repped her.

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Click on User Control Panel (upper left corner of this screen) and if you have rep, the last five will show in a box. You can give rep any time you think a post deserves it. I don't think there is any "supposed to" about it. It's all up to you!

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I read the sticky about rep but did not really understand it. Does this mean I am supposed to give rep when someone gives me nice advice or something like that? How can I tell if I have rep?



You don't have to give rep; not everyone does. To find out if you have rep, click on the User Control Panel link near the top of the page, under the banner, on the left in the blue bar. It will show you which subscribed threads (if any) you have that have new posts and underneath that it will show you your most current rep comments. It took me quite a while to learn that.

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You don't have to give rep; not everyone does. To find out if you have rep, click on the User Control Panel link near the top of the page, under the banner, on the left in the blue bar. It will show you which subscribed threads (if any) you have that have new posts and underneath that it will show you your most current rep comments. It took me quite a while to learn that.


Jinx! You owe me a coke! :D

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Guest Virginia Dawn



I do not see anything wrong with giving rep to whomever you wish, no matter how much rep anyone has. I don't see those with a lot of rep as being "superior" or "high and mighty" at all. In fact just the opposite, I believe they've earned their reputation because they are helpful, funny, and interesting.


I just know that for some people it is harder to build a reputation than for others, even in real life. Not because they don't deserve it, but because they are quieter or less noticeable. When I give out rep, I really mean it, but I prefer to spend it on those who I think could use a boost. That's just the way I am. When I am in a group, I prefer to go talk to the person that noone else is talking to, because I know how I feel when someone does the same for me.


It has nothing to do with "politicking." It's not fun to feel alone in a crowd. This may be virtual but at times at times it can be hard to remember that.

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