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Monday's suck...I want a do-over

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Seriously my children are never ever ever allowed to sleep away from home again. The big kids had their third weekend of over night visits with their dad. Coming back from the first 2 were bad, last week the day they came home oldest ds threw a butter knife at ds8 in anger. 5 days later the bigs went there again. Again he refused to follow the restricted foods plan, etc They came home last night. It has been WW3 all day. Actaully it started last night was ds13 started yelling at everyone in his sleep. He then had nightmares all night. This kept the whole house awake.


THis morning I slept in. I woke up to the doorbell signally my first daycare kid was here. The day has not improved. All 4 of mine have been screaming and fighting. My newest daycare boy is very destructive when you do not have your attention on him 100% of the time (as I I do not pee etc when he is here). He colored my sofa, broke 2 toys and scratched up the antique hope chest while I was dealing with meltdowns and fighting among the rest. Since starting my daycare last month, the kids have had their squabbles but it has never been like this. It is not fair or right for the littles to be around it. Heck it is not fair or right for me to be around it.


DS8 is not doing much better. He was at gramma's for the weekend. Gramma did not stick to his dairy free diet so he is nuts and his belly hurts. It is now after 2 pm I have been dealing with his refusal to get dressed for hours now and literally had to hold him down and put his clothes on.


Currently my 4 are in separate rooms, littlest daycare child is asleep and daycare boy is with oldest dd with the warning to her to watch him for me so he doesn't destroy the place so that I can give myself a time out before I lose it on someone.


Seriously the bigs having a relationship with their dad, or me having a chance to paint a bedroom in relative peace is not worth the chaos when they return.


Oh and If I hear 1 more dag gone time "dad says xyz" critizing my parenting choices I will have to kill him. Bugger was absent from there lives for 10 years. After 6 months of sort of regular daytime visits and 3 over night sets and our home is in even more turmoil/chaos than it ever was. You would think I have never ever done a single bit of work or therapy with my oldest. He is back to square 1.


I hate Mondays


Oh and I got a chq in the mail today but can't go to the bank because I do not have car seats for my daycare kids. I need this money in the bank as I need groceries. Once I feed the kids dinner tonight we are pretty much out of food.


I want a do over. In fact I want to ban all Mondays and eliminate them from the calendar. They should not be permitted to exist. They are never all that good.

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:grouphug: I can relate. My stepdad was home this weekend. "Papaw" is DS8's favorite person, so naturally they spent the weekend together. I have been keeping DS8 on a fairly easy follow diet. Basically, no fast food, no sugar, no cheese, and a minimum of milk. Easy, right? Not for Papaw :glare: See, DS8 WANTED to go eat at Krystal's, and then my stepdad bought him M&M's at DD's basketball game because he WANTED them. Oh, and don't even ASK how much chocolate milk he fixed for the kid. Sigh. I love my stepdad and he is so good to my kids........ but today was a nightmare with DS8. His nose is stuffy, he was foggy and slow to respond for a couple of hours after waking up, he couldn't read the simple three letter words he was breezing through last week, and we had an absolute throw down over reading his book this afternoon (how many times do I have to say "If you would just stop crying and acting silly we would be done by now!"??) In fact, I just had to send him to the bedroom because he had jumped on DDs back and was making goofy animal noises. ARGH! So, we are back to square one, too. If you draw up a petition to ban Mondays, I will happily sign my name! :tongue_smilie:


Oh, I've never done daycare but I would probably be speaking to that child's parents. I know you take responsibility for "some" damage a young child might cause during babysitting, but I think the parents should pay to have the hope chest restored. Coloring on the couch is one thing (and possibly age related? I know lots of little kids color on stuff, thankfully mine never did) but he had to be really working at it to scar your chest.

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:lol: I just re-read her post 3 times trying to find the death blow. Was on my way out of the thread before I realized it was in the title!


:lol:I am sitting here doing IEW with the twins - :banghead::banghead::banghead: - so everything is jumping out at me.



.....and, the twins have been so impossible today that I am thrilled to drive dd12 an hour each way to improv workshop so that I can go sit and barnes and noble and complete their IEW work without them.


And, yesterday wasn't much better - in fact, I had a total meltdown -- read my blog today!

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Well that is just craptastic. Not only do Mondays suck but now I am a kitten killer too. Geeze this day just gets better and better.



:001_smile: Though I did get a bit of a grin from that one ;)


Oh, Brandi -- I know it sucks! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am waiting for it to be 70 minutes from now and dd12 and I high tail it out of here and dh gets to stay with Hekyll and Jekkyl.


Read my blog (link in siggy line) -- my day yesterday rotted! I took ALOT of xanax.:glare:

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