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Not sure I want to do this anymore

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We have staryed school at 8pm a few times :) I suffered my February blues in January....partially exhaustion from my schedule and partially morning sickness and a little mid year burn out. Do school at what ever time works. Who says you have to start before lunch? I am now feeling more ready for school. We still don't start before 10 am.

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I don't know about you, but I personally find things are much better if I get up, get ready for the day and dive in early with my kids. If I let things slide until 10 or 11 or later, I find it much more difficult to motivate myself into getting started at all.


And I so agree with the February thing. We've had a ton of springlike weather here, which I think has helped immensely this year, but last year's February. . . ugh. I just wanted to climb into a deep abyss where my kids couldn't bug me and hibernate :D

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I see that you are pregnant (and you are schooling many). Could that have something to do with it.....maybe more exhausted, hormones unbalanced?


I'm a gal that has hormone fluctuations that can suck all my energy and joy:tongue_smilie: Praying that you get your groove back!

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I see that you are pregnant (and you are schooling many). Could that have something to do with it.....maybe more exhausted, hormones unbalanced?


I'm a gal that has hormone fluctuations that can suck all my energy and joy:tongue_smilie: Praying that you get your groove back!


Perhaps give yourself a guilt-free week off to regroup and organize your day into something a little easier? I hope things look up for you soon. :)

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I posted last week about this same thing. Mine is just school. I actually want to do anything but school.....cook, crochet, mainly curl up on the couch and watch movies. It started after Christmas and hasn't gone away. I think this is why I usually revamp our whole school every January, but that has caused its own problems and I really need to stick with what is working. Researching and changing currculum really helps me with motivation, but it isn't best for the kids.


It will pass. I know that from experience. Maybe I need to clean and reorganized my school room and that would help.

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I've felt this way most of the school year, but it's gotten worse since Christmas. I guess I'm like this about everything lately.




I'm so sorry. I think you need a friend to come over, give you a huge real-life hug and bring dinner.


Do you have a homeschool support group? Is there someone you can call, and have a good cry with? Someone who will take steps to help you out a little?


Whatever the case...remember that you are not alone. I think 99.99999% of homeschoolers wolrd-wide have felt like they don't want to do it anymore. It will get better.

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It's winter time, S.A.D., is really prevalent right now. I had it the worst when I was pregnant. Oh my, how bad it was!!

You've been schooling for awhile and you might just be burnt out. Maybe try some fun stuff for a few weeks. (Games, videos, books..)


I suggest trying to do something every day. Just have the kids work on a math sheet or watch a science video. Also, maybe try reorganizing your school stuff. This always makes me feel better and want to jump back in.

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It's so hard to homeschool while pregnant! I would definitely not feel guilty about taking things easy for the next few weeks (or months...or years!). Whenever I start feeling burnt out I relax my standards drastically. The funny thing is, the kids seem to learn just as much, if not more, when we are more relaxed. I usually still did the basic stuff (reading, writing, math), but cut out spelling, grammar, languages of any kind and anything else I could). Videos/library books can be plenty for science for awhile, just let them choose what to read and ask them to tell you a little about it later. Same goes for history, or you could just read ONE history book aloud to everyone and call it a week. We are in a pretty relaxed period now, and I don't intend on leaving it anytime soon!


The kids will be fine, you will probably feel better. Spring is just around the corner :001_smile:

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It sounds like this feeling is about everything right now, not just school. Have you considered depression as a possibility? Depression will suck the life right out of you & changing how you do or think about school may only provide a temporary patch on the actual issue. Maybe talking with your doctor is worth a try?


Whatever the problem/solution ends up being, I hope you feel better soon.

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