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I have never watched Monty Python...there, I said it!

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Highly irreverent, hysterically funny...if you like that sort of thing.

It has certainly grown on me over the years because dh and his friends have memorized practically the whole script to Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, and The Holy Grail.


"Alms for an ex-leper?":lol::lol:

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I love the Holy Grail. Life of Brian was fine until the very end. If you are a Christian, you might be offended. Might, depending on how macabre your sense of humor is. They are all very quotable, though. Very, very funny.


Get some of the Flying Circus DVDs. (That's the TV show.) Here's one of our favorite sketches from that show.



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Highly irreverent, hysterically funny...if you like that sort of thing.

It has certainly grown on me over the years because dh and his friends have memorized practically the whole script to Life of Brian, Meaning of Life, and The Holy Grail.


"Alms for an ex-leper?":lol::lol:


"Blessed are the cheesemakers." :lol:

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The movie offends me, yet I can't help quoting it and laughing. :D


I totally understand. I feel the same way.

secret.gifAnd actually I've told dh that I can't watch The Life of Brian anymore. There are funny parts that I will quote because they are just hysterically funny word play, but I can't watch it now.

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I love Monty Python shows, but just a word of caution. At least for the TV show preview before letting children watch to see if they are appropriate for your household. I found the TV show on the other day and wanted to share with ds, it wasn't five minutes before an "inappropriate slide" popped on the screen. You'd have to see the show to know what I mean about slides.


But I agree, they are hilarious!

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I love Monty Python shows, but just a word of caution. At least for the TV show preview before letting children watch to see if they are appropriate for you household.


Yes, I totally agree. But there are other skits that are just hysterical, and our kids love to watch. We always preview before showing them anything from MP. Someone mentioned the cheese skit earlier, I think. And the dead parrot is a riot. And my kids have more or less memorized

. Dd9 does an amazingly dead on imitation of the "old lady" who doesn't like Spam!
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I love Monty Python shows, but just a word of caution. At least for the TV show preview before letting children watch to see if they are appropriate for you household. I found the TV show on the other day and wanted to share with ds, it wasn't five minutes before an "inappropriate slide" popped on the screen. You'd have to see the show to know what I mean about slides.


But I agree, they are hilarious!


You're right about that. I've found, though, that some only have something inappropriate in a small section and it's easy enough to ff or hit the "mute" button.


We also love "Fawlty Towers" here...John Cleese did this series after Monty Python, hence my avatar. There are only 12 episodes, but they are soooo funny!

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actually showed his 9th graders the Holy Grail movie after studying the Middle Ages. Absurd. :thumbdown:

I couldn't believe a teacher would show that to a group of 14-year olds. While I don't have a problem with anyone choosing to let their own kids watch the movie, I did not appreciate my son watching it at school without me even being aware of it.

I was not a happy camper.

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actually showed his 9th graders the Holy Grail movie after studying the Middle Ages. Absurd. :thumbdown:

I couldn't believe a teacher would show that to a group of 14-year olds. While I don't have a problem with anyone choosing to let their own kids watch the movie, I did not appreciate my son watching it at school without me even being aware of it.

I was not a happy camper.


I remember seeing it in 10th grade English class, but the teacher fast-forwarded past the "virgin castle" part. I think most of us had already seen it somewhere else, but pretty sure parents weren't notified ahead of time. We also watched Dangerous Liaisons in 12th grade (AP Western Civ), but it was afterschool and did have to have parental permission for that one. As a parent now, I have a totally different perspective on that stuff.... :glare:


And on the original topic, definitely start with The Holy Grail. :D

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When you've finished with Monty Python, I'd recommend A Bit of Fry & Laurie (as in Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry). If you've only ever seen Laurie in House (which I understand is excellent and have in my Netflix queue), you're in for a big surprise. :)

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Was it wrong that I went around quoting Monty Python as a child? Is that why I am the way I am? That's what comes from being the youngest in a home where irreverant British comedy (is there any other kind?:tongue_smilie:) rules the day.


I blame my mother, she coerced us to watch Monty Python's when my dad was at work. I watched the lumberjack video today and laughed my butt off. I didn't dare show it to ds, that is the last thing I need him going around the house singing.

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I blame my mother, she coerced us to watch Monty Python's when my dad was at work. I watched the lumberjack video today and laughed my butt off. I didn't dare show it to ds, that is the last thing I need him going around the house singing.


In my house, it was my dad. My sister and I have still have a very vivid memory of sitting with our dad in front of Flying Circus one night and him laughing harder than I've ever seen him laugh....at a cartooned ambulance on the screen...in the distance...running its sirens....getting closer and closer and closer....and that was the whole sketch. I think at the end it hits something/one that had been standing in the foreground the whole time. You knew it was coming. I cannot for the life of me put words on to why that is funny, but we find it hysterical.

There reallly was no hope for normality while I was growing up, no not in my house.

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