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Teaching drawing to young children


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At age 5, I really think art is all about the experience rather than the final product. Buy some nice big drawing paper and a good box of crayons. My kids really love the Faber Castell beeswax crayons. The colors are great.


All of Maryanne Kohl's books are great for art with young kids. They are also easily available at most libraries. You can get some ideas at her website as well http://brightring.com/

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I second both Draw Write Now and the Mark Kistler online drawing lessons. I have been trying to find good programs for teaching drawing, and those are my favorites so far.


I found the Draw Write Now books at my library. There are many free lessons on Mark Kistler's website for your child to try out. I got a subscription to his website for a discount through Homeschoolbuyers Co-op.

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I like Drawing with Children. Though my oldest didn't like it - he doesn't have much artisit ability (in his mind). This year we are using Meet the Masters. I'm very aggravated about all of their computer issues, but I finally quit waiting for them to get it resolved and just started. Some of those exercises have helped my 11 year old a bit. My 8 year old loves all things art and enjoyed Drawing with Children and likes Meet the Masters.

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We were using Draw With Children with my dd5 and LOVED it. However, it was all my dh's doing. He picked up art from me because it was always something that I never seemed to be able to fit in my dd's schedule. He handled art instruction and I did everything else.



Sadly, but necessarily, he has picked up a lot more hours at work so once again art is getting side-tracked. I have been trying to utilize the Come and Look With Me books (awesome series, I might add) to ease my guilt of slacking in this department.

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We use Drawing with Children, but I wait until 1st grade to start it. It takes us about a year to work through it. Then we move onto ARTistic Pursuits for our weekly art lesson/project, but continue to use and apply Drawing with Children principles to the projects we are doing. We have also used the Dover "How to Draw" books as a supplement for fun.

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We have used 1 Draw Write Now book and enjoyed it.

In a co-op we used Mona Brooks, Drawing with children which is also good.

Easy Classical site recommends a book I just ordered : by Evan Moore

Teaching Children to draw, also Usborne has some good kits. And 1 year for our girls we used a book by Barry Stebbin on manners and drawing.


I considered myself to not be artistic in the drawing area until I used Drawing with children. I can draw with some guidelines. So, I believe anyone can!


Nature Notebooking is also good and we have done that with our younger kids. Amazing, with no real instruction some of our kids are very talented.

I like that it gets them to notice details in nature.


We also have used and enjoyed the Memoria press copy books which has a page for drawing and a page for copywork. You have a lot of choices.;)

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For art this year we're focussing on actually learning to draw. DD loves to draw, and I find it increases creativity and excitement when you actually know what you're doing and it turns out right (or close to)! I am terrible at drawing, so we need help!


DD especially loves the Mark Kistler online lessons.

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Thanks! These all look great! Just what I was looking for.


What are the R&S books?





From Rainbow Resource and Christianbook.com I get the scissor books, coloring books, tracing books, etc. The girls run through these types of books for most of preschool to practice their skill set to prepare them for Artpacs and Drawing with Children. It worked well for the first and is doing great for the second - with the third on her way. :lol: She is learning to color in the lines and cut out shapes (which by the way involved our timeline figures being decapitated a few weeks ago ... the whole excitement over the circle).

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We just started using a neat book today called "The ABCs of Artistic Composition" by Suzanne Kahle. It's not a how-to-draw book, but teaches you how to organize your drawing on the paper to make it pleasing to the eye. The first lesson was on "one spot" composition (when the piece has one main object and where this object could be placed on the paper). She teaches a dozen types in all. This is a self-published book by the mother of a lady in our co-op, so I have no idea whether you can order it on-line. I'd be happy to pass along her contact info if anyone is interested.

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