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It is amazing how things can get so crazy....


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...on these boards by someone just asking a simple question.


I personally have not been attacked in anyway and am thinking about leaving the boards before I am. :glare: Just thinking out loud.


I think most of us have to remember that there are a lot of new, stressed out homeschooling moms coming to the boards for help. The 'last' thing they need to see (read) are mom's going at it over curricula.


It's really not that serious, is it? :001_huh:

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I must have missed that particular thread :confused:. The most "controversial" curricula thread I ever saw was the one colored cuisinaire rod thread. On the general board, sure lots of threads get out of hand. But if you're being polite and someone starts attacking you, the rest of the reasonable people will come to your defense. However, if you're the one doing the attacking...:lol:


Good luck to you, whatever you choose. FWIW, I've been here over a year and have never been attacked.

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I must have missed that particular thread :confused:. The most "controversial" curricula thread I ever saw was the one colored cuisinaire rod thread. On the general board, sure lots of threads get out of hand. But if you're being polite and someone starts attacking you, the rest of the reasonable people will come to your defense. However, if you're the one doing the attacking...:lol:


Good luck to you, whatever you choose. FWIW, I've been here over a year and have never been attacked.


I stay OFF the general board for this very reason. I don't have time for crazy.

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The most "controversial" curricula thread I ever saw was the one colored cuisinaire rod thread.



:lol: ok, this seriously made me lol. I have no doubts of the passion for the topic ;) but seriously?


Yes, sometimes people get heated around here about strange things sometimes. I almost left when I was new because of it, but I settled in ;) and really the benefits of the board far outweigh any stress it has caused... :D

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:lol: ok, this seriously made me lol. I have no doubts of the passion for the topic ;) but seriously?


Yes, sometimes people get heated around here about strange things sometimes. I almost left when I was new because of it, but I settled in ;) and really the benefits of the board far outweigh any stress it has caused... :D


It wasn't even that bad. Someone just wanted c-rods that were one color instead of multicolored ones. Someone else tried to convince the first someone that the multicolored rods were necessary. It was the first thread I had ever seen on the K-8 board that went on for so long. But yeah, it was kinda funny.

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I have been here for years mostly on with a few breaks (having babies). It is funny what we get our knickers in a twist about sometimes. I, too stay off the general board as much as possible. But I have asked questions there like how to get rid of the ant invasion in my house and gotten answers that solved it. You just have to be selective. These boards are the best on the web for advice and experience no matter what form your homeschool may take. (Ok, maybe not if you unschool. That would be a heated thread!) I would hate for you to miss out on the good because of a few random threads.

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I guess I missed the thread you are referring to.:confused: The only heated threads I've seen here have probably been about HOD, but I don't think those involve personal attacks.


I enjoy reading debates about various programs because it helps me determine if they are a good for us. :001_smile:

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I really adore WTM. So many experienced and helpful folks here. I know the General Board can get crazy at times, and I don't go there often.


FWIW, I was attacked on there once (by several in the same thread--I think criticism can easily snowball) for an info link I shared. It was disappointing to me, but the boards hold far more value for me than to let one incident deter me. In that situation, I simply deleted my link and posted a reasonable reply/explanation. I was surprised that the thread which had been full of criticism was suddenly flooded with supporters. In fact, a few of the critics publicly apologized and deleted their statements. Sometimes one person can cause an avalanche of approval/disapproval.


I agree that this board is very safe. My oldest is taking a rather unconventional education track because of some special learning needs, so I'm still careful what I post because of that. (Many here haven't dealt with similar needs and don't understand what we're dealing with.) I think the Accelerated and Special Needs boards are very safe places as well, esp when you have an unusual learning situation.


Hope you'll decide to stick around!

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This board is always invaluable to me in my planning, thoughts, etc., but I agree that the general board can sometimes get hostile. I agree with pp- just stay out of those. Even when I'm tempted to add to those discussions, I generally stop myself.


I still love this forum and I would encourage you to stay. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater, kwim? :)

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I've seen a couple of math throwdowns and I just find it :lol: that we can have a brawl over... math!!


The intelligence level on these boards is incredible. Even when I'm staying out of threads, I love to read the back and forth because it's high level discussion.


But yes, it's the internet and people will get contentious no matter where you go. Sometimes you just have to step back, take a deep breath, and focus on something else for a while. That thread will die and more will take its place. :)

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This board is tame compared to many boards...


:iagree: I think everyone's had a point where they need a break from forums. I felt that way last fall. If the forums prevent you from adjusting your homeschool to meet the needs of your individual children, it's probably time for a break. That's just what I think.


The forums are a great way for me to keep accountability for myself and ask questions before I buy something. It keeps me on track (sometimes :tongue_smilie:).

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Too bad. You'll miss some wonderful conversations. :-)

:iagree:I think it is the nature of the message board beast. Disagreements/discussions over minor issues have happened on most of the other boards I've been on. You should see some of the threads on one of the Disney boards I frequent;):tongue_smilie:

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I've seen a couple of math throwdowns and I just find it :lol: that we can have a brawl over... math!!


The intelligence level on these boards is incredible. Even when I'm staying out of threads, I love to read the back and forth because it's high level discussion.


But yes, it's the internet and people will get contentious no matter where you go. Sometimes you just have to step back, take a deep breath, and focus on something else for a while. That thread will die and more will take its place. :)


I agree. Best forum I've ever been on. Intelligent discussions, helpful, right on target. A keeper for all my years of homeschooling. I've been here for years now.

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I think I took part in that C rod thread...:tongue_smilie::auto:



They should be multi-colored, but it you want to be wrong...that's your decision.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: and I have not ever even seen a c rod!


To the OP : you will be so glad you stayed.

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The worst I have seen on here is the "drill and kill" comments about curricula that shall remain nameless and accusations of other curricula being "behind" or "watered down" and the elevation of other curricula as clearly superior :tongue_smilie: in its conceptual nature. Other than that, meh.


I love to tell dh about these little math tiffs and the more infamous crock pots wearing shoes while not returning their carts (hey, that sentence is funnier without the commas! :lol:). He thinks it funny the things we find to fight about.

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It was the first thread I had ever seen on the K-8 board that went on for so long.


I take it you missed the big one about older texts that use outdated language for people of varying nationalities? :leaving:


There's too much good offered here for me to get worked up about things I can choose to scroll past or just not click on.

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I felt personally attacked on the one and only post I put on the general board once, I was in tears and felt totally misunderstood. My husband was pretty upset.


I learned really quickly to stay away from that board and to be very selective about what I write on here. I just think that people are quick to judge, and honestly, we don't know each other. We don't know what stress that person is facing, what circumstances they find themselves in, what beliefs influence their decisions and choices, so it's very important to be careful how we speak. We want to be a support and help to each other, not tear each other down and discourage that person from the one thing we seem to all agree on--we all want the best for our children in their education and in raising them. Am I right?

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It's still worth coming now and then. FWIW I dont come here for fruehds or fellowship. I come here to give and get advice and info quickly. There are a thousand pretty intelligent women here so it's a great place to get experienced answers quickly.


One time years ago on the general board I asked a question which I thought to be completely innocent (it was about Christians, modesty, and gymnastics.). The thread got so heated and ridiculous and out of control by offended angry people and I stayed almost completely out of it- but then I was attacked and accused of being a troll!! :confused:


That was prett much the end of my every day visits to the GB. :001_smile:


But after being on another less moderated homeschool board I can tell you they all have their issues.

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I take it you missed the big one about older texts that use outdated language for people of varying nationalities? :leaving:


There's too much good offered here for me to get worked up about things I can choose to scroll past or just not click on.

LOL, yeah I did miss that one. I don't often hang out on the K-8 board because it makes me question all my curricula choices :lol: and the General Board just moves a lot faster. Plus some of the threads on there are so hilarious. But I do remember when I first joined (after months and months of lurking) that I was very scared to post anything for fear of being attacked or thought an idiot. So for a long time my only posts were in the Teacher's Lounge thread and even then I worried it was a special club and they'd get mad at me for intruding :lol:. (They don't, just in case anyone was wondering)

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