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If your church throws church-wide baby showers for expectant moms...

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what is their shower policy? Which babies get showers?


Every baby? First baby? First boy and first girl in each family?

First baby born while you attend the church (whether it be the first or the fourth.)


Previous church was first baby except that I got one for the second baby too bc dh had just become pastor.

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Until I came here, I had never heard of a church throwing a baby shower. Sometimes small groups within my church will, but it's not a whole church event. Honestly, I wouldn't want to attend a church that had showers for every baby because, since my *mulitple* late losses, baby showers cause me to have anxiety attacks.

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Our former church would throw church-wide showers for all babies. But, if it was not the first, they would always ask if you wanted a shower or a "sprinkle". A sprinkle was where a large box was set up in the church kitchen (we had a small Victorian house that was converted into our church) that people could drop gifts/necessaries into without feeling obligated to attend a shower or give a larger-than-they-could-afford gift. All 4 of my children were born while we were members of this church. I had 3 showers and 1 sprinkle. The second shower was a diaper shower since I was having another boy and the sprinkle was a diaper sprinkle since I was having another girl.


I don't know how our current church handles these things since we've only been here 3 months. I think they have showers for first babies since we seem to be having an outbreak of first babies :tongue_smilie:.

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We throw baby showers for every baby. BUT- we live in a SUPER rural area and go to a SUPER small church. 11 families currently (members, not guests ;)), 2 of those being 1 single lady and 1 elderly lady alone. So our church does it mostly because we are all so close, truly like a family, because its so small. Not because "well she's pregnant, lets decide when the shower will be" just as a thing to do. Usually they are held at peoples houses but occasionally at the Church. (depending on schedules and such)

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We have a small church, but lots of babies. This is the second time in the last three years when we've had a cluster of babies all born around the same time. The last time, it was 7 babies in just a couple of months. I'm not sure, but I think we have 6 pregnant ladies right now.


I'm on the hospitality committee right now, and up until now the policy has been every baby, since "every baby is a reason to celebrate."


Of course the arrival of every baby is a reason for joy and celebration, but I get concerned that we're busying ourselves unnecessarily.


Gifts/diapers are always appreciated, but I found at my last church (where we only did showers for first babies) that folks tended to give gifts anyway, in addition to bringing meals, even if there wasn't a shower.


As one of the hostesses, I'm getting shower fatigue in a big way, and this new batch of babies hasn't even arrived yet.


There are loads of opportunities for ministry, and because I have my own 5 kids, homeschool, and have my elderly parents living with me, I'm obviously limited in what I can do. I'd like to spend my time strategically when it comes to "hospitality". Meals, to me, are *always* a great way to minister. And of course gifts and baby things are often needed too, but having a big party with invitations, cake, punch, side dishes, paper goods, and taking a big chunk of time out of my schedule to plan and execute such a party seems over the top for such a small church with such a large number of babies.


It also seemed like with the last batch attendance went down as more babies were born. There was one month where we had a potluck or baby shower every weekend, it seemed. Then of course we were also taking meals to the new moms.


I do believe that we should not grow weary in doing good. I just feel like baby showers for every.single.baby is not a true ministry *need*.


That's why I've asked to see what other churches do.

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We have a small church, but lots of babies. This is the second time in the last three years when we've had a cluster of babies all born around the same time. The last time, it was 7 babies in just a couple of months. I'm not sure, but I think we have 6 pregnant ladies right now.


I'm on the hospitality committee right now, and up until now the policy has been every baby, since "every baby is a reason to celebrate."


Of course the arrival of every baby is a reason for joy and celebration, but I get concerned that we're busying ourselves unnecessarily.


Gifts/diapers are always appreciated, but I found at my last church (where we only did showers for first babies) that folks tended to give gifts anyway, in addition to bringing meals, even if there wasn't a shower.


As one of the hostesses, I'm getting shower fatigue in a big way, and this new batch of babies hasn't even arrived yet.


There are loads of opportunities for ministry, and because I have my own 5 kids, homeschool, and have my elderly parents living with me, I'm obviously limited in what I can do. I'd like to spend my time strategically when it comes to "hospitality". Meals, to me, are *always* a great way to minister. And of course gifts and baby things are often needed too, but having a big party with invitations, cake, punch, side dishes, paper goods, and taking a big chunk of time out of my schedule to plan and execute such a party seems over the top for such a small church with such a large number of babies.


It also seemed like with the last batch attendance went down as more babies were born. There was one month where we had a potluck or baby shower every weekend, it seemed. Then of course we were also taking meals to the new moms.


I do believe that we should not grow weary in doing good. I just feel like baby showers for every.single.baby is not a true ministry *need*.


That's why I've asked to see what other churches do.


Different ladies help give showers for different moms-to-be, depending on closer relationships, deacon families, etc. I can see how it would be overwhelming for one group to do all of them. Our system isn't organized per say, but it works out very well. Ladies just step up.

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Our church has about 200 members, and LOTS of babies.


First baby = baby shower for that mom (usually after delivery)

Subsequent babies = grouped, and given every 6 months or so.


At the times we've included a new mom who is the wife of an international student, or a new attender, it seems like we all get to know her better and she feels more a part of the group.


However, with lots of weddings (and bridal showers) too, we have had to consolidate the effort, and also get the friends of the new mom involved in hosting the shower. Sometimes the shower is at church, other times at someone's home. Sometimes we do a "Friendship Auction" and not open the baby gifts in front of everyone (to de-emphasize the gift-giving).


And we always have a Group Gift, so friends with a lack of funds OR no time to shop can quickly and quietly sign a group card and contribute to a larger ticket item (like a stroller) for the new mom.


And all of these things have changed over the years, as our church dynamics have changed. YMMV!

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We used to go to a church that had one baby shower for all the babies that had been born that year. They really made it a big deal and got one "big" gift/baby. They asked each mom what they could use and spent around $75/baby. They bought car seats, high chairs, stuff like that. They let people know how to donate money for it. There were 15 babies born the year that we attended there. It was a nice way to do it.

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I go to a larger church, so it is usually handled through Sunday School classes or small groups. Our Sunday School class is rather large, so I believe there is a rule about "first baby" or first since attending our church. We just have a potluck and people bring gifts. No decorations, punch, games, or anything like that. It works pretty well I think. And as a side note, our Moms group now arranges for three meals for each new mom- before it would be that moms that were better connected or what have you, would get lots of meals, and new moms or those who are shy might be lucky to get one or two.

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We throw baby showers for every baby. BUT- we live in a SUPER rural area and go to a SUPER small church. 11 families currently (members, not guests ;)), 2 of those being 1 single lady and 1 elderly lady alone. So our church does it mostly because we are all so close, truly like a family, because its so small. Not because "well she's pregnant, lets decide when the shower will be" just as a thing to do. Usually they are held at peoples houses but occasionally at the Church. (depending on schedules and such)


Your chuch sounds just lovely. :001_smile:


We homechurch, so I don't really know how to answer. So far, all the believers we know have had a shower thrown for them for their first, but there's no 'rule'. For example, one girlfriend of mine had her first, a girl, two years ago, and I attended her shower. Her second, a boy, was born about six months ago, and there was no shower. But that's not to say she won't have a shower for the next one, or number 4, or perhaps number 9. It really depends on the individual family's needs and situation. Of course, she received gifts and meals when she had her second; that's just something that us ladies like to do, right? Bless the new mama and baby with help and gifts. But I think in most situations, the first baby gets the big to-do shower, to help the family get started/set up with baby gear, clothes, toys, etc.


I do want to share something, however. (All of this happened before we began homechurching, just so you know why my experience was so different then than it would be if it happened now.)


My sister threw me a big shower when I had Zee. It was such a blessing, truly. Not only the material help, but just having all the women in my life being so happy for me.


When I was expecting Moose, My sister in law was expecting her second son, too. Our boys were born ONE day apart. My dh's family threw a huuuuuge shower for sil. They did absolutely nothing for me at all. Not a thing. It would have been nothing at all for them to make it a shower for her AND me; the same women would have been there, since this was all dh's family, and she is dh's sister! But they didn't. They invited big ol' pregnant-with-my-sencond-son self to sil's pregnant-with-her-second-son's shower. And the whole entire day was spent focusing SOLEY on sil.


In case you can't tell, that really hurt me. No, I didn't need a shower. But my second son was just as worth celebrating as hers; at least I thought. Apparently, not to dh's family. My own sister, the one who threw my first shower, found out about what happened. She insisted I let her put together at LEAST a dinner for me, but by then I was so hurt by the whole thing, I couldn't bring myself to let her.


All that to say, every single baby is worth celebrating. Do they all NEED a big huge hoopla of a shower? No. And most moms I know don't want that for every single baby. But a potluck meal, with all the ladies sharing in your joy? And maybe a little cake? :D Who wouldn't want that.

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When I was expecting Moose, My sister in law was expecting her second son, too. Our boys were born ONE day apart. My dh's family threw a huuuuuge shower for sil. They did absolutely nothing for me at all. Not a thing. It would have been nothing at all for them to make it a shower for her AND me; the same women would have been there, since this was all dh's family, and she is dh's sister! But they didn't. They invited big ol' pregnant-with-my-sencond-son self to sil's pregnant-with-her-second-son's shower. And the whole entire day was spent focusing SOLEY on sil.


In case you can't tell, that really hurt me. No, I didn't need a shower. But my second son was just as worth celebrating as hers; at least I thought. Apparently, not to dh's family. My own sister, the one who threw my first shower, found out about what happened. She insisted I let her put together at LEAST a dinner for me, but by then I was so hurt by the whole thing, I couldn't bring myself to let her.


All that to say, every single baby is worth celebrating. Do they all NEED a big huge hoopla of a shower? No. And most moms I know don't want that for every single baby. But a potluck meal, with all the ladies sharing in your joy? And maybe a little cake? :D Who wouldn't want that.

This hits home with me. I was in a church where 5 of us were expecting all within 2 months of each other. All the ladies had a shower but me. I was very hurt. Same thing happened in the next church...and the next. At my current church there are 8 of us who will have had babies in about 5 months and every single lady had a shower...but me. I'm OK with not having a "forced" shower where people come out of obligation yet at the same time to be the one lady singled out to not have anyone cheer her baby's (in my case babies') arrival in this world is so hurtful.


The worst was when I was offered a "pity shower" when it was discovered that of the 5 women aforementioned I was the lone one out. I graciously declined. I just couldn't do it.


I wish my babies had been celebrated along with all the other babies. Maybe that is selfish and honestly I would have loved even a small gathering with not one gift or box of diapers, just to have those around us celebrating our miracles would have meant the world to me.


OK, pity party over. :D

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My first shower almost killed me :tongue_smilie: My not so dear sil insisted that it be a surprise and that dh not let me buy anything at all because I might get a duplicate item at the shower. Unfortunately my sil couldn't find a convenient time to fit my shower into her schedule so I found myself without a stitch of clothing or anything for the baby. I don't drive so going shopping for myself was not an option & dh was stopping me at every turn. At 37 weeks and 5 days, we found ourselves at Target and I had the carseat of my dreams in my arms. Dh said, "Maybe we should wait." I sat down on the floor and cried (gotta love those hormones.) I refused to leave without that car seat. In fact I was so overwrought I bought one of everything in the baby aisle. The next day was my shower & I nearly had a heart attack when every woman in dh's family and all my sil's friends (most of whom were strangers to me) jumped out at me. 24 hours later I was in labor.


I don't like baby showers for me. I don't like being the center of attention while everyone watches me open stuff. Too weird. That being said I had a shower for every baby. The first one described above, the second one was well after my preemie dd was born, the third dd arrived after a big gap and a nightmare pregnancy where everyone at church supported our family, so I think they all think of her as theirs and the fourth because he was a boy and I needed boy stuff. I would have loved a "sprinkle" as described by another poster.


At our current church big showers are reserved for the 1st baby of either sex. After that once the baby is born a park day or luncheon is arranged and a contact is given for a group gift. People can donate as little or as much as they want and it goes on a gift card to the retailer of the mom's choice. One mom asked for hers to go on a gift card to a local spa. It was her 7th baby. I think I donated more to that one than any other!


Meals are brought in for 5 days. It is up to the mom if she wants the 5 days after she gets home from the hospital, the 5 days after her mom leaves & dh is back at work, every other day for 10 days, 5 freezer meals or some combo thereof.


Every baby should be celebrated in some special way


Amber in SJ

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I really wanted a shower with DD but no one did anything. But at the time I was a full time college student and not attending a church. But I really thought at least one of my friends would have done something. I didn't even get a congrats after she was born. :glare:


I'm over it now though:D

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