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Prayers needed now....

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Without going into the story, my 19 year old dd needs prayer now.

She is on her second day of a brand new job.

She is not feeling well phyiscally or emotionally and was crying on her break about 15 minutes ago.

She needs to keep this job.


Please pray that she will feel better and that the manager on duty will show her kindness and compassion. Please pray that her co-workers will show kindness and compassion. Please pray that this will not be negative and that she'll keep this job.


Thank you from a very frantic mother!


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Praying here!


Why is she crying? Is it because she is nervous about her new job, or was someone mean to her? Does she often have trouble adjusting to new situations?


I am hoping it's nothing more than a case of new-job-nerves, and that she will be fine soon.


I'm sure you're worried sick though, because it's so hard to watch our kids in pain and not be able to rush in and save them. :grouphug:


EDITED TO ADD: Sorry to have asked so many questions -- i just re-read your first post and noticed that you didn't want to go into the details. :blushing:

Edited by Catwoman
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I'm sure she will be fine once she gets used to the job. There is always a lot to learn when you get a new job, and there are new people to meet, and sometimes something as simple as not having anyone to go to lunch with can be a big deal at first.


At this moment, she is probably feeling a lot better, and you are more worried than she is. :001_smile: (At least I hope so!)

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