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Excercise thread 1/22-1/28

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I missed last week. Sorry. Hoggirl thanks for starting last week's thread.


I'm going to link from the past thread so this one is easily found. If any of you start the new weekly thread before anyone else,just be sure to link so we all know it exists. :001_smile:


I've slowed down on my workouts. I lost weight, which I don't want. So I cut back. I need to try to eat more calories, but if I force myself to eat I just feel sick.


Didn't do anything this weekend, and I might get in a workout in the morning if I drag myself out of bed early enough. ;)


On Friday I did a Tracy Anderson workout, and was so sore on Sat. It doesn't matter what workouts I do, whenever I go back to her I feel muscles that I forgot existed. She has some unique moves which is why I like her.


I covet a treadmill. Is there anything you wish you had but for whatever reason you can't have?

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Didn't do much last week aside from some heavy duty decluttering/cleaning, and bowling twice with the kids, each time was 4 games in about 2 hours. I lost 1.1lbs according to my wii though, which I'll happily take. I've been watching my snacking, making sure I get breakfast and drinking more water than pop. I also rejoined the YMCA, and have an appointment Tuesday with the trainer to set me up with a routine on the weight machines. I'm really excited about that. I also signed the two younger kids up for homeschool swim lessons, so I can get some pool time while they are ding that twice a week if I want.

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Sunday: Rest day

Monday: No More Trouble Zones. I always forget how challenging this one is. :lol:


Something I wish I had: A finished basement with a one wall covered in mirrors. :lol: I'd LOVE to have a workout room that was big enough for a treadmill, a set of free weights, and lots of floor space for mat work and dancing. It's my dream right now to become an aerobics instructor, and having my own "mini gym" that I could come up with choreography in would be awesome! :P

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You are taking a week off? Sometimes I think I need to do this, how is it coming back? Do you feel stronger or is it tough to get back?


I am not taking a week off exactly. Recovery week is built into the 90 day program. Basically a week of stretching and light exercise.



I always come back stronger. I am really terrible at taking those recovery days.

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Sunday: Les Mills Pump - Combat and about 15 minutes of ab work.

Monday: Les Mills Pump - Pump & Shred (45 minutes long). I used 10 lb plates for the chest work and 15 lbs worth of plates for everything else.


I wasn't too keen on Combat. While there is some lower body work, it mostly feels like upper body stuff b/c of all the punching. It wasn't easy. I just didn't like it that much. Surprisingly, I didn't have any trouble doing it, though I do not have any gloves. And, I must be ridiculously uncoordinated b/c I hit myself in the chin (not hard, thank goodness) on some sort of downward elbow move. :lol:


Loving Pump & Shred though. Will get to sample one of the 55 minute routines next week.


@SJ - you asked about Sports Attack. I don't really know how to describe it. Quite a bit of jumping it seemed like. But, I did like it. I'll try to pay more attention the next time I do it. Step is by far the hardest of the three cardio workouts that came with my deluxe kit. From all that you do, it doesn't seem like the BB home version of Pump would be "enough" for you, imho. And you also seem to like having new music, which you won't have with BB. But, what do I know??

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I'm going to link from the past thread so this one is easily found. If any of you start the new weekly thread before anyone else,just be sure to link so we all know it exists. :001_smile:




That would be a trick: I would have NO idea how to link it! :lol: :tongue_smilie:

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I just started back at the gym today after four years of very off/on workouts. I had my knee scoped and never got back in a routine. I'm really motivated this time, and my kids are more independent, so I'm hoping to stick with it. I did a 45 min step class with light weights, and it was great to be back.:D

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I just started back at the gym today after four years of very off/on workouts. I had my knee scoped and never got back in a routine. I'm really motivated this time, and my kids are more independent, so I'm hoping to stick with it. I did a 45 min step class with light weights, and it was great to be back.:D



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Something I wish I had: A finished basement with a one wall covered in mirrors. :lol: I'd LOVE to have a workout room that was big enough for a treadmill, a set of free weights, and lots of floor space for mat work and dancing. It's my dream right now to become an aerobics instructor, and having my own "mini gym" that I could come up with choreography in would be awesome! :P


That would be nice to have.




That would be a trick: I would have NO idea how to link it! :lol: :tongue_smilie:


Once you've started a new thread, double click up on the web address bar to highlight it, then copy it, go back to the old thread, and in a new post, paste the web link there.


Did that make sense? Do you know how to highlight, copy, and paste? Once you know how it's easy. I'm just not the best at explaining if I can't show you.




Welcome everyone just joining. :001_smile:

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Back from my 1 hour belly dancing class. We're in the processes of learning the choreography for our Spring Recital. We're dancing to the Chipmunks!!! :tongue_smilie: The dancing is *fast*.


I don't think I'd have the guts to do a recital. You are brave.




I did 30 minutes of Tracy and then 30 minutes cardio.


I've gained 2 lbs last week by doing a slow workout week. Now, let's see if I can hang on to it. I love bananas and avocado. I should buy avocado more often. It's easy to throw a banana in a morning smoothie. What are some other good fat/calorie foods you can think of?

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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I don't think I'd have the guts to do a recital. You are brave.


I can perform in public in a group. Solo? No go. :lol:


5.5 miles on the treadmill this morning. I'm starting to be able to do most of my 50 minute run at above a 6MPH pace!

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Changing up my routine gonna try jogging again and do a lot more flexibility stuff. I have been doing heavy weights since June 11 and love the strength and muscle I have but realize that my body is tight and sore (is it the weight training or being 42;) either way the stretch stuff feels amazing. I am using Cathe Stretch Max.


Sun rest

Mon 40 min weight/circuit and 20 min flexibility/stretch

Tues first try at a walk/jog in over 2 years ( i had a tendon injury that took forever to heal) and then plan on a 45 min of yoga I started off with walking about 5 min and then running 2 min/ walking 3 min. I am really trying to baby the tendon. I did 2 miles. I had some pulling but not pain. I will take it slow and lots of stretching. It felt great!

Wed 40 min weight/circuit

Thur 50 min kickboxing

Fri 40 min weight/circuit and 20 min stretch and 3 mile jog/walk

Sat 6 mile hike and picnic by a beautiful waterfall ( I am lucky to have a National Forest in my back yard) just me and my dh.


I MUST be the most annal exerciser:tongue_smilie: on this forum. I plan my workout week like a job and everyone else seems to make decision daily.


I really am not that annal I will change my exercise if I get to my gym and just decided I want to kick box instead of intervals but it does keep me motivated to have the plan


ENJOY your workout ladies!

Edited by Cafelattee
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I MUST be the most annal exerciser:tongue_smilie: on this forum. I plan my workout week like a job and everyone else seems to make decision daily.




I don't make the decision daily.

Monday - cardio kickboxing

Tuesday - Zumba'

Wednesday - swimming

Thursday - Zumba

Friday - elliptical trainer

Saturday - Zumba or elliptical


But after I was burned a couple of times by writing down what I was going to do for the entire week and then the needs of my family derailed those plans, I started to report daily what I've actually done!

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Changing up my routine gonna try jogging again and do a lot more flexibility stuff. I have been doing heavy weights since June 11 and love the strength and muscle I have but realize that my body is tight and sore (is it the weight training or being 42;) either way the stretch stuff feels amazing.


What is the definition of "heavy weights" and can you tell me about the type of weightlifting you have been doing? Just sort of what you do? TIA.

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What is the definition of "heavy weights" and can you tell me about the type of weightlifting you have been doing? Just sort of what you do? TIA.


For me its Chalean Round 3 I am currently squatting 90 lbs and my upper body is not as strong but its getting there. I am finally at the upper body weight I can now do all the push ups on my toes rather than knees.


When I started Chalean I could only do push ups on my knees and not very many. I had no upper body strength. I started the program with whatever the 'modifier" weight were for the program. This was very light weight. I currently using heavier than Chalean on a good many of the exercise but not all.


I love the program.


I see you are doing Les Mill Pump which is a weight program but opposite approaches. The Pump uses the concept of a lighter weight but tons of repetition until the muscle fatigues.

The Chalean is all about heavy weight that you fatigue out by 8 or 12 reps depending on the phase.

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For me its Chalean Round 3 I am currently squatting 90 lbs and my upper body is not as strong but its getting there.


I love the program.


I see you are doing Les Mill Pump which is a weight program but opposite approaches. The Pump uses the concept of a lighter weight but tons of repetition until the muscle fatigues.

The Chalean is all about heavy weight that you fatigue out by 8 or 12 reps depending on the phase.


Holy cr*p! I can't imagine squatting 90 lbs even one time!!! That is awesome. Okay, I think I want to do this program next. It is Chalean Extreme, right? Tell me more, tell me more! Is there lots of lower body stuff, too! I bet you look A-MA-ZING!!!

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Holy cr*p! I can't imagine squatting 90 lbs even one time!!! That is awesome. Okay, I think I want to do this program next. It is Chalean Extreme, right? Tell me more, tell me more! Is there lots of lower body stuff, too! I bet you look A-MA-ZING!!!


The Chalean original comes with the 9 weight workouts, 2 cardio, and a flexibility. I did the first rounds as she set it up. The following 2 I did the weights in different order following her "lean for life" suggestions.


I now do a workout from each phase weekly and add my own cardio.


The first month I did the program I started with only 3,5,8 pound weights. I had previosly only done the toning weight programs that most cardio folks do the high reps.


I had to wait till I could afford some adjustable dumbbells. I have the 50lb set Select Tech. When I got them I never thought I would actually get up to using the whole thing. They are worth the money if you stick with the program. I believe you would get good result with less weight. Chalean repeats on the video that you can make lower weights more productive and makes suggestion on how to do this. There is also someone using resistance band. I know they are much cheaper and believe they would also give great muscle definition. I am just not coordinated enough to use the things:tongue_smilie:


the concept is you start with a weight each week, if the muscle is not fatigue by the 12 rep then you need to move up a weight, I moved up in 2.5 and 5 lb interval per week depending on the muscle. I was very weak in my upper body and my legs were stronger from walking and cardio kick boxing


the link is the worksheets used with the program it will give you some ideas of lower and upper body work




I absolutely love the program. I can absolutely recommend the program. The only thing I don't like is her choice in gym clothing:D

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1/22 toted pillows, electronics, 4 rodents in 3 cages, shoes, purse, etc from usual places in the home to the tornado closet (or laundry room for rodents) in preparation for our "tornado emergency" - definitely felt arm muscles engaged; attempted to walk before the storms got here, but didn't get far before lightning sent us home


1/23 walked 2.8 miles


1/24 walked 3.6 miles

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Levels 3 & 2 of 30 Day Shred this morning.


I'm feeling *so* frustrated right now. The weight I put on over the holidays is just not budging! :( I've been kicking my butt working out and being really careful with my calories and the kinds of foods I'm putting into my body, and just... nothing. SO annoying. :glare:

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1/22 toted pillows, electronics, 4 rodents in 3 cages, shoes, purse, etc from usual places in the home to the tornado closet (or laundry room for rodents) in preparation for our "tornado emergency" - definitely felt arm muscles engaged; attempted to walk before the storms got here, but didn't get far before lightning sent us home




Oh my! Tornados scare me. Of course I live in hurricane land so I'm edgy about such storms.




I'm feeling *so* frustrated right now. The weight I put on over the holidays is just not budging! :( I've been kicking my butt working out and being really careful with my calories and the kinds of foods I'm putting into my body, and just... nothing. SO annoying. :glare:


I read somewhere that your body has a comfort zone that it likes to be at whether you want it to or not. It's supposed to be really hard to nudge your body past that zone. My dh has that problem. His weight just doesn't budge even though he does every thing "right."


Just focus on the thought of how fit your body is. Your heart, lungs, muscles, and bones are strong and stay strong by exercising. :001_smile:

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Levels 3 & 2 of 30 Day Shred this morning.


I'm feeling *so* frustrated right now. The weight I put on over the holidays is just not budging! :( I've been kicking my butt working out and being really careful with my calories and the kinds of foods I'm putting into my body, and just... nothing. SO annoying. :glare:


Change your workout, you need to change your routine monthly to continue seeing result, the body adapts to workouts, do the shred every other day and add walking or running or different workout DVD


you can over train your body and stop seeing result


or you could be not eating enough which would cause your body to hold on the "energy AKA fat reserves"


or you are already at your bodies "ideal" weight


I change my routine up every 2-3 weeks Good Luck!

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Change your workout, you need to change your routine monthly to continue seeing result, the body adapts to workouts, do the shred every other day and add walking or running or different workout DVD


you can over train your body and stop seeing result


or you could be not eating enough which would cause your body to hold on the "energy AKA fat reserves"


or you are already at your bodies "ideal" weight


I change my routine up every 2-3 weeks Good Luck!


Oh "changing things up" isn't a problem here. :lol: I just bought 3 new Bob Harper DVD's last month (in addition to the 10 DVD's I already had), and have started running at a faster pace on my running days. I'm toying with my calorie counts right now and seeing if that helps any. I think I might have been going too low. It's hard though, since I also eat low-carb, so finding calorie-dense foods that aren't also high carb is challenging, and it doesn't take long before I feel "full" and I'm nervous about breaking the habit of not eating beyond the point of full-ness. I should probably just start grazing. :lol:

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It's hard though, since I also eat low-carb, so finding calorie-dense foods that aren't also high carb is challenging, and it doesn't take long before I feel "full" and I'm nervous about breaking the habit of not eating beyond the point of full-ness. I should probably just start grazing. :lol:


You've just stated what my problem is. I don't eat gluten so I eat a lot more veggies, fruit, and meat than anything else. I'm always searching for ways to eat calorie dense that isn't carb (simply because most high carb foods I don't eat due to gluten). I will eat a few baby carrots and feel full. If I force myself to eat more I feel overly stuffed and sick.



This morning I did Ellen Barret Pilates for 40 minutes....which took longer because my 3 yr interrupted me 4 times. :glare: I was able to get in 20minutes of cardio before I again had to stop because of kids.

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Sunday: I did my couch to 5K workout (walking/running), plus my weight lifting program.


Monday: 45 minutes on the elliptical plus 4 mile walk/aerobic with Leslie Sansone.


Tuesday: Weightlifting


Today: 45 minutes on the elliptical; hoping to get on the recumbent bike in a bit for another 30-45 minutes. I wanted to run, but the rain started.

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That sounds fun. :lol:


Indeed, it is, to date, my very most favorite run of all time. It was the second time I'd done that particular loop, and I have to say that today it was my Most Awesome Run Ever.


Luckily for me, my current training plan has a middle distance run midweek each week . . . and this route will fit that bill, so I will likely get to run this loop once a week for the next month at least. :)


The loop starts about 2.5 road miles from my house, so I drove to the loop. But, in about 6 weeks, when my training plan allows for it, I am going to do a perfect Half Marathon from my door, around this loop, and then back to my door. :)


It is 8.5 miles of spectacularly beautiful, desolate, peaceful, country roads including a couple miles of "roads" that are not passable by passenger vehicles, but are passable by foot. Continuous rolling hills, with some huge, others smaller. 1400 total ft of ascent and descent, for an average grade of about 6% continuous, with two massive uphills of over a mile each. Super, duper fun! If I pass more than one vehicle or tractor the entire run, it is surprising. There are entire miles where no houses or roads are visible. It is spectacular. Perfect. Awesome. I am in love.

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Indeed, it is, to date, my very most favorite run of all time. It was the second time I'd done that particular loop, and I have to say that today it was my Most Awesome Run Ever.


Luckily for me, my current training plan has a middle distance run midweek each week . . . and this route will fit that bill, so I will likely get to run this loop once a week for the next month at least. :)


The loop starts about 2.5 road miles from my house, so I drove to the loop. But, in about 6 weeks, when my training plan allows for it, I am going to do a perfect Half Marathon from my door, around this loop, and then back to my door. :)


It is 8.5 miles of spectacularly beautiful, desolate, peaceful, country roads including a couple miles of "roads" that are not passable by passenger vehicles, but are passable by foot. Continuous rolling hills, with some huge, others smaller. 1400 total ft of ascent and descent, for an average grade of about 6% continuous, with two massive uphills of over a mile each. Super, duper fun! If I pass more than one vehicle or tractor the entire run, it is surprising. There are entire miles where no houses or roads are visible. It is spectacular. Perfect. Awesome. I am in love.


That does sound pretty cool. :) I have a 4 mile loop near my house that I run, but it's the only loop anywhere remotely near by that wouldn't require me to cross busy intersections (it's a trail around a man-made lake). Your run sounds lovely.

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