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So torn!

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The funniest/weirdest thing just happened.


We are in the middle of moving back home to TN. To the same area we left. A few days ago, one of my dds said..."wouldn't it be funny if we could move back to our old house". Ha...yeah...kind of funny. Last night, as I was lying in bed with a sinus headache that wouldn't go away and trying to sleep...I began "daydreaming" about moving back into our old house...you know placing furniture, painting..etc.


This afternoon, my dh sends me a facebook message...which is a forward of a message he got. From the current owners of our house. Offering to sell it back to us. :001_huh:


It was kind of like the world slipped sideways for a second..lol.


It would be SO easy to move back to that house. It has the perfect space for us. The kids would love it. All our stuff would fit :lol: But we have been dreaming of our own mini farm for years. And now have the chance to do it. AND we just signed a year lease with a friend to lease his small farm. If we moved back to our old house...the whole farm thing would go out the window.


And, our whole renting the farm is a trial run. To see if we can hack it. What if we can't? Then our old house would be perfect...ish. We had lots of plans for that house.


Dh would be fine either way I think. So it's kind of up to me. I feel so torn. The old house would be so EASY. But it would also be kind of like giving up a dream.


(What is even more ironic....I really didn't like that house when we first bought it, but it grew on me over the years)

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Could you buy your old house back and rent it out for the year while you rent the farm house from your friend? THat way you have something to fall back on if the whole farm thing doesn't work out.


Ooo, I really like this idea!


I still dream of buying the house I grew up in--it's the only place I ever felt at home.


Who knows--maybe the house will not sell, and will still be available after a year.

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Ok. I think some rationality is sinking in...


I just looked at homes for sale in the price range of what I think they would want for the old house. (since I know what they paid for it and all....lol) I think that we could find a compromise house in that same price range, with an acre or two, even if we ended up not buying a farm.


My biggest two issues with our old house: I wanted a big garden and chickens. No go at that house.


And I think maybe knowing that we bought the same house twice would irk me. Especially knowing what we paid for it the first time was much less than what we'd have to pay the second.


I think I'm talking myself down. :lol:

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What type of farming type things are you wanting to do?


If your kids were younger (or boys) I would say go for the farm. We did (we're in E TN too) and I don't regret it for a second. We have 12 acres for our boys to roam around, hunt on, ride 4 wheelers on, what have you. We also have chickens, ducks, a goat and a horse and plans for a big garden come spring.


Also, what about the area the leased property is in vs. where your old house is? Is there much of a difference?

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I'd go with your new dream. The comfort and ease of the old home could feel different the second time.


We bought the house I grew up in from my parents. I had a decent childhood, knew the house, liked the neighborhood. But living in it the 2nd time was different. I was glad to sell in the house in a few years.


Also we moved back to our area last year. We went with a new town and it feels right. It's our area, but we made a choice of where to be, a whole new area to make friends. It doesn't feel like we were retreating or failing, it feels like a new choice. If that makes sense anyway.

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I live out on acreage there are days when I wish I was closer to town for activities, shopping ect. It really can isolate sometimes.


Other times I love letting my boys roam their 8 1/2 acres to their heart content.


How do you feel about your 15 driving back country roads to youth activities? All of my friends who lived in the country had wrecks of some sort, I didn't but I drove much less. None were seriously injured but they did all crash at least once.


Good luck with your decision.

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I live out on acreage there are days when I wish I was closer to town for activities, shopping ect. It really can isolate sometimes.


Other times I love letting my boys roam their 8 1/2 acres to their heart content.


How do you feel about your 15 driving back country roads to youth activities? All of my friends who lived in the country had wrecks of some sort, I didn't but I drove much less. None were seriously injured but they did all crash at least once.


Good luck with your decision.


The area we are moving back to, while rural, isn't remote. Plus, we have a ton of family very close by. (it's crazy really, how many people in that area my dh is related to :tongue_smilie:)


My dh and I both grew up on farmland. His family had cows, chickens, goats, you name it. I grew up in a house that sat in the middle of a huge dairy farm (we didn't own or farm it, just lived there). It was REMOTE. So we have an idea of what we are getting into.


I think the lure of the old house is comfort and ease. Which in all reality probably isn't there. While we lived there we sat on the back deck almost every weekend dreaming about having a farm.


We only want something small. We'd like to raise enough meat and veggies to mostly live off of. I would like to try keeping a milk cow. So really we are talking a hobby farm I guess. In our bigger dreams we would like to have a retreat farm where people could come for a week and learn about animals, growing food, woodworking and art. But that is probably a pipe dream :001_smile:

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The area we are moving back to, while rural, isn't remote. Plus, we have a ton of family very close by. (it's crazy really, how many people in that area my dh is related to :tongue_smilie:)


My dh and I both grew up on farmland. His family had cows, chickens, goats, you name it. I grew up in a house that sat in the middle of a huge dairy farm (we didn't own or farm it, just lived there). It was REMOTE. So we have an idea of what we are getting into.


I think the lure of the old house is comfort and ease. Which in all reality probably isn't there. While we lived there we sat on the back deck almost every weekend dreaming about having a farm.


We only want something small. We'd like to raise enough meat and veggies to mostly live off of. I would like to try keeping a milk cow. So really we are talking a hobby farm I guess. In our bigger dreams we would like to have a retreat farm where people could come for a week and learn about animals, growing food, woodworking and art. But that is probably a pipe dream :001_smile:



Go for the farm!!! :)

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The area we are moving back to, while rural, isn't remote. Plus, we have a ton of family very close by. (it's crazy really, how many people in that area my dh is related to :tongue_smilie:)


My dh and I both grew up on farmland. His family had cows, chickens, goats, you name it. I grew up in a house that sat in the middle of a huge dairy farm (we didn't own or farm it, just lived there). It was REMOTE. So we have an idea of what we are getting into.


I think the lure of the old house is comfort and ease. Which in all reality probably isn't there. While we lived there we sat on the back deck almost every weekend dreaming about having a farm.


We only want something small. We'd like to raise enough meat and veggies to mostly live off of. I would like to try keeping a milk cow. So really we are talking a hobby farm I guess. In our bigger dreams we would like to have a retreat farm where people could come for a week and learn about animals, growing food, woodworking and art. But that is probably a pipe dream :001_smile:


I grew up in Clinton/Oak Ridge and my husband and I lived there for awhile six years ago. Getting the farm might be a good idea because the raw milk in that area is expensive. You would save a good amount of money having your own cow if things are the same as they were then.


Welcome back to East TN! :). I can't stay away, either.

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The area we are moving back to, while rural, isn't remote. Plus, we have a ton of family very close by. (it's crazy really, how many people in that area my dh is related to :tongue_smilie:)


My dh and I both grew up on farmland. His family had cows, chickens, goats, you name it. I grew up in a house that sat in the middle of a huge dairy farm (we didn't own or farm it, just lived there). It was REMOTE. So we have an idea of what we are getting into.


I think the lure of the old house is comfort and ease. Which in all reality probably isn't there. While we lived there we sat on the back deck almost every weekend dreaming about having a farm.


We only want something small. We'd like to raise enough meat and veggies to mostly live off of. I would like to try keeping a milk cow. So really we are talking a hobby farm I guess. In our bigger dreams we would like to have a retreat farm where people could come for a week and learn about animals, growing food, woodworking and art. But that is probably a pipe dream :001_smile:

Go for the farm then! ;) Sounds great!

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I grew up in Clinton/Oak Ridge and my husband and I lived there for awhile six years ago. Getting the farm might be a good idea because the raw milk in that area is expensive. You would save a good amount of money having your own cow if things are the same as they were then.


Welcome back to East TN! :). I can't stay away, either.


Clinton is actually where we lived. Dh grew up in Powell...went to Claxton Elementary...lol.

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Clinton is actually where we lived. Dh grew up in Powell...went to Claxton Elementary...lol.


Wow - what a jolt. I grew up in Claxton and went to Claxton Elementary (back when they were still the Devils, not the Cowboys, lol) and Clinton High School. When did he graduate? I graduated in 1992. My family still lives off of Old Edgemoore Road.

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Wow - what a jolt. I grew up in Claxton and went to Claxton Elementary (back when they were still the Devils, not the Cowboys, lol) and Clinton High School. When did he graduate? I graduated in 1992. My family still lives off of Old Edgemoore Road.


Sent you a PM.


My kids went to Claxton too, for a while. We've probably ran into each other at some point. With the exception of about 4 years combined, I've lived in that area of and on for the past 19 years :)

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After we sold the house I grew up and my parents moved to a different country, I didn't go back to see it for a couple years. Then, before I moved to the USA (2 years after we sold the house) I decided I wanted to do a drive by of it to say "goodbye". A friends and I headed out and when we got there, the new owners were out front (the people we sold it to went through a messy divorce 6 mos before and sold it) and asked if I wanted to come inside. The whole house was different - they had done some horrible renovations, the colours were "wrong", basically it just felt off and it wasn't my house.


I think if you moved back you might encounter this same kind of feeling.

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