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Three people made a face at me today....

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While we were at church I invited three different moms of preschool aged kids to our homeschool afternoon out, because we have preschoolers in the group from our church. I thought I would be nice and extend an invite even to moms of preschool age kids who hadn't expressed an interest in homeschooling in case they might like an afternoon out. With kids the same age as their kids.


All three women made a face at me when I invited them. Since I've never had that reaction before, I have to assume it was the mention of the 'homeschool group' that caused it.........


And we live in an area of admittedly horrible, financially irresponsible, and overcrowded schools. AND this is a Unitarian Church, so I doubt these kids are heading for any of the local Christian schools in a year or two.

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While we were at church I invited three different moms of preschool aged kids to our homeschool afternoon out, because we have preschoolers in the group from our church. I thought I would be nice and extend an invite even to moms of preschool age kids who hadn't expressed an interest in homeschooling in case they might like an afternoon out. With kids the same age as their kids.


All three women made a face at me when I invited them. Since I've never had that reaction before, I have to assume it was the mention of the 'homeschool group' that caused it.........


And we live in an area of admittedly horrible, financially irresponsible, and overcrowded schools. AND this is a Unitarian Church, so I doubt these kids are heading for any of the local Christian schools in a year or two.


I am sorry you experienced that reaction. Both our local unitarian churches have a number of homeschoolers. Could it be that they thought you assumed they were hsers or intended to hs? Maybe they thought your group was solely for hsers.

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Did you make it clear that you weren't recruiting? If a preschool group invited me to their event, I'd wonder if they were trying to sell their program to me. One person making a face can be ignored, but since three people reacted this way I have to wonder if the wording you chose was unclear.

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A year ago I'm sure I would have made a face too. :blushing: I knew nothing about homeschooling. Honestly I would have thought most people who homeschool are just too lazy to take their kids to school. Now I'm sold on homeschooling! Without homeschooling my 11 year old son would be bullied daily and illiterate. I wish someone had mentioned homeschooling to me back in 1995, when I sent my oldest to kindergarten. I would have home schooled all along but I didn't even know homeschooling was an option.


Give these women time to digest. Homeschool talk is like a foreign language to some people.

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Well that was taken out of text now wasn't it?


I know one person, DSD, who did homeschool (my DH's older DD homeschooled her DD for a few years) while she was a priestess and cared for ocelots and bobcats at a church that worships mother earth. I guess what DSD did was actually considered unschooling. DSD admitted freely she couldn't wake up on time. DSD also had substance abuse issues but has since cleaned up. My DH's granddaughter is the same age as one of our DD's so we heard all about it.

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I dunno. It seems like some sort of misunderstanding. What did they say after they made the face?


They just said no, rather emphatically. And I did mention that I just inviting them because of the ages of the kids and not because of whether they might want to homeschool.....


The 'face' seemed to be an involuntary reaction, actually. Like I invited them and their kids to a nudist day out or something.

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A year ago I'm sure I would have made a face too. :blushing: I knew nothing about homeschooling. Honestly I would have thought most people who homeschool are just too lazy to take their kids to school. Now I'm sold on homeschooling! Without homeschooling my 11 year old son would be bullied daily and illiterate. I wish someone had mentioned homeschooling to me back in 1995, when I sent my oldest to kindergarten. I would have home schooled all along but I didn't even know homeschooling was an option.


Give these women time to digest. Homeschool talk is like a foreign language to some people.





Maybe some posters in the parish house. With our events listed there.....:glare:

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Yeah, that was a weird reaction, but it was probably also a weird invitation in their eyes.

I would have made a point of saying it was open to all children, but let's also be honest - hs'ers can sound like recruiters even when that's not our intent! ;)


:iagree:I think it is something about the enthusiasm we approach the subject. Like evangelists.



DEFINITELY posters in the parish house from now on....

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