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Resurrected threads, what's going on...

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There seems to be a lot of weirdness going around. Seldom-posting posters suddenly popping up and talking to one another in eerily similar voices, newbies bumping old threads. Weird.


:iagree: Yup.

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There seems to be a lot of weirdness going around. Seldom-posting posters suddenly popping up and talking to one another in eerily similar voices, newbies bumping old threads. Weird.

I was thinking the same thing yesterday, but I didn't want to say anything since I don't post very often myself. (although I spend plenty of time here!) :)

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I can sense by the number of posts several of them are first time posters.




I can tell by several of the embedded hyperlinks they are for all intent, spam.




So basically, I'm sensing they are going for long threads with controversy and pulling those to the front lines of the general forum.


And - well, just because I'm having a very very very well deserved - semester end meltdown - my personal opinion is that it's annoying. Might be the bi-yearly wine talking, but just being honest here.


Don't know about the rest of you, but hey, that's where I'm at today.

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There seems to be a lot of weirdness going around. Seldom-posting posters suddenly popping up and talking to one another in eerily similar voices, newbies bumping old threads. Weird.


:iagree: I've noticed it too. I am getting better and checking thread dates to be sure I am not adding to an old thread, but sometimes miss them. Kind of starting to drive me nuts.

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Please pardon my ignorance (I have been lurking on the board for a while but only posted very recently) but why would this happen and what is the point of it?



Sometimes a spammer posts links in an old thread or has a link in their signature and posts in an old thread.


Other times people who are new see the related threads and read one of them, not noticing that it's an old thread, and then post, thus resurrecting the thread.


Then people reading the boards see the thread and post, not noticing the original date.


Consensus seems to be that resurrecting old threads on curriculum boards is fine... especially if you're asking for more information or adding an update, but it's generally bad form to do on the general board...especially about issues that are long over.

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