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Just got back from the vet ER

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Greyhounds. :glare: Greyhounds are expensive. :glare: I'm glad I saved the life of one, but one is my limit.


Dh let the dogs out tonight like he always does before bed. Buddy came inside limping. I looked at his front paw and couldn't believe what I was seeing. One toe was completely bent sideways and his nail was pierced through the toe next to it. Told dh this was beyond anything I could fix, got dressed, loaded him up, off to the ER. That's when I noticed tha back paw. :svengo: All bone. No muscle, no skin. Poor dog was in so much pain. He was taken out back and the vet came to tell me the back paw is pretty shreded, three toes are bad. Hes likely under anesthesia right now.


We won't know if the back paw's skin can be saved, and he may need more surgery if the skin dies.


Three minutes out side is costing us $1,100 so far..... I'm really hoping that skin heals nicely.








I asked the vets to wrap his paws really well, and to wrap the leg where the iv will be. Last time he had to have teeth pulled he licked the leg at the iv sight to the point that the leg burst open and hus vein was hanging out!!! Yup, more surgery.



My husband is an absolute saint. He rarely ever complains about all the expense my animals cost. Im feeling REALLY guilty right now.


ETA: We have no idea at all as to what possibly could have happened. His chest had some bleeding and a lot of bruising, some paws have grass stains. Vet is thinking he slipped on ice, but we have no ice in sight..... Maybe there is some in the woods.



Poor Buddy. :sad:

Edited by Denisemomof4
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Oh my! I am no stranger to vet bills either. I am wondering if he stepped in some kind of trap? Do you have a large roaming area? Could he have encountered raccoons? Why would skin and paw "pads" be shredded from ice? I am missing something here.

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Oh my! I am no stranger to vet bills either. I am wondering if he stepped in some kind of trap? Do you have a large roaming area? Could he have encountered raccoons? Why would skin and paw "pads" be shredded from ice? I am missing something here.


No traps here, but raccoons? I never thought of that. Animals shredding the paws makes sense, but that one toe totally sideways, and it may be dislodged (what the heck is the word I'm looking for? So tired!) is really weird. The vet said she's never seen such a thing.



Greyhounds do have very thin skin so slipping and shredding his paw on ice wouldn't totally surprise me. He's opened his paws up walking on rocks before, and he has sliced his paws open on ice. They have abnormally thin skin. I do buy boots for him. He hates them and he pees on the front ones but he's going to have to suck it up and wear them.


I'm glad he got in a nice walk today. That won't be happening again anytime soon. :sad:

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We have decided to leave Buddy at the hospital today. I have to take dd12. An hour and a half away for medical testing. I was afraid to leave him home alone. I feel really guilty for leaving him in a cage all day as he spent his first almost four years in a cage, but I want him to be safe.



He is in a lot of pain and not eating. Anyone who has ever had a greyhound will understand when I say this...... He will never recover emotionally from this. My poor old guy. He is 10.5




I love him but I'm angry at how greyhounds and sharpies were bred to be what we desire at a tremendous price to them because of all of their health issues. Otherbreeds too. Buddy has suffered a lot of pain due to his extremely thin skin. I'm going to buy him another pair of boots that he will have to wear if he's walking off the grass.

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Buddy's paw is very red and inflamed. So sad for his pain, but it looks like his paw will be saved!!!


I didn't realize he also has numerous stitches in his chest. Poor guy! He finally stopped shaking and moaning.


Stitches come out in two weeks.


I'm glad that his paw will be saved. Do they have him on Tramadal or other pain meds?

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Yes, he is on pain meds 3 x daily. I believe it's Tramadal.... I have a sleeping puppy on my lap so won't get up to check. He is also on antibiotics.


Good to hear he is recovering. Never knew greyhounds have such sensitive paws. What caused the chest wounds? Did you ever find out?

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:grouphug::grouphug: Poor Buddy! Just wanted to say that I think that it is wonderful that you not only adopted him and gave him a better life, but you are willing to spend the time and money to help a 10.5 year old dog go through this horrible ordeal. Unfortunately, not every pet owner would be so kind and compassionate. Buddy is lucky to have you! Wishing him a speedy recovery!!

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