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"Please don't freak......"

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That is how DH just started a conversation with me on my cell while i am out doing some Christmas returns!!!!


Turns out that he thought it would be a good idea to super-glue one of chunky monkey's toys (plastic car ramp thing) so that it would stay together. He did it and then went off to do something and chunky got into it. He has super-glue on his fingers so DH has him in the tub soaking.


Arrgghhh! I've been constantly telling him that chunky needs 100% supervision.....i hope he has learned a lesson!

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In 7th grade, I walked in the front door. My mother was in the basement and called up the stairs "Is that you?" I called back down the stairs "Yes." And then followed it up with "Now Mom don't freak out" as I stepped in to the doorway to the basement.


Needless to say she DID freakout, but in her defense, I'd fallen off the skateboard, broke my nose, cut open my forehead and lip and between those cuts and my nose I was covered in blood. And because I'd walked home (a block) with my hand up to my nose, it was running down my arm and had smeared over my shirt as well.


That was the day I found out you never start out a conversation along the lines "NOW DON'T FREAK OUT". Especially when the look of you really SHOULD make someone freak out! LOL!

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If it makes you feel better, when my sister was 2, super glued her teeth together.....all the way around. I remember the look on my mom's face when she got home and my dad was trying to pry her mouth open using a steak knife. My mom freaked....of course, but we all laugh about it now.

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If it makes you feel better, when my sister was 2, super glued her teeth together.....all the way around. I remember the look on my mom's face when she got home and my dad was trying to pry her mouth open using a steak knife. My mom freaked....of course, but we all laugh about it now.



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If it makes you feel better, when my sister was 2, super glued her teeth together.....all the way around. I remember the look on my mom's face when she got home and my dad was trying to pry her mouth open using a steak knife. My mom freaked....of course, but we all laugh about it now.


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  • 3 weeks later...
If it makes you feel better, when my sister was 2, super glued her teeth together.....all the way around. I remember the look on my mom's face when she got home and my dad was trying to pry her mouth open using a steak knife. My mom freaked....of course, but we all laugh about it now.


O my goodness!:svengo:

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Uggh.. I was the one on duty when my 21 month old taught us what happens when someone drinks superglue. Don't beat up your DH too bad. Those little ones are fast.


Wow! Who knew? How lucky can you get? Mine just keeps eating dirt from my houseplant. Actually it smells good, it's that nice black potting soil, but yuck! When I was a kid my sister drank pinesol one time and a bottle of perfume another, both trips to the ER.

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