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Teaching Kitty to KILL


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Second mouse in a month. Had to get the first one with a trap. Kitty is a wonderful hunter. But she knows if she kills her new toy it won't play with her anymore.


Can you teach a cat that it needs to KILL any mice found in our house? Or is it just a lost cause?

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:lol: We had TWO cats in the house and neither one would kill their toys.:glare: I didn't want to play with their presents, but they insisted on bringing their little friends to me. Luckily one of our dogs would finish off the poor mice. So, you could add a dog to the mix if you actually want dead presents.

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:lol: We had TWO cats in the house and neither one would kill their toys.:glare: I didn't want to play with their presents, but they insisted on bringing their little friends to me. Luckily one of our dogs would finish off the poor mice. So, you could add a dog to the mix if you actually want dead presents.


That would make ds very happy - but I don't think we're ready for a dog yet. Sigh.

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Cats do that. That's where the expression "a game of cat and mouse" comes from. Dead mouse = end of fun game.


If it's fairly incapacitated, whack it with something. I would not have a cat playing with a mouse all over the place. It would be making a mess everywhere.


Or get that dog. ;)

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Cats do that. That's where the expression "a game of cat and mouse" comes from. Dead mouse = end of fun game.


If it's fairly incapacitated, whack it with something. I would not have a cat playing with a mouse all over the place. It would be making a mess everywhere.


Or get that dog. ;)



Just don't get a Lab. My 80lb Lab gets very sad when her toys stop playing with her. Then she looks at you with those puppy dog eyes, and you can't help but feel bad for her. Now, the little 15lb Lhasa Apso will kill anything. And eat it. And bring it to you halfway eaten. Meanwhile the cats are staring at you while you are on top of the counter hyperventilating.

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The frustrating thing is we find dead mice (and various other creatures) all over the yard. Just not in the house. :glare:


Hopefully it'll run into one of the traps dh set out this morning (in places where kitty can't reach, and mice tend to run to for safety).


I think we'll head off to the children's museum for the day and hope things take care of themselves.


That dog option is looking more appealing.

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Second mouse in a month. Had to get the first one with a trap. Kitty is a wonderful hunter. But she knows if she kills her new toy it won't play with her anymore.


Can you teach a cat that it needs to KILL any mice found in our house? Or is it just a lost cause?


in my experience, they do kill it...just .......v..e..r..y......s..l..o..w..l..y.......

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Second mouse in a month. Had to get the first one with a trap. Kitty is a wonderful hunter. But she knows if she kills her new toy it won't play with her anymore.


Can you teach a cat that it needs to KILL any mice found in our house? Or is it just a lost cause?

I've been told they have to be taught to hunt AND especially to kill and eat the prey by their mamas. If Mama was a good mouser, and if the kittens weren't taken away too young, she will have taught them. Otherwise, you are out of luck.


:lol: We had TWO cats in the house and neither one would kill their toys.:glare: I didn't want to play with their presents, but they insisted on bringing their little friends to me.
And this, the gift giving, is supposed to mean that they've accepted you as their litter mates! :lol:
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Just don't get a Lab. My 80lb Lab gets very sad when her toys stop playing with her. Then she looks at you with those puppy dog eyes, and you can't help but feel bad for her. Now, the little 15lb Lhasa Apso will kill anything. And eat it. And bring it to you halfway eaten. Meanwhile the cats are staring at you while you are on top of the counter hyperventilating.




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We had a cat that brought a mouse into our empty bathtub....just to keep it contained & watch it run without letting it escape. I guess that made it easier for me to dispose of, but those sneaky kitties know what they're doing. :D


:lol: Now that is funny! And one very, very smart cat! :lol:


Ours used to bring them up and stop about 10 feet from the porch. She knew if she brought it inside, she would be in trouble, but she wanted us to know she was doing her job!

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Can you teach a cat that it needs to KILL any mice found in our house? Or is it just a lost cause?


If you want, I'll send you my dog. He will teach the cat how to kill mice lickety-split.


The downside is that after the mouse is dead, he will chase you all over the house, trying to give you kisses on your face. I cannot get him to brush his teeth first, so I have to run really fast.

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I feel your pain. Our cat seems to want to defer to us. She'll drop the poor creature, still living, at our feet if we're around, assuming we want the honor of dispatching it. If we're not home or have gone to bed, though, the cat figures she's been deputized and kills the wee beastie (more than one morning have I awakened to a dead mouse shoved helpfully under my bedroom door).

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:lol: We had TWO cats in the house and neither one would kill their toys.:glare: I didn't want to play with their presents, but they insisted on bringing their little friends to me. Luckily one of our dogs would finish off the poor mice. So, you could add a dog to the mix if you actually want dead presents.


We gave our GS to our neighbor - I just didnt' have time for her, and we still go to see her. ;)

neighbors also had a cat, who liked to play with his toys. He dropped a mole as an offering to neighbor, and the dog thought "oh, yummy" and promptly ate it. :lol: poor cat, he was like 'you ate my toy'???

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I've been told they have to be taught to hunt AND especially to kill and eat the prey by their mamas. If Mama was a good mouser, and if the kittens weren't taken away too young, she will have taught them. Otherwise, you are out of luck.


And this, the gift giving, is supposed to mean that they've accepted you as their litter mates! :lol:


:lol: We were feeding a stray cat some time ago and he brought us a few dead presents.

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Standing on a chair and screaming "KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT!" doesn't work, I know that. :lol: We have little moles/shrews/whatever that get in the house when the farmer brings in the crops behind us, and our kitty will usually accidentally kill them while playing with them.


But not always...


Dh was gone. I was sitting in the living room reading, and I looked up because I saw movement. It took me a few minutes to digest what I was seeing. Kitty was nose to nose with a critter in the middle of the living room floor. I jumped up and started screaming as she batted and played happily. Dh came home a few minutes later to me screeching, because she kept bringing it over toward me (and I didn't WANT it!) :D Then ds told me that this had happened twice before, and they didn't tell me because dh said I would want to move and/or freak out if I found out. :lol: Apparently, she had killed those and dh found them before I did.

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