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Cookies. (a poll)

I prefer my cookies:  

  1. 1. I prefer my cookies:

    • soft and chewy, maybe gooey
    • crisp and crunchy, maybe crumbly
    • No preference, I don't discriminate
    • I don't know
    • I don't care

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How do you prefer your cookies?


(Generally speaking. I know some will vary depending on cookie type, but say we're talking chocolate chip or sugar or one of the generic varieties.)


My sister has a batch in the oven, and I just know she's cooking them "her" way:tongue_smilie:. I mean, I'm gonna eat 'em (!) but I'll know they could've been even better if she had made them "my" way LOL.


So I said as much, and now as it closes in on midnight we're debating the merits of the perfectly baked cookie. Sometimes I look at her and wonder how we grew up in the same house, and yet she came out ... so wrong about some things :lol:!


(Can you believe she also squeezes toothpaste from the middle and puts her toilet paper rolled from underneath? The horrors, I tell you. I swear she's an alien hiding in a human pod.)

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Well, all I can say is, whichever one of you likes them crunchy is WRONG.



That'd be her :lol:!


And I've got the biggest "I told you so!" smirk on my face, but she's just shaking her head at me LOL.


When I bake cookies at work, I make them "my" way. I get a fairly even split of people's preferences, but since there are always leftovers I cook them to my own preference :D. For those who REALLY want to ruin the cookie, I'll bake 'em a bit longer just for them and then just wonder where their parents went wrong ... LOL ... kidding!

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p.s. dd replaces the tp the wrong direction! How is this possible?! However, she is so responsible about replacing the roll that I never point out that she does it 'wrong'!


Hey, we all have to pick our battles :lol: I hate how my kids fold the towels, but the fact that they're doing it restrains me from pointing out their error. Most of the time :blush:!


Here's an old thread/poll about toilet paper - it's funny the things we are passionate about! There are definite camps LOL.

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Crispy because they soak up milk better.


Soft cookies don't soak up milk. Eating the cookies and drinking the milk separately is just wrong. It's not satisfying for me.


See, this is an interesting factor (and one I neglected to consider!)


Milk isn't a common beverage where I'm from, so I didn't grow up drinking it as one. I still don't drink it as one, nor do my kids (by default). My cookie experiences never involve milk, other than the occasional Sonic Oreo Blast LOL.


I can totally see how if milk-dunking was your normal, the cookies would definitely have to be crunchy.


So I wonder if the milk factor influences one's preference for cookie texture ... hmm, interesting!

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Yes, DH INSISTS they're best crunchy because of the milk factor. And no, he won't turn down a soft cookie, just grumble about how it falls apart in his milk. I prefer soft, but this year is my FIRST year EVER finally getting soft cookies! *SIGH* I'm so thrilled. The good news is that if they don't suit me (which, I don't need/want too many cookies anyway) at least he's happy with them. My sister told me last year that she worked and worked to perfect the soft, gooey cookie for years... only to be told AFTER she did that, that BIL prefers crunchy! :001_huh:

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I won't say no to a soft cookie but I definitely pefer a crisp cookie. I use oat flour in my chocolate chip cookies to give them that wonderful crisp texture that I love. If you don't want to eat my cookies because you prefer them undercooked that is ok. That just means more cookies for me.

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See, this is an interesting factor (and one I neglected to consider!)


Milk isn't a common beverage where I'm from, so I didn't grow up drinking it as one. I still don't drink it as one, nor do my kids (by default). My cookie experiences never involve milk, other than the occasional Sonic Oreo Blast LOL.


I can totally see how if milk-dunking was your normal, the cookies would definitely have to be crunchy.


So I wonder if the milk factor influences one's preference for cookie texture ... hmm, interesting!


I only dip storebought cookies, and that is to make them soft. I have never dipped a homemade cookie! Why ruin perfection ;)

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