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UPDATE on my grand-daughter, Emily:

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Thank you for all the prayers and positive thoughts and well wishes. Emmie is much much better this morning -- 24 hoursw after her visit to the ER. She is, according to my daughter, just blowing her nose and blowing her nose and I think that is a good sign -- bad stuff coming out.


She has her appetite back, she spoke with us on the phone, and hopefully, she is now on an abx that is effective for her infection.


Thank you all again.

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:grouphug:I'm so relieved and happy to hear she is on the mend.


What a relief!!! How hard that must have been for you to be so far away. That picture was just so sad last night!


Thank you and thank you! That photo was pathetic -- kind of an image of what health care has come to in this country.:glare: She looked rather Dickensian.

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Thank you and thank you! That photo was pathetic -- kind of an image of what health care has come to in this country.:glare: She looked rather Dickensian.



I haven't been able to get the picture of her out of my mind since I looked at it last night. I even showed it to my dh and his eyes just welled up. :crying: He said she looked strait out of a Dickens novel! We couldn't get over how pale that little face was. Little girls in distress just make a mess out of him. He and our dd are at the curling club this morning and he just called to see if I wanted them to pick anything up on their way home. He actually asked if "that grandma had posted an update about that poor sick little girl from last night." I gave him your update.


Anyway, we're both SO relieved to know she's feeling better!


astrid (and Ray)

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