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Question for those who use CLE Math....


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I guess I'm the odd one out. I have both of mine do both the flashcards and the timed drills every day. It's made a huge difference in their recall.



Us too.

While he is not the greatest fan of the flash cards (which we go through the assigned group(s) once, not for 5 minutes), he LOVES the speed drills.

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I've been doing them once or twice a week. My ds thinks their fun but I'm pretty sure he'd get burned out on them if I tried to do them everyday. I have been doing the flashcards everyday though and I can tell he's starting to get tired of those.... I'm thinking about letting him pick between flashcards and speed drills for each lesson.

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We do them also but we make a game of them. They get a sticker for a perfect score and every third perfect score the get a prize out of the candy box. They actually love doing them because of this. Giving them 2 minutes instead of one also helps!:D That said, if my dc panicked at a timed drills or if it was just too much, I would not hesitate to skip them.

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I've been doing them once or twice a week. My ds thinks their fun but I'm pretty sure he'd get burned out on them if I tried to do them everyday. I have been doing the flashcards everyday though and I can tell he's starting to get tired of those.... I'm thinking about letting him pick between flashcards and speed drills for each lesson.


I think I'm going to try this.

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I guess I'm the odd one out. I have both of mine do both the flashcards and the timed drills every day. It's made a huge difference in their recall.


No you're not the odd one out. We do both every day. Besides...my dd loves them. But even if she didn't, we'd do them anyway.


I think knowing the basics can't be beat. I agree that it's makes a huge difference in recall. Unless they're doing them extremely well, they're not to be skipped. But that also doesn't mean you can't do them online or through a gadget.

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My kids need the repetition.


:iagree: When I used CLE with my oldest (400-level), we did them but not the flashcards. I didn't have her do the speed drill on quiz days, just lesson days. If we combined two lessons, she only had to do one speed drill.


We do the Abeka-equivalent. All of my kids, so far, do better if they are asked to recall the facts quickly once they have learned them. I found out the hard way that skipping these (even if I was doing flashcards) was a mistake with my kids. Your mileage may vary.

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We do one or the other, as in flashcards or speed drills. I also use a Flashmaster hand-held game instead of either of the above.


There's something about a game. She loves doing XtraMath on the computer, probably because she's very limited on the computer. She's actually repeated the lesson just to try to get faster. Handwriting is hard for her, so the timed drills were very frustrating. She sees progress much, much better with XtraMath (probably any game for that matter).

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WE always do them, but that's because that's one of the places that dd9 is a little slower (3rd grade, doing 2nd grade math). She did timed tests in PS in first grade and has since had a huge aversion to math facts. This makes it much less stressful. However, dd9 tends to get hung up on them...her brain just has to be int he right mode or she will get significantly less. I figure it's really good practice for her. Both of my girls love doing them. I love how CLE 2 has the graphs so they can see their changes.

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