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Have you actually tasted the foods you don't like?

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MOst things I don't like- mayonnaise, cilantro, peppers- both hot and green, venison, lamb are things I have tasted.


Some are not- mainly things made with mayonnaise like egg salad, chicken salad, potato salad. If the salads aren't made with mayonnaise like German potato salad or a salad with grilled chicken, I have no issues with them.


Now most things I just dislike for myself but mayonnaise is one I absolutely abhor and don't even want to look at. I was so happy that my dh feels absolutely the same way about it.


Oh and I don't like cottage cheese but haven't tasted it either.

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I don't like scungili or eel. And, the scungili is pure visual. If it didn't have suckers on the tentacles, I could probably get it down.


That's about it as far as I've tasted.


I love sushi like a rabid thing, love nuts and raisins and stuff, I love clams, shellfish, all kinds of spices.

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I have not. I go by the smell, usually. There are some foods I just know I won't like them -- mostly white, creamy foods like sour cream, yogurt, and cream cheese.


So, while I make delicious (according to others) cheesecakes, I have never tasted one.


Our guests brought a raspberry cheesecake yesterday. I tried it, to be polite. Never again! The taste, the texture ... I could not bring myself to eat more than one bite, even if I did feel impolite.


OTOH, I have tasted and disliked raw tomatoes forever. I tried them again within the last 2 years, and I love them. I never liked asparagus until I ate it at a friend's house to be polite, and now it is my favorite vegetable.


What foods that are popular do you dislike?


I find your outlook extremely bizarre, to be honest.

I guess it's probably a result of the way I was brought up, as my parents saw it as a huge moral failing to refuse to try food. I love to try anything new or different, and I'm even a little proud of my ability to be unfazed by the fact that it's raw, or it smells weird, or it's part of an animal that I didn't know you could eat :lol:

I can't think of anything that I absolutely couldn't eat. The things I'd find hardest to force down would be anything with margarine on/it in (blurgh) and anything with a sticky, burned sugary kind of taste (treacle, molasses, sweet liquorice, liquid malt extract, maple syrup -yeah I know they are all different, but they all have a common taste I dislike).

I have also had several foods that I didn't learn to like until quite late, eg I didn't enjoy olives until I was over 35.

As for the cheesecake, how the heck is it even possible to make a cake without trying it?! You can seriously do that?! I thought that extensive tasting and bowl licking out was a crucial part of cake making :tongue_smilie:

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I love to cook and bake. Everyone I know loves cheesecake, and none of them make them at home. I like making them because there are so many varieties, they look great, they are easy to make, and people love them.


I like feeding people food they love that tastes great. I love handling food and cooking it ... somehow that satisfies my appetite. If there were a pill I could take instead of eating, I'd do that most of the time. But I would never stop cooking as long as there are people around who love to eat.


Oh my. You and I are like opposites. If there was a pill I had to take instead of eating, you might as well just end my life right there. (The cooking part is fun, too.)

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I find your outlook extremely bizarre, to be honest.

I guess it's probably a result of the way I was brought up, as my parents saw it as a huge moral failing to refuse to try food.

As for the cheesecake, how the heck is it even possible to make a cake without trying it?! You can seriously do that?! I thought that extensive tasting and bowl licking out was a crucial part of cake making :tongue_smilie:


That's funny. I see huge moral failings as things like murder or drug dealing. When I was a child, I had to taste everything. Now that I am an adult, I don't. It is as simple as that.


I am a very good cook and baker. I never taste the food as I'm cooking it. If it needs a little something, I can tell by the smell or by intuition, I guess you'd call it. Food is my second favorite subject.

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Depending where I was and who I was with, I would probably try anything.


With enough local beer, I might even eat fried or battered bugs. I like snails, so why not? I *think* I would draw the line at chick fetus eggs. But again, it would depend on where, when, how.


If I didn't love and/or want to try everything, I would be skiiiiiiiiiiiny.


I wish I could say no. ;)

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I don't like scungili or eel. And, the scungili is pure visual. If it didn't have suckers on the tentacles, I could probably get it down.


That's about it as far as I've tasted.


I love sushi like a rabid thing, love nuts and raisins and stuff, I love clams, shellfish, all kinds of spices.



I love squid. I love sucking the tenticles onto my tongue. lol :tongue_smilie: You can get all the spicy liquid out that way. :D

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Oh my. You and I are like opposites. If there was a pill I had to take instead of eating, you might as well just end my life right there. (The cooking part is fun, too.)


I have been cooking for 4.5 decades. I think I'm just tired of eating, plus smelling the food while I cook it sates my appetite. I don't know why. Having a food pill would come in handy because when I get busy, I forget to eat.


I am not totally crazy. I would love to go on a tasting tour of Europe, or on a cruise that is known for its fabulous food. If that opportunity ever arises, I will be sure to be 10 lbs. underweight before I go!


The other thing I would love to do is get a Master of Liberal Arts in Gastronomy from Boston University.

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Sure I'll try and re-try things I don't think I like. They say it can take a child a dozen exposures to them to be comfortable and/or actually "like" a new food. I would guess the same with an adult. I'll try almost anything. I've tried some really nasty things travelling overseas.


My MIL doesn't eat fruits or veggies. Period. She also will never try anything new. It drives me crazy. Especially when she makes a point of talking about it in front of my kids.


On beets, many do taste like dirt. But some are wonderful if they're farmer's market fresh and prepared the right way. I'm a little bit of a food snob on the freshness of ingredients and how they're prepared, but I'm game to try about anything. But the more processed something is the less happy I'll be.

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That's pretty much me, but my least favorite thing is onions. They make me gag (and puke). So it's not so much that I hate the taste. They just don't agree with me. It's kind of a pain in the neck because they are in everything.


They ARE in everything. Seriously. I disliked every form of onion my entire life, until about a year or so ago. All of a sudden, I discovered I like grilled sweet onions. It was SO weird, I almost didn't want to admit that I liked them! Onions had been my nemesis my entire life. My parents like onions, and we were definitely a 'eat what is put in front of you' family. Seriously, it was awful. I'm not kidding. They're in everything, and everyone would always claim 'Oh, you can't taste them'. :glare: Sure, right. Maybe *you can't, but trust me, I will. (And why in the world would I believe that someone would put an ingredient in a dish that you can't taste, anyway? :tongue_smilie:) I seriously disliked onions so much that when I wanted to know if something at a restaurant had onions in it, I'd tell the waitress I was allergic to them, just to make sure if they REALLY knew if the lasagna had onions in it, or if they were just guessing. :D


It still weirds me out that I like them now. But just grilled sweet onions; not any other kind, and not raw.

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I have tried every single thing I don't like. I will always give a food a couple of tries before I say I don't like it. Except escargot and oysters. Once was enough. I'm not a fan of any bivalve seafood, though. And, a lot of foods, I will try later on down the road. I never used to eat cucumbers, but now I love them. I've found my tastes have changed over the years.


Dh on the other hand drives me insane because he claims he doesn't like things without even trying them. Little does he know that I've gone Jessica Seinfeld on him and sneak healthy things into his meals! My homemade chicken noodle soup has onion and cauliflower purees in it, and despite his refusal to knowingly try either of those foods, he gobbles up the soup like there's no tomorrow.

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I have not. I go by the smell, usually. There are some foods I just know I won't like them -- mostly white, creamy foods like sour cream, yogurt, and cream cheese.


So, while I make delicious (according to others) cheesecakes, I have never tasted one.


Our guests brought a raspberry cheesecake yesterday. I tried it, to be polite. Never again! The taste, the texture ... I could not bring myself to eat more than one bite, even if I did feel impolite.


OTOH, I have tasted and disliked raw tomatoes forever. I tried them again within the last 2 years, and I love them. I never liked asparagus until I ate it at a friend's house to be polite, and now it is my favorite vegetable.


What foods that are popular do you dislike?


I havent read the other replies, but was going to say that I think our mindset when we try something can make a big difference. If you already "know" you wont like something before you try it, you probably wont. My DH is very much like that. He doesn't eat cheese, but if I make something with cheese in it he wont notice unless it is pretty obvious.


There are some things I wont try because of the texture though. I might love the taste but eating is seriously a sensory experience for me and there are some things (like eggs) that make me gag even though I dont mind the taste!

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I have a long history with peas... they make me throw up. But, I will make them for my family (everyone else loves them).


I have tasted these foods throughout my life (brussel sprouts, lima beans, liver... three foods I will not make for my children).


Most of the foods I don't like I have tried. There are a few foods I have never tried, but assume I don't like (bleu cheese, cow's tongue, pigs feet...lol)

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I will try anything once. Even the foods I don't like (for example, chick peas, hummus, pumpkin pie, collard greens, tofu) I will try every so often just to make sure I still don't like them. I wouldn't want to miss out on something grand just because I didn't like it when I tried it once upon a time.

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Yes, I have. I'm very open-minded about this.


I can't eat onions. I used to like the flavor of them, but I get such heart burn that it is ridiculous. I have to be careful eating out to choose foods which will not have a sauce which contains onions. Though I've never been identified as having an allergy to onions, there is definitely a digestive problem such that though I used to "like" them, I do not anymore.


Same with fruits. I have some texture issues and I've really, really given them a try, but I do not do well with mushy or stringy fruit. So apples, pears, firm nectarines or watermelon and such are great. I seriously have issues with peaches and in particular, really ripe or canned peaches, oranges (I will have a major gagging issue if the strings get caught in my teeth), plums...generally, the crunchier the better. Bananas are nasty! :D


I can't stand squash and I've tried to overcome that, but I love all vegetables of green color, the crunch of a carrot or celery stick, and the pure joy of peppers....pepperochini's, all colors of bell peppers, banana peppers, etc.


Some sort of texture issue for me. So as long as my kids have a bunch of fruits and veggies that they do like, I don't sweat it with them when they identify one that they don't. (I've got one that adores bananas, eats them by the poundful...I try not to look at him while he's munching away! :lol:)



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For the most part yes. Most of what I don't like is related to texture rather than taste, though there are some things I don't like because of the way they taste. I don't like the texture of clams, either raw or cooked, so I won't taste squid. I imagine it has a chewy texture similar to cooked clams.


Most of my dislikes are uncommon foods, though I don't like birthday cake, pecan pie, or most fruit pies (too gooey and sweet). Since the majority of my dislikes are not common everyday food for many Americans, I can say I've tasted some interesting foods, like gator tail.


Some other things I don't like -



-bitter greens like mustards or collards, though I like escarole

-raw shellfish, or any kind of raw meat (that leaves out most sushi and steak tartar)


-gamey meats - duck, deer, etc.


-pecan pie


-most gooey fruit pies (apple and blueberry are okay)

-most birthday cakes - actually I'll scrape off the sickly sweet icing and eat the cake and filling


Most of what I don't like is meat or shellfish. There are very few fruits or vegetables I've had the opportunity to taste, that I don't like.

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Coleslaw :ack2: Liver and all other organ meats (had to eat it as a kid. Never again!) Nuts (I've tried them and didn't like them, though I do like peanut butter.) Eggplant.


I actually haven't had eggplant in a very long time, and I would be interested in trying it again, if it was the right recipe. But for the other things, no thank you!

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