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If your child was to describe you as a fictional character, which character(s) would

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you be?


My dd is doing a silly thing on her facebook with her friends where if they "like" her status, she will list a fictional counterpart that best describes them. So, naturally, I had to "like" her status. Here's what she said:


"WISHFUL ACT ALIKE: Mrs. Weasley. Just kidding.

But you know it's true.

ACT ALIKE: Aja Killion-- from Pendragon. If she were older, that is. Also, Aja more in like the beginingish of the book when she was meaner and impatient.

And, YES, beginingish is a word....Now."


And I said that she was pretty much right on. :)


What would your kids say about you?


ETA - she later posted that Alaska from Looking For Alaska crossed her mind :001_huh:, but she "immediately dismissed it". Note to self: Stop Talking. Now. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by LauraGB
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Absolutely, positively, the mom on Modern Family. Every time we watch that show, my kids are like "MOM! She's JUST like you!!"


Not sure if this is a good thing, mind you.


:lol: Same here - between Aja and "possibly" Alaska, I'm not winning any Mom of the Year Awards!

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Well considering PMS is at full force, they probably thinnk I am Medusa. :D


Interesting side note. Medusa has been wrongly represented in modern times. She was cursed by Athena with snakes replacing her hair for "desecrating" Athena's temple by...being raped inside it. She was one of Athena's priestesses and was raped and punished for it by the ruthless goddess. I wear a medallion with Medusa on it when working for dh in the law office to remind myself not to fault the victims of poverty, ignorance, abuse both physical and mental and addicts and their families. It is way too easy to forget" there but for the grace of my higher power, go I..." and I still screw up all the time blaming the victims of a range of issues that they could no more help than the condition of being born human. In no way is this intended as a criticism toward any person in the thread just a reflection and thinking aloud on my end.

If I were to be described as a fictional character my daughter would and has characterized me as none other than Professor Minerva McGonagall. I do tend to purse my lips and clear my throat when vexed. And I have the looking over my glasses defcon stare when needed.:lol:

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Several months ago, my 17yo and I were goofing off and telling each other what tv/movie character we reminded each other of. She said that I reminded her of Mrs. Weasly. I asked her why and she said that I was always accepted everybody for who they are. :blushing:

I told her I wanted to be Mrs. Cullen, so I could be beautiful and never age.:lol:

But, I am very happy to be thought of as a Mrs. Weasley.

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A few years ago, I was told by several teens at my UU church that I was just like the mom on Seventh Heaven. lol


These days, I get Mrs Weasly. When I look depressed about that, they are quick to add, "It's because you take care of people, not how you look!" lol I recall a recent event with a young female frined of my oldest son. "You are my Mrs Weasly." Then she stammered, "Not that you look like her..." lol I told her it was OK. I am happy to be the person who makes you feel safe and cared for.


I love Mrs Weasely, I love how welcoming she looks, and I really do act a bit like that at times--and I wish I could knit that well. I do not want to suffer her heartache.

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:lol: Same here - between Aja and "possibly" Alaska, I'm not winning any Mom of the Year Awards!


LOL My kids thought her need to be in control, and be the family party house was spot on. However, they can't relate to her telling the younger daughter not to study so much. Also, that woman is a hottie...and I do not think my kids think I am a hottie.

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I asked my kids. My 15 yo piped up first, "The Wicked Witch of the WEst!!!!!" :glare:


The 13 yo, who must want something, said, " Mary Poppins."


The 11yo said I remind him of Candace's mom on Phineas and Ferb. I think that's good right?


Brats. All of them.



Oh! I would be quite flattered by that. lol When my kids wake in the morning, this will be the first this I ask! lol Btw, think that show is briliant.

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