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If cost was not the issue

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iPadII (32 gig wifi), Nook, Kindle, Fire


I need this for reading, teaching the kids language, possible powerpoint, and audio books.


I would like more than a simple choice but rather an explanation of why.


Thanks in advance.

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I'd say iPad 2 over Kindle Fire since iPad has more apps available and Fire does not have a microphone, which might be useful for language apps. Nook Tablet could probably do it, but since you said cost is not an issue, go with the iPad since it is a known entity and it is safer bet for long-term support and improvement.


ETA: Since you live in Europe, I'm pretty sure there are some limitations on some of the cloud services available for Kindle Fire, such as Amazon Prime Instant Video. I'm not sure if there are any limitations for the iPads, but I doubt it.

Edited by RegGuheert
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If cost were not an issue, I'd get an iPad 2 and a Kindle. The iPad is better than the Fire or most tablets, and I like Kindles. In my mind, traditional Kindles/Nooks are no substitute for tablets. They are completely different machines with completely different purposes and strengths.

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I'd like to add that I agree with the above posters: Ipad and Kindle. Use the Kindle for reading (no backlight as I mentioned previously) and the IPad for all else.


I have both. It's challenging for me to hold a regular book for too long (RA), so I really use my Kindle DX. It's great. For music, apps, etc., I really enjoy my iPad. Plus, if you have children or a husband who may want to borrow one, you still have the other for yourself until they are finished.

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I have a Kindle and I really really like it, by the way, but I am starting to feel a little toooo tied to Amazon, and I don't really like that. They are sort of getting sneaky with some of their processes and thereby boosting their bottom line at my expense. So I don't really want to feed them more $$$ right now.
With the huge sales numbers and Amazon subsidizing every single Kindle Fire, apparently their bottom line is under massive pressure right now.


I agree that the Kindle Fire looks like a sales kiosk. But I believe it will suit MomsintheGarden's and my needs well. But the iPad fits the kids' needs better.

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iPadII (32 gig wifi), Nook, Kindle, Fire


I need this for reading, teaching the kids language, possible powerpoint, and audio books.


I would like more than a simple choice but rather an explanation of why.


Thanks in advance.


Do the Kindle and Nook handle audiobooks very well? I've not used my Kindle for an audiobook, so perhaps someone else will answer that. I know that typing on the Kindle (and presumably on the regular Nook) isn't very easy; it might improve with the new Kindle Touch, though.


Between Nook and Kindle/Fire, I'd think it would matter where you do the most of your book shopping - Amazon or B&N.


I like the idea behind the Fire, but I don't like the Android OS (I have an Android phone), and I don't think the Android app market is able to compete with iTunes' app market. Yet, anyway.


If you have to choose only one, I'd narrow it down to the Fire or the iPad. We have two iPads (and I :001_wub: them, I'm embarrassed to admit). They are so very, very handy. I think a Fire would be good enough, but choosing from there depends on how much the extra screen space on the iPad would be useful/valuable to you, and if you already use iTunes and their app market for other iDevices. (And surely other things that I'm forgetting to include.)


I know you said that cost isn't a factor, but you can get 3 Fires for the cost of one iPad. If I had not already been an iTunes customer, that might make me consider the Fire. Then again, knowing what I know about the app market for the iPad, I probably wouldn't want a Fire as my primary tablet.


(If cost really is not a factor, I'd agree with those who recommend one of the e-readers using the e-ink technology in addition to either the iPad or the Fire. We have last year's Kindle, and it gets used daily.)

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I definately vote ipad. There have been numerous threads recently on all the things you can do with the ipad. I had a reader (literati) before the ipad and hardly ever used it. Now that I have the ipad and use it so much I also find myself reading on it. I do agree with pp who said the rest of the family will always want to borrow it. Since you opened the thread with "if cost weren't an issue" I'd say get more than one if you don't want to share:) We bought our first ipad last month and plan to get another one or by Christmas.

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The iPad just does more. Period. We have 2 and they get used constantly (typing on it now). There really is no comparison.


For heavy reading, it might be nice to add Kindles (but at $79 for the cheap version, it's quite doable), but the iPad would be my first purchase.

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I have an iPad, and I love its universality. I can surf the net, listen to music, play games, listen to audiobooks, and I could do much more that I do not. ;) I would consider a Fire for my dc, to be "theirs", but for myself I would not trade my iPad.



I'm so confused with all this new technology. Isn't what you described about your iPad what a laptop is for? Are laptops becoming obsolete in favor of tablet devices?

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iPad. SillyAutismMan was able to afford the smallest memory one (with his SSI lump payment) and I have been able to use an app to create books, Book Creator, for him on it, targeting reading goals. I take photos with my regular camera, edit in Photoshop on my computer, email myself the photos I want for Joe's books, and open them in email on the iPad to get them. Not hard at all. I also "save" images off the internet on the iPad for his little books. I write out my own words as captions or stories.


The touch screen makes this a very easy to use device for special needs or any non-reader! ITunes store has hundreds of educational apps for it. Plus - I do have the Kindle app for my books. I am so glad to have not gotten one of the other items (and I looked at them all).


If your kids can read and use the device, though, the new Kindle Fire might be cheaper and work as well. Just check and make sure there are apps you would use in it! And note it will not have as big a screen as the iPad. Now that we are used to the iPad, I can not imagine using a smaller screen.


If you go to a Best Buy (call ahead) you may be able to mess around with an ipad in the store to see what it can do.


Plus note - touch screen! Laptops and the other devices do not have it, I think.

Edited by JFSinIL
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one simply because I don't have the need. I will be getting a Fire because I've recently "borrowed" my dh's Kindle and refuse to return it. I love it for reading fiction/non-fiction. I'll get the Fire because I could use a device with web access but will primarily use it to read, and Dh wants his regular Kindle back.




iPadII (32 gig wifi), Nook, Kindle, Fire


I need this for reading, teaching the kids language, possible powerpoint, and audio books.


I would like more than a simple choice but rather an explanation of why.


Thanks in advance.

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I'm so confused with all this new technology. Isn't what you described about your iPad what a laptop is for? Are laptops becoming obsolete in favor of tablet devices?



Now see this is my question!!! I am trying to decide about whether to ask dh for an IPAD or a laptop for Christmas. I basically want my own computer that I can take with my anywhere. I type up my lesson plans, tests, co-op, children's choir stuff, etc. I'm sick of sharing my computer with two teens ( who now have 3 online classes they each have) and preteen daughter.. I can't lesson plan, I can't grade because someone else is using it. I would also love to be able to research trip advisor on the fly wherever I am. I would love to be able to access the internet when I wanted to, but someone is always using our mobile hotspot on the computer. I go to the fine arts camp in July as well as other places and I have all this free time to work on stuff or surf the web, but I can't do it because I don't have anything. I'm not sure what to ask for..



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Christine, I can tell you what I've learned from my laptop experience: small devices like a laptop are not the place to store really big programs, such as full, year-long downloadable curricula. Not a whole bunch of them, anyway. They eat up space like mad. Photos and movies probably take up a lot of space, too.


The above was news to me. I discovered that what I need is a really good, really big (as in big memory storage and RAM) desktop with a simple, easy system for transferring data between it and a laptop (or tablet?). That way most things can live permanently in the desktop but a few things can travel around with me in the laptop as I need to work on them, then put them back in the desktop when I'm done.

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Christine, I can tell you what I've learned from my laptop experience: small devices like a laptop are not the place to store really big programs, such as full, year-long downloadable curricula. Not a whole bunch of them, anyway. They eat up space like mad. Photos and movies probably take up a lot of space, too.




Not curriculum programs. I mean for me to plan out my 10th grader's English class for example. I have to make out a syllabus of what he reads when, what activities/papers, etc. I don't have any computer curricula. I also write about random topics when I feel like it. Would probably enjoy having a blog, but don't have the technilogical know how to do that or facebook.

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DH and I are debating the same issue but for us it's about the money....even if it weren't an issue I'd probably go with the new Nook Tablet as it does what I need on it and it does netflix so I wouldn't have to pay for the Prime service with Amazon if I get the Fire. I won't drop Netflix to pay for Prime so for us it'd be an added expense..which I'd like to avoid. I want something that I will use but that is usable with my kids as well.


I have a laptop that is my "home" for everything homeschool related and ME related. However I can't just stick it in my purse and flip it open and view my schedule or my planner or my grocery lists, I have to print all those OR be at home. The laptop is NOT small and compact enough for me. So this is why a tablet is appealing to me right now. We have a desktop computer that the kids use, dh has his own laptop and I have my own laptop. But even this coming February we'll be purchasing our own tablets as well. I want the tablet for portability. I want something for my grocery lists, something for totboy to do while sitting at dr. office or listen to me reading him a story (Nook Tablet allows recordable story books!) in the car on the way to Church Sunday morning.


We're a techy family so for us to have all these devices isn't odd. It's something we're thankful for! BUT we also want tablets that we can PASS down to our kids when or if we upgrade.


I was old school and didn't have a cell phone for a LONG time! But finally 2 years ago I got my first cell phone. Now I can't leave the house without it.


As for the tablet. I like the idea of saving money in the end with it, because I print my shopping lists and recipes ALL the time and frankly I'm tired of filing recipes in books unorganized. The tablet will allow for organization as well as my grocery list no having to be printed!


The ipad to me isn't appealing at all. For me personally it's because the current ipad doesn't have flash and it has ALOT of "extra's" that I will NEVER use so why pay for all the unused stuff. Even if it were FREE I'd only want a device that did what I needed it to do.


Sorry to ramble. I'm just going with my gut here.

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I'll have to vote for the Nook Tablet since my my dh just preordered it last night. He had the Kindle Fire on preorder and cancelled it in favor of the Nook Tablet. He told me all the reasons why, which I didn't really care about and therefore don't remember. :001_rolleyes: It was primarily hardware related -- more customizable, or some such.

He has a standard Kindle which he currently reads on, and an iPad which he disliked immensely and gave to the kids.

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