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anyone else have a pathological obsession with planning?


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I thought it bad enough that I am already researching for the next school year, but as I do that I find myself trying to plan the next few years to help me choose for next year. Now I am staring at a paper that has the next 4 years planned out (for 3 kids!) I know it will probably change 16 times by then, but I have this strange "need" to see it all laid out (especially that I think I finally made a history decision for next year!) :tongue_smilie: I think I just like to see my nice laid out plans repeat for subsequent children (though I am fully aware that each child is different and the things that work for dd might not work for them) See? I have issues.... I think I need an intervention... :lol:

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I'm obsessive about researching curriculum and I am planning for next year. I am having a tough time balancing how to split up our time (dd is a wiggly one). We are also not going to wait until Aug/Sept. Right now we are planning on ending in June for this school year and then we will be starting right after July 4th.

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I've just placed my order for math for next year. We'll start in July. My books arrive Wednesday. :blush:

Right after Christmas I am going to order my last few things:

Singapore 1a and 1b workbooks and our religion ed as well as a few things for myself :) That's all I have left besides supplies

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You don't want to see my spreadsheet with multiple tabs, including various options, like if I went with xyz, I'd order all this from these places, and if we went with pqr, I'd order all this from these places. :lol:


Next year's list for 3rd grade and K is already there with prices. Though it's still in flux until I press the buy button!

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Yes. And I really need to learn how to just relax with it. I have this giant excel file with scope and sequence, different options for different styles of learners, all color coded by which would be the most important if funds are limited, and a million other details up through eighth grade. And my kids are only babies.

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I think this is the next best thing to teaching my kids, the planning! I love it!!

I plan and plan and plan and plan...and then..

find myself going with works already!


I just am always hoping to get the best price, the best book for my kids...to do it cheaper than I ever hoped possible while my kids think I am Mary Poppins!



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I'm glad I'm not the only one! Ds is just in Kindergarten, so I'm restraining myself as much as possible lol. Next year he'll be officially kindergarten age and I can register him under an umbrella school that provides funds for educational stuff. THEN I can do all we want to do!

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I think as long as you recognize that plans change and you're not unnecessarily rigid, it can be *helpful* to have a bigger picture in mind. A number of times over the years, I have sketched out on paper what I want each of the kids doing over time... And now that I have a kid in 8th and I'm looking towards high school next year, I really, really appreciate that I had in mind, "What do I want my child to be able to do in high school? What do we need to do in logic stage to prepare for that? Are we on track? Do I need to make adjustments?" in the past. I'm not panicking about getting him ready. I *know* he's ready. I may panic about plenty of other things. But I'm not worried about our preparations...


So I don't think it's pathological. Some things may change. You may decide on a different textbook. You may switch writing programs. You may look at the reading list you had planned, only to think, "Oh, s/he's read 1/3 of these! I'll have to reconsider!" ;) (Today ds was recommending a piece of historical fiction to dd. I had to restrain myself from saying, "No! You did that for a school book this year! If she reads it now, I won't be able to recycle your history plans 100% for her!" lol... But I realized that *was* a little wrong and held my tongue...)


But it's certainly nice to have the big picture in mind.

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I am also an obsessive list maker/planner. Sadly though, I don't have the same drive to do the stuff on my lists/plans. :tongue_smilie:


This is my problem. I love planning, but unlike many planners, I am not organized. I plan but can't make up my mind and I have a lot of trouble with follow-through. That's one reason I stay up so late - I need to be accomplishing things for right now, but some as-yet unused resource sitting on the shelf calls to me and I end up looking through it, trying to figure out how to fit it in next year.

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I think as long as you recognize that plans change and you're not unnecessarily rigid, it can be *helpful* to have a bigger picture in mind. A number of times over the years, I have sketched out on paper what I want each of the kids doing over time... And now that I have a kid in 8th and I'm looking towards high school next year, I really, really appreciate that I had in mind, "What do I want my child to be able to do in high school? What do we need to do in logic stage to prepare for that? Are we on track? Do I need to make adjustments?" in the past. I'm not panicking about getting him ready. I *know* he's ready. I may panic about plenty of other things. But I'm not worried about our preparations...


So I don't think it's pathological. Some things may change. You may decide on a different textbook. You may switch writing programs. You may look at the reading list you had planned, only to think, "Oh, s/he's read 1/3 of these! I'll have to reconsider!" ;) (Today ds was recommending a piece of historical fiction to dd. I had to restrain myself from saying, "No! You did that for a school book this year! If she reads it now, I won't be able to recycle your history plans 100% for her!" lol... But I realized that *was* a little wrong and held my tongue...)


But it's certainly nice to have the big picture in mind.


Yes! but I consider it a fairly healthy obsession...:001_smile:


Rationalization for my addiction. Thank you!!! :lol:


BTW, can I just say I am feeling so much better about my spreadsheets! ;)

I got made fun of at convention last year so badly bc of my spreadsheet, prices for amazon, CBD, RR, but ya know, where did people come when they had curricula questions! :tongue_smilie: The thought of walking into a convention vendor hall and just "picking" a science or math or anything makes my head spin. :001_huh: I will stick to researching! :tongue_smilie:

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The planning is the best part! That's one reason why I can't use box curriculums. :)


I have a scope and sequence spreadsheet, firstly because I love projects like that and secondly because I think it does help to have an idea what you're aiming for. "Begin with the end in mind" is a standard productivity cliche. I think it definitely applies in this area.


I spent loads of time reading and researching and sketching out plans from the time my oldest was teeny. I'm glad I did then, because it's born fruit now and now in the midst of 3rd & 1st grade, plus preschooler& toddler, I don't have that kind of time nor brain cells!


Go whole hog, just hold the plans with open hands. You'll be tweaking it probably multiple times a year, and that's ok. It's not wasted effort. It's development.

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I thought it bad enough that I am already researching for the next school year, but as I do that I find myself trying to plan the next few years to help me choose for next year. Now I am staring at a paper that has the next 4 years planned out (for 3 kids!) I know it will probably change 16 times by then, but I have this strange "need" to see it all laid out.


I'm right there with you! I am usually a fly by the seat of my pants kind of gal but in this one area I have to plan and be detailed about it - it is too important to let things slide or get off track. I know things are not going to go exactly according to plan due to life situations and the abilities of my children but I have to be able to see where we are heading and why. A 4 year plan helps me get all the "musts" in while also scheduling out some of the "extras I'd like to cover, things like typing, foreign language and fun unit studies based on the kids interests.


Anyway, if you are crazy then so am I. I have already got a working list ready for the 2012-2013 school year. I spent so much time planning last year for this year that I am really happy with 95% of our materials and will be continuing on with most, so at least I don't feel like I have the hand-wriging agony of searching every single program under the sun to try and find a good fit (for me as the teacher!).

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I spent so much time planning last year for this year that I am really happy with 95% of our materials and will be continuing on with most, so at least I don't feel like I have the hand-wriging agony of searching every single program under the sun to try and find a good fit (for me as the teacher!).


:iagree: We also will be continuing on with most of our current choices, which makes me feel better about all that research! The things we don't love, I have kept researching, think I have a new plan for next year and we shall see! I am all about keeping it open to change, but I like a plan! ;)

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I am also an obsessive list maker/planner. Sadly though, I don't have the same drive to do the stuff on my lists/plans. :tongue_smilie:


That's me. I am a champion planner. I can make lovely lists and schedules and plans, and enjoy doing it. It's the carrying out of those plans that I'm not so great at.

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My oldest is not quite 2.5 and I've been planning since I was pregnant with him. I think that incrimates me enough without having to confess about my various spreadsheets, documents of notes all dependent on learning styles, stages etc... :lol:


I'm even thinking of putting together my own TOG-like history/lit/geography curriculum because I like the idea and layout of TOG but I'd have to tweak it almost beyond recognition to fit my own priorities.


Is this where I ask for help and then try to wait patiently until the funny men in the white coats come to haul me away? :tongue_smilie:

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My oldest is not quite 2.5 and I've been planning since I was pregnant with him. I think that incrimates me enough without having to confess about my various spreadsheets, documents of notes all dependent on learning styles, stages etc... :lol:


I'm even thinking of putting together my own TOG-like history/lit/geography curriculum because I like the idea and layout of TOG but I'd have to tweak it almost beyond recognition to fit my own priorities.


Is this where I ask for help and then try to wait patiently until the funny men in the white coats come to haul me away? :tongue_smilie:

Oh honey if you are crazy so am I!!!! I was planning and already trying to sway DH to my POV when I was pregnant with dd.

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My oldest is not quite 2.5 and I've been planning since I was pregnant with him. I think that incrimates me enough without having to confess about my various spreadsheets, documents of notes all dependent on learning styles, stages etc... :lol:


I'm even thinking of putting together my own TOG-like history/lit/geography curriculum because I like the idea and layout of TOG but I'd have to tweak it almost beyond recognition to fit my own priorities.


Is this where I ask for help and then try to wait patiently until the funny men in the white coats come to haul me away? :tongue_smilie:

This is so me. I am also awaiting the men in white coats. Um....I have a plan through middle school (with ? electives), Spreadsheets, estimated costs, schedules, book/curriculum wish lists for each year on amazon cross-referenced with books that my library has (I'm planning on a living books/TOG) approach. I made the lists so I could have them with me in case I hit upon a used book store/garage sale/etc. (I picked up an Excellent copy of "In Search of a Homeland" at a used book store on vacation for $2 - a book we won't be using for 6-7 years!)


I know things we'll probably change a bit..it'll be interesting to see where we end up. But I've tried to pick curriculum that has a multi-sensory approach so that I can tweak it to emphasize the approach that fits the learning styles my boys may be. I'm also planning a day by day approach, with a certain amount of time dedicated to each subject each day. We will do what gets done and then pick up again the following day. I'm hoping to stay away from fixed lesson plans that will lead to the I'm behind/ahead. So I'm planning to be pretty fluid in that area. (is that an oxymoron?)


My excuse...I'm doing this now when I have more time instead of when I'm teaching. I can also try to start collecting curriculum/books now used to spread out costs over time. Sound good?

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My excuse...I'm doing this now when I have more time instead of when I'm teaching. I can also try to start collecting curriculum/books now used to spread out costs over time. Sound good?


This is what I tell myself as well. DH and I want a larger family and I figure that I've got more time now then I will then so I might as well make use of it, lol.

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I have half of our math curriculum for next year, all of the grammar for next year, history for next year, and science to get us through the next 3-4 years (depending on how fast we move)....If I need to make a change, I will do that, but everything is a continuation of what we are doing this year, and it is working great!


Oh...I have spelling for the next 3 years (again, it depends on how fast we move through the program.)


I love to make a plan and search for the bargains! :)

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