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Dr. Hive? My son needs some answers! Help him feel normal again?

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His fever broke during the night and hasn't been back all day. Dh took him to the doctor. He mentioned all of the things I mentioned below and asked about the things all of you mentioned. This is a new doctor and I was a bit nervous about it! But here is what he said:


Parasites and hep A would have caused gastro discomfort at some point.

Abscess, something left in. He'd have a fever still and he would have had some discomfort on palpation.

Mono. He said he'd be much sicker.

He tested for strep. Negative.

Weight loss. He said he's not worried because he knows the cause - he's not eating!


Because the fever is gone, he didn't feel the need for a blood test. He said that if the fever comes back to come back in for more testing.


He feels that it is the lack of sleep that is causing all of the symptoms and the sore throat is the same thing that is going around all the kids here. He also mentioned that this could be post traumatic stress disorder. So, we are to treat with folic acid and melatonin (I guess you need the FA for the melatonin to work?) for a week and call back if there isn't significant improvement.


In the meantime, his surgeon here called. We updated him and he asked which doctor he had seen. We told him. He said that if Dr. XX said that's what it was, that's what it was. He has a VERY good reputation around here. I appreciate the fact that he didn't send him for a bunch of tests when he really didn't feel he needed them. (And, my gut tells me he's okay too. I'm especially happy that his fever is gone!!!)


So, that's the plan for now.



Ds 14 symptoms:


Unable to sleep (4 weeks now)

Horrible headaches (he's prone to them, but they are REALLY bad now)

Nausea (3 days)

Body aches (2 days)

Foggy feeling (2 weeks)

Dizzy (2 days)

Slight fever (just today)


Other important facts:

1. Ds had emergency surgery 4 weeks ago. That's when the sleep trouble started. Surgery happened while we were on vacation in Mexico (if that matters). His bloodwork one week post-op (3 weeks ago) was all completely normal. Could his sleep issues be related to the surgery? Could the lack of sleep explain the foggy feeling and the dizziness?


2. Ds had an eye doctor appointment last week. All was normal and he was told he didn't have to wear his glasses anymore. He hadn't been wearing them for a little while anyway. But, I'm noticing that he is rubbing his eyes more than he used to (his weaker eye in particular). These are things that used to happen when he was 4 when we first took him in. He has agreed to start wearing his glasses again part time to see if that makes a difference in the headaches. Could the headaches be because of this?


3. He went to the orthodontist 5 days ago. This may sound crazy, but my oldest used to get a slight fever and body aches after each of his ortho appointments. Could that explain those symptoms?


4. He has lost 7 pounds since we left for vacation. His is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds. No weight to spare, IMHO! Could this be because he isn't eating as much because of the nausea and the surgery itself?


5. We went to the chiropractor today. He adjusted his neck in one area and right afterward, my ds said the headache was gone. Chiro thought it was a pinched nerve. His headache has come back since.



There are just too many things here for me to think straight! He is still walking around and fairly active after Tylenol. But, he prefers a dark room as the light hurts his head. To top everything off, our regular doctor moved the day before we got back from our vacation! So, it's not like I can call a doctor without having to go through our entire history.



Edited by Jennifer in MI
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My gosh, Jennifer. :grouphug: to that poor kid - he's been through so much!


Have you considered parasites? I know we didn't make it back from Mexico without some serious stomach upset (and issues thereafter). Since he spent time in a hospital, etc, that might be part of his ongoing issue. Something to consider.


Hope he's feeling better soon. :grouphug:

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My gosh, Jennifer. :grouphug: to that poor kid - he's been through so much!


Have you considered parasites? I know we didn't make it back from Mexico without some serious stomach upset (and issues thereafter). Since he spent time in a hospital, etc, that might be part of his ongoing issue. Something to consider.


Hope he's feeling better soon. :grouphug:


Thanks Laura. Our chiro mentioned parasites. But, when he asked about abdominal issues that tend to accompany them, ds didn't have any of those symptoms. Could he have a parasite without those symptoms? I guess I could google it . . .

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Food intolerance comes to my mind, especially the weight loss, headache, body ache and slight fever symptoms. I am thinking gluten issues? Those symptoms sound very familiar to what I have seen in our family. And parasites if you were in Mexico? Chewing down a fresh clove of garlic twice daily for about 4-5 days is a great natural way to clear up that problem. Perhaps some sort of gut dysbiosis? Did he take antibiotics after surgery? Maybe try a good yogurt or daily probiotics to reestablish proper flora.

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Because of the surgery, now that he has a fever I would get him back to the doctor's. I would be worried about an infection.


The lack of sleep can cause the dizziness, so can the change in glasses, or bad allergies.


The fever would cause me the most concern. I would want the doc to check for infection and parasites.


I hope he feels better soon!

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Thanks Laura. Our chiro mentioned parasites. But, when he asked about abdominal issues that tend to accompany them, ds didn't have any of those symptoms. Could he have a parasite without those symptoms? I guess I could google it . . .


Well, from what I understand, the stomach upset is initial, but the problems thereafter don't really have much to do with an upset tummy - muscle soreness, headaches, appetite issues...I really do believe a lot more of our "undiagnosed" diseases stem from parasites of one sort or another.

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Food intolerance comes to my mind, especially the weight loss, headache, body ache and slight fever symptoms. I am thinking gluten issues? Those symptoms sound very familiar to what I have seen in our family. And parasites if you were in Mexico? Chewing down a fresh clove of garlic twice daily for about 4-5 days is a great natural way to clear up that problem. Perhaps some sort of gut dysbiosis? Did he take antibiotics after surgery? Maybe try a good yogurt or daily probiotics to reestablish proper flora.


Thanks. I'll see if I can't get him to take the garlic. He did take antibiotics after surgery for about a week. He took a probiotic for a couple days, but then I forgot. He's been back on them for two days now. I doubt it's gluten as he's never had these issues before the surgery.


Because of the surgery, now that he has a fever I would get him back to the doctor's. I would be worried about an infection.


The lack of sleep can cause the dizziness, so can the change in glasses, or bad allergies.


The fever would cause me the most concern. I would want the doc to check for infection and parasites.


I hope he feels better soon!


The surgery was four weeks ago though. Could an infection from that come on now? His bloodwork one week after surgery was normal.


Maybe tomorrow we'll take him in just to be careful.

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I would take him in for a blood count. That would make me nervous. The headaches might be unrelated and he could still have an infection. Is this the son with the cardiac issue? I seem to remember you ended up knowing that doctor. I would run it by him, if it's the same child. (I get a little paranoid, though!)

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Well, from what I understand, the stomach upset is initial, but the problems thereafter don't really have much to do with an upset tummy - muscle soreness, headaches, appetite issues...I really do believe a lot more of our "undiagnosed" diseases stem from parasites of one sort or another.


LOL! His surgery was for appendicitis! So, he certainly had stomach upset! LOL But, nothing after the surgery. If we go to the doctor, I'll be sure to ask him about it though.

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I would take him in for a blood count. That would make me nervous. The headaches might be unrelated and he could still have an infection. Is this the son with the cardiac issue? I seem to remember you ended up knowing that doctor. I would run it by him, if it's the same child. (I get a little paranoid, though!)


Even though his blood counts were normal three weeks ago? I was taking comfort in that.


This is a different son than the cardiac one.

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Is he getting enough fluids in him? Probably not the root cause, but if he's having nausea, etc., it can be difficult to drink. Dehydration can lead to bad headaches and dizziness, and then the headaches can exacerbate the sleep issues. It might not address the root cause, but getting enough liquid into him, even if he feels like he's forcing it sometimes, can make a difference in alleviating some of the symptoms, which may make it easier to deal with the others until you find answers (and yes, I would insist on them investigating both parasites and bacterial infections).

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No. They used general.


Was he ever septic ? Shaking chills, fever, sweats, delirium when his appy went bad? Did he get antibiotics, if so, how long. Sometimes an abscess can be seeded and start up if bacteria make it into the blood stream.


Any diarrhea? Any loss of chronic constipation. C. diff loves to appear after antibiotics geared toward gut organisms.


I would push for a very careful exam. A quiet room and a good listen for any murmurs, a really careful palpation of the abdomen etc. A good diagnostitian needs to stop, look, and listen and then put a thinking cap on.

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LOL! His surgery was for appendicitis! So, he certainly had stomach upset! LOL But, nothing after the surgery. If we go to the doctor, I'll be sure to ask him about it though.


I know :lol:. But he had his surgery in a hospital outside the US, right (or was it here?)? I just would wonder if maybe some contamination occurred there.

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Was he ever septic ? Shaking chills, fever, sweats, delirium when his appy went bad? Did he get antibiotics, if so, how long. Sometimes an abscess can be seeded and start up if bacteria make it into the blood stream.


Any diarrhea? Any loss of chronic constipation. C. diff loves to appear after antibiotics geared toward gut organisms.


I would push for a very careful exam. A quiet room and a good listen for any murmurs, a really careful palpation of the abdomen etc. A good diagnostitian needs to stop, look, and listen and then put a thinking cap on.


No. His appendix was stage 2 teetering on stage 3. He had a fever, but it went away shortly after surgery and never came back. He received antibiotics for a week afterward.


No diarrhea or constipation.


Would you go to the surgeon we saw when we returned to the states (we saw him once for follow-up). Or should we take him to the MD that is filling in for my doctor? Could something show up this long after surgery? It's been exactly four weeks. So, he's been off the antibiotics three weeks.


I know :lol:. But he had his surgery in a hospital outside the US, right (or was it here?)? I just would wonder if maybe some contamination occurred there.


His surgery was in Mexico. We thought of that.

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Would you go to the surgeon we saw when we returned to the states (we saw him once for follow-up). Or should we take him to the MD that is filling in for my doctor? Could something show up this long after surgery? It's been exactly four weeks. So, he's been off the antibiotics three weeks.


Unless is he sore or swollen down there, I'd not go to the surgeon, but the sharpest peds in town.

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Was he ever septic ? Shaking chills, fever, sweats, delirium when his appy went bad? Did he get antibiotics, if so, how long. Sometimes an abscess can be seeded and start up if bacteria make it into the blood stream.


Any diarrhea? Any loss of chronic constipation. C. diff loves to appear after antibiotics geared toward gut organisms.


I would push for a very careful exam. A quiet room and a good listen for any murmurs, a really careful palpation of the abdomen etc. A good diagnostitian needs to stop, look, and listen and then put a thinking cap on.


This is what I am thinking. I would want him thoroughly checked for any sepsis anywhere in his body. I would want the most thorough blood analysis that can be run and a manual exam. Perhaps even a lumbar puncture if symptoms suggest a possible need.


BTW my son also had an emergency appendix situation (had been ruptured for at least a day).

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Unless is he sore or swollen down there, I'd not go to the surgeon, but the sharpest peds in town.


Nope. No tenderness or swelling.


This is what I am thinking. I would want him thoroughly checked for any sepsis anywhere in his body. I would want the most thorough blood analysis that can be run and a manual exam. Perhaps even a lumbar puncture if symptoms suggest a possible need.


BTW my son also had an emergency appendix situation (had been ruptured for at least a day).


But, could something like this show up this long after surgery? It was four weeks ago. I was comforted by the fact that his bloodwork three weeks ago was completely normal.

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Nope. No tenderness or swelling.




But, could something like this show up this long after surgery? It was four weeks ago. I was comforted by the fact that his bloodwork three weeks ago was completely normal.


Yes, an abscess can sit for quite awhile it is isn't pushing on something important.


I had a patient who'd left in a tampon. She was sick for 6 months, and finally sought help. It had ulcerated through, and she had abscesses in a chain going up from the drainage of the posterior vault area. 6 weeks of antibiotic and percutaneous drainages. She thought I was a genius, but I just bothered to do a pelvic. She'd had headaches, fainting spells, sweats, back aches. When I got the speculum in there and saw "the mass" I thought it was a fungating tumor. Luck was with us, and as I poked at it, I decided it was not animal, but vegetable. She had a perforated vagina, yet was walking and still working.

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Yes, an abscess can sit for quite awhile it is isn't pushing on something important.


I had a patient who'd left in a tampon. She was sick for 6 months, and finally sought help. It had ulcerated through, and she had abscesses in a chain going up from the drainage of the posterior vault area. 6 weeks of antibiotic and percutaneous drainages. She thought I was a genius, but I just bothered to do a pelvic. She'd had headaches, fainting spells, sweats, back aches. When I got the speculum in there and saw "the mass" I thought it was a fungating tumor. Luck was with us, and as I poked at it, I decided it was not animal, but vegetable. She had a perforated vagina, yet was walking and still working.


Ewwwwww! At least I know my son didn't do that!:lol:


So, an abscess. Would it cause pain when he pushes on his belly? And, is this a complication of surgery? Or would this show up in another area? I refuse to google these types of things because they always scare me!

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So, an abscess. Would it cause pain when he pushes on his belly? And, is this a complication of surgery? Or would this show up in another area?


It depends entirely where it is. An abscess on the spine crippled a friend of mine in less than 4 hours. One in a "compliant" area, like in the abdomen, can cook for a long time. The body walls them off and attempts to cope.

If he had general, he could have aspirated and have a lung abscess.


**But it could be many things.** I will never forget the teen brought in because she wasn't getting over having her tonsils out. Her nausea was worsening. Turns out, three days after her tonsils came out, her appy blew up. You cannot be distracted by assuming post hoc ergo propter hoc.


I also recall the person who had an appy on the right and an ovarian cyst on the left all the same night. Talk about a distraction.

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But, could something like this show up this long after surgery? It was four weeks ago. I was comforted by the fact that his bloodwork three weeks ago was completely normal.


Yes, it can. Internal infections that are advancing may not have symptoms that doctors easily pick up on. Because of the operation he had recently, I would want him checked out very thoroughly and very quickly. Especially with the headaches and sensitivity to light.


I also want to say follow your instincts, even when they seem ridiculous and paranoid. If you have a strong feeling about your child's well being, be insistent and demanding if necessary and do not let anyone talk you out of it. This literally saved our son's life. I hope your son's situation is not this serious. But if you have a strong feeling, please follow it.

Edited by laundrycrisis
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Yes, it can. Internal infections that are advancing may not have symptoms that doctors easily pick up on. Because of the operation he had recently, I would want him checked out very thoroughly and very quickly. Especially with the headaches and sensitivity to light.


I also want to say follow your instincts, even when they seem ridiculous and paranoid. If you have a strong feeling about your child's well being, be insistent and demanding if necessary and do not let anyone talk you out of it. This literally saved our son's life. I hope your son's situation is not this serious. But if you have a strong feeling, please follow it.


We are calling the doctor when the office opens. Honestly? When we were on vacation, I had a VERY strong feeling that he needed surgery very early on. This time, I was thinking it was something related to his not sleeping well or maybe parasites. I did have a few freak out moments last night, but deep down, I really feel he's okay. But, we will be going to the doctor.


:grouphug: about your son. Sounds like you had a scary experience. (You can tell me about it later!! Right now I'd just freak out!)


We opted to give him an Advil PM last night so he could sleep. He, for the first time since his surgery, slept for 6 hours straight! At that point, he said he was sweating horribly, so he changed clothes. He went back to bed and slept another 3 1/2 hours. He does not have a fever now and he went back to bed. He said he is feeling much better. No headache. I did forget to say above that he has had a horribly sore throat for a couple days. The sore throat thing is going around his friends.


I think it's more likely that his original illness was not appendicitis, and he still has it, than that something related to the surgery made him sick. Remind me-was his surgery in an American hospital?


His surgery was in a private hospital in Mexico. It was the hospital where all the cruise ships and resorts send their patients. The doctors were Canadian-trained and spoke fluent english. I have no doubt he had appendicitis. After the surgery he was absolutely fine. No more pain.

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Ewwwwww! At least I know my son didn't do that!:lol:


So, an abscess. Would it cause pain when he pushes on his belly? And, is this a complication of surgery? Or would this show up in another area? I refuse to google these types of things because they always scare me!


I don't want to scare you anymore, dear. :grouphug:


But is it possible they might have left something IN him during the surgery? And that might be causing infection, etc. Just enough to keep him sick?

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I'm really glad you're taking him in today, Jennifer. I don't know what it is (obviously), but I'm concerned... I agree with kalanamak's suggestion of taking him to "the sharpest ped in town". Gosh, I wish I could send you to ours! :(


About the sore throat... Mono? Last year ds came down with it right after the whole family had been through flu. We couldn't figure out why all of the rest of us got better (except for that typical post-flu lingering cough), and ds was just ... well... basically miserable. Tired. Low fever, but he had that "fever eyes" look. Tired. Droopy. Cranky. Uncomfortable. Not eating. And a sore throat that I just thought nothing about ('cause for some reason, I was pretty sure it wasn't strep). The sore throat went away, but the other symptoms...


Not that I necessarily think your ds has mono. But it's one of many possibilities they could consider and rule out... All those little things you might not think to consider...


I sure hope he's able to feel better soon! I hate, hate, hate watching my children suffer and feeling so helpless. :(

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I don't want to scare you anymore, dear. :grouphug:


But is it possible they might have left something IN him during the surgery? And that might be causing infection, etc. Just enough to keep him sick?




I hope not!!!!! It was done via laparoscopy, if that matters. The incisions were SO tiny! Two of them had only one stitch. The other one had 4 stitches. So, unless it was a piece of the equipment, probably not.


Okay. So, our doctor moved (we knew he was going, but it was supposed to be in December) the day we got home from Mexico. Seriously. We missed him by one day. We took him to the backup doc and a surgeon the day we got back. The backup doc doesn't have office hours today. The surgeon is in surgery today. So, we're taking him to a doc a friend recommended. He's a pediatrician and supposedly VERY good. I hope so! We'll find out at 1:45.


Please pray for him. He's not afraid of much, but needles scare the bejezus out of him!!!! He nearly passed out (literally) when they had to take blood!

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Your poor ds! I hope you guys get some answers ASAP.


I just wanted to mention something my oldest dd just went through about 2 weeks ago. She started feeling very very dizzy one evening and had a bad headache. She felt fine the next day. Then two days later the dizziness returned along with the headache and nausea. I took her to the pediatrician. She was running a low grade fever when they checked her temperature. The ped diagnosed her with viral encephalitis. My dds was very mild but the dizziness, headache, fever, and nausea were all the symptoms.


Since your son has a few of those symptoms it might be worth mentioning to an MD. Our ped said that she had seen the virus more recently especially in teenagers. No one else in the family got sick either.


I hope your ds feels better soon!!


Keep us updated if you can.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I'm really glad you're taking him in today, Jennifer. I don't know what it is (obviously), but I'm concerned... I agree with kalanamak's suggestion of taking him to "the sharpest ped in town". Gosh, I wish I could send you to ours! :(


About the sore throat... Mono? Last year ds came down with it right after the whole family had been through flu. We couldn't figure out why all of the rest of us got better (except for that typical post-flu lingering cough), and ds was just ... well... basically miserable. Tired. Low fever, but he had that "fever eyes" look. Tired. Droopy. Cranky. Uncomfortable. Not eating. And a sore throat that I just thought nothing about ('cause for some reason, I was pretty sure it wasn't strep). The sore throat went away, but the other symptoms...


Not that I necessarily think your ds has mono. But it's one of many possibilities they could consider and rule out... All those little things you might not think to consider...


I sure hope he's able to feel better soon! I hate, hate, hate watching my children suffer and feeling so helpless. :(


Thank you Abbeyej. I wish we could see your ped too!!! It's so hard going to an unknown doctor - especially in this situation.


So sorry to hear about your ds! He's been through the ringer, hasn't he? I'm surprised your head didn't go directly to strep with him and his history with pandas! Score one for mom's instinct!


I don't think Andrew has strep either. His throat is red and one tonsil is swollen, but there are no white spots. I will ask the doctor today about mono. It's a blood test - right? Should be easy enough. I'm sure they'll want to take more.


Thanks again.

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Your poor ds! I hope you guys get some answers ASAP.


I just wanted to mention something my oldest dd just went through about 2 weeks ago. She started feeling very very dizzy one evening and had a bad headache. She felt fine the next day. Then two days later the dizziness returned along with the headache and nausea. I took her to the pediatrician. She was running a low grade fever when they checked her temperature. The ped diagnosed her with viral encephalitis. My dds was very mild but the dizziness, headache, fever, and nausea were all the symptoms.


Since your son has a few of those symptoms it might be worth mentioning to an MD. Our ped said that she had seen the virus more recently especially in teenagers. No one else in the family got sick either.


I hope your ds feels better soon!!


Keep us updated if you can.


God Bless,

Elise in NC


Wow! This is something I've never heard of! But those symptoms sure do match (minus the sore throat). Did they do anything for her?

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Wow! This is something I've never heard of! But those symptoms sure do match (minus the sore throat). Did they do anything for her?


No, they could not do anything for her. They did a complete blood panel to make sure there was nothing they were missing. Everything came back normal. The ped did say that if the dizziness didn't go away after a few days that she would refer us to a neuro.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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... I will ask the doctor today about mono. It's a blood test - right? Should be easy enough. I'm sure they'll want to take more...


It's a blood test that they can do in-office in a matter of minutes. It has a high percentage of false-negatives, but the doctor can use the information along with an exam to make a fairly good diagnosis.


Whatever it is, I sure hope you guys get answers today.


PS- For the passing out... Do you have any type of handheld game device? DS or ipod or phone with games? If he puts headphones on and plays a game (anything at all that takes *some* amount of concentration) with his head angled away from the needle, it can be helpful in preventing him passing out. Distraction plus interfering with sensory input (headphones). You really don't want to deal with all of this *plus* a kid passing out in the nurse's arms today. ;)

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It's a blood test that they can do in-office in a matter of minutes. It has a high percentage of false-negatives, but the doctor can use the information along with an exam to make a fairly good diagnosis.


Whatever it is, I sure hope you guys get answers today.


PS- For the passing out... Do you have any type of handheld game device? DS or ipod or phone with games? If he puts headphones on and plays a game (anything at all that takes *some* amount of concentration) with his head angled away from the needle, it can be helpful in preventing him passing out. Distraction plus interfering with sensory input (headphones). You really don't want to deal with all of this *plus* a kid passing out in the nurse's arms today. ;)


LOL No kidding. Every time he has blood taken, he turns WHITE. They have him lie down to make sure he won't fall. They always tell him that this even happens to the most manly men! I love the idea of headphones though. Thanks. He can just bring his phone and watch a movie or something.


I was sick for weeks with similar symptoms before learning I had hepatitis A.


Ack! That's foodborne - right? I'm writing all of these possibilities down to ask at the doctor's today. I'm sorry you had to go through it?

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Thanks. I'll see if I can't get him to take the garlic. He did take antibiotics after surgery for about a week. He took a probiotic for a couple days, but then I forgot. He's been back on them for two days now. I doubt it's gluten as he's never had these issues before the surgery.




The surgery was four weeks ago though. Could an infection from that come on now? His bloodwork one week after surgery was normal.


Maybe tomorrow we'll take him in just to be careful.


I would take him to a medical doctor as soon as possible. Yes complications could happen 4 weeks after surgery or other serious problems could develop as a coincidence. The symptoms you describe IMO as a RN would make me want to see a medical doctor right away as in today.

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I would take him to a medical doctor as soon as possible. Yes complications could happen 4 weeks after surgery or other serious problems could develop as a coincidence. The symptoms you describe IMO as a RN would make me want to see a medical doctor right away as in today.


We're going! 1:45.


But, this morning he woke up in a sweat and his symptoms are much milder. Very low-grade headache, mild sore throat, no fever. AND he ate breakfast and he's up and walking around!!! I'm not feeling as panicky today.

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