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Droid vs. iphone

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Still not ready to make the switch, but still doing my homework.


I have Sprint. So, choice would most likely be between the iphone and the Evo.


Here is my question. How easy is it to sync Apple products with a Droid?


We are now an Apple family......laptop, desktop, ipad, ipod touch......all Apples.


I want an iphone but DH thinks the Evo is better....but, I need to know how easily they sync.....isn't the Evo Windows based?




PS: If you don't like Apples please don't give me your anti-Apple speech.....we are far too gone in the Mac world to go back now.....and we LOVE being in our Mac world! :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, it just seems all around the one I should get.


I have told DH that HE can get the droid if he wants to but I think I would really like the iphone better.


He argues that it is 4G vs. 3G on the iphone and he says the screen is quite a bit bigger. There were a few other things but that is all I remember.




If you got an iPhone, then you would be able to share games, music, apps and videos with your iPod/touch via the cloud on iTunes.
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We had iPhones with AT&T. Our contract ran out and dh waited until Verizon had the iPhone. We waited and waited and waited. Then dh decided he didn't want the first iphone on the verizon network and so we got Droids. I'm fine with the droid but dh isn't so happy. We had the droids like 3 months and dh said when the contract is up, we're going back to the iphone.


About syncing. It can be done. We have apples everywhere else - macbook, ipods. Dh made the calendar work. I don't know how but it took him like 3 days to get it to work. Now it's automatic and I don't have to do anything. I don't have any music on my droid though. So I'm sure it works, but I don't know how.

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Interesting. Can I hold out that long?????


What will the iphone 5 offer that the 4 doesn't?




I really want an iPhone and a m on sprint too. I have a friend in the biz and she told me to hold out until summer because they are supposed to release te iPhone 5 then.

My upgrade isn't due until August so I'm going to stick with my palm pre until then.

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Say no more. If it took him 3 days, most likely I will never figure it out!




We had iPhones with AT&T. Our contract ran out and dh waited until Verizon had the iPhone. We waited and waited and waited. Then dh decided he didn't want the first iphone on the verizon network and so we got Droids. I'm fine with the droid but dh isn't so happy. We had the droids like 3 months and dh said when the contract is up, we're going back to the iphone.


About syncing. It can be done. We have apples everywhere else - macbook, ipods. Dh made the calendar work. I don't know how but it took him like 3 days to get it to work. Now it's automatic and I don't have to do anything. I don't have any music on my droid though. So I'm sure it works, but I don't know how.

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I love my Evo, but I don't do any syncing with it. I upload pics to my Mac mini, that's about it. I'm just getting into Macs though... If you are a Mac family, I would recommend the iPhone over the Evo. Stay with what you know. My sis has the iPhone and it's nice, but I love my bigger screen. Her battery is always dead or dying. I spent about $40 on an extended battery and a cover to fit the battery, and I get about 24 hours with internet usage, netflix use, texting, etc... Dh is going to get in iPhone in a few months, so maybe I'll change my mind. I wouldn't say no to an iPad though.:D We got one for ds for his birthday, and I'm so jealous!!!

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I got the droid:confused: hubby got the iphone. iphone is TONS better! Especially if you already own other apple products. It runs more smoothly. It has better graphics. Using the internet is faster and smoother. Wish I had bought the iphone. Mine also freezes up a lot. My hubby's phone runs perfectly.

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Interesting. Can I hold out that long?????


What will the iphone 5 offer that the 4 doesn't?




The word on the street is that it will have a bigger screen. That is why we are holding out for the 5 before we upgrade.


About 3G versus 4G, FWIW, I have the 3GS, and I can stream Netflix on my phone.


My battery usually lasts a full day. The exception to this is if I am using the GPS a lot.

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I have an androids one & an iPad. I'm not willing to shell out the extra money form an iPhone right now (saving to buy 2 more iPads instead). I set up the sync pretty easily. Once I added gmail account in the email section on the iPad my email & calendar started syncing automatically. It did take an extra step to get my contacts on the iPad but it was simple. I got a link to the instructions from someone on this board. I add contacts and calendar events online & they show up on iPad.


Yes, I have games & apps on iPad l can't use on my phone but most of the things I would actually do on phone have their own apps (mobile banking, amazon, etc). My kindle & kobo reading apps stay synchronized on both devices without having to do anything special.


I can't envision getting an iPhone for myself anytime soon and I'm not even sure I need one. For now, the droid/ipad combo is working great for me. I bought a good case for the iPad & it fits in my purse so I find myself using my phone as phone & the iPad for most everything else other than reading occasionally. The screen is small & not as convenient as the iPad but for right now we have 1 iPad for three people so I read on the phone when dh & dd are using the iPad....or when dh & I play scrabble on the iPad & I need to entertain myself while he spends way too long deciding what word to play!

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I can't help at all except to say that I would marry my iphone :001_wub:.


:lol: (...oh, but I do understand!)


I had an iPhone 3GS with AT&T but we had very, very poor coverage in our area, and one day, dh tried unsuccessfully to reach me from church - much of our little town is a dead zone for AT&T - and later that day, I drove to Costco and switched both of our phones to the Droid X with Verizon ('twas about 4-5 months before Verizon got the iPhone).


We're a blended family - 4 PCs, one Mac :001_wub:, two iPads, a Kindle, a classic iPod, an iPod Touch, my iPod-like iPhone, and our two Droids. I still have a year with the Droid, but I cannot wait to switch back to an iPhone. I really, really, really dislike my Droid. I know there are people who love 'em, but I can't understand why! (And for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about Apple's closed app system, I vastly prefer their larger inventory and better-quality apps to Android's app market.)


I know my friend's dh has converted DVDs they have to play on their family's iPod Touch and iPad, but it sounds like more hassle than it's worth. I buy my music on iTunes (and bring my iPhone with me when Pandora won't be enough), and unless Amazon has a much better deal on music, I don't bother with them because having music in different places doesn't work for me.


By the time my contract is up for the Droid, the iPhone 5 will be due (or within a few months afterward). I might wait. Might not. Of course, that assumes that the Droid will last that long. I'm not so sure it will. (My friend's Droid has been replaced three times already.)

Edited by WorkInProgress
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I love my iPad but the spelling correction is killing me and I can't get my changes to save when I try to edit. I promise I can spell & write coherent sentences but the iPad has a mind of it's own at times:001_huh:


Autocorrect definitely does have a mind of its own at times. Just now, I had to refuse the correcting of its to it's. You can turn autocorrect off in the settings.

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Thank you all.


We hit the Sprint store tonight and took a look. DH is due for an upgrade in December and he has definitely decided against the iphone, but he uses a PC mostly and he likes the bigger screen, etc... Whatever! :rolleyes: I think the one he likes is called the Epic.


I still like the iphone, BUT long story short, if I get it I will be adding an additional individual plan because I currently have a great cheap plan with data but can't use a smartphone on it.


So, I got a non smart phone with touch screen today. It doesn't allow apps, but will let me go online with 3G fairly easily.


I will see if this will tide me over for a while. Maybe I can even hold out until the next iphone comes out next summer. We will see.



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I don't have a Droid, but my iPhone is a very wonderful tool and toy. I don' t think you can go wrong with either one. Dh has had a BlackBerry (updated frequently by corporate) for about 8 years (or whenever they frist came out) and while I do not not hate it, I do not think it is nearly as user-friendly as iPhone or Droid. :)

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I hate dh's blackberry! He does too.


Thankfully he gets to upgrade in December, so he is switching to a Droid.




I don't have a Droid, but my iPhone is a very wonderful tool and toy. I don' t think you can go wrong with either one. Dh has had a BlackBerry (updated frequently by corporate) for about 8 years (or whenever they frist came out) and while I do not not hate it, I do not think it is nearly as user-friendly as iPhone or Droid. :)
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The Droids do too. In fact, I believe the mp are higher on the Droid.


However, that wouldn't sway me towards Droid really, just saying that oranges to oranges (thought I shouldn't use apples to apples here! :lol:) they both have decent cameras for what they are.




The iphone has an amazing camera for a cell phone.
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The Droids do too. In fact, I believe the mp are higher on the Droid.


However, that wouldn't sway me towards Droid really, just saying that oranges to oranges (thought I shouldn't use apples to apples here! :lol:) they both have decent cameras for what they are.




Megapixels actually don't have a lot to do with camera quality, although most people think the higher the megapixels, the better the camera. And the iphone has some fun picture apps.


I also care about photography more than most people, so I'm just rambling, I know that's not the biggest consideration to make when purchasing a cell phone. But I'll be getting an iphone when I finally give in and get a cell, for the camera. :001_smile:

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I hate dh's blackberry! He does too.


Thankfully he gets to upgrade in December, so he is switching to a Droid.





:lol: It is so funny how we all have different tastes. DH and I have Blackberries and we LOVE them. He had an iPhone for a short time and he hated it. When I upgraded my Blackberry a couple of months ago, the Verizon rep tried her best to get me to switch to an iPhone, but I wasn't having any part of it. ;) I love, love, love my Blackberry. I love Apple too. We have Apple computers, 2 iPads, 4 or 5 iPods, etc., but I just don't have any interest in the iPhone. There is absolutely NO way that I could deal with not having an actual keyboard. I email and text super-fast on my Blackberry. Plus, I don't "do" apps or games, so there is no appeal to that aspect.


My sister has a Droid and really likes it. I played with it, but still like my Blackberry better. :001_smile:

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Interesting. Can I hold out that long?????


What will the iphone 5 offer that the 4 doesn't?




Well, the Mac Nerds (including me) expect it to be a complete redesign, along with improved specs (usually that means faster processor, better camera, new features, etc.). Some hope it will have a bigger screen; others don't want a bigger phone. Supposedly the next iPhone was Steve Jobs' last big project that he was involved in when he passed away. Everyone expects it to be a new design. As far as when it will be released, Apple had been on a cycle of releasing a new iPhone every summer, but obviously there were some delays with the iPhone 4S. The Mac Nerds disagree whether Apple will return to the "normal" summer release date, or whether fall is the new release time for iPhones. At any rate, everyone expects the next iPhone to be a big deal, redesigned, and released between June and October.



Mac Nerd

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Thank you.


DH has decided to wait to upgrade his phone (currently a crappy Blackberry!) until the new iPhone 5.


I have found a friend who has offered to let me HAVE her old iPhone 3G (yes, I know it is outdated) for free provided I host a 31 party as she is launching her business.


It is ATT and I have been reading how to use a SIM card with T-mobile's prepaid plan in an ATT based iPhone and get it to work.


So, I am hoping I can do that until the new iPhone is released and then I can get on a plan (probably Sprint) with the new phone.


We will see......




Well, the Mac Nerds (including me) expect it to be a complete redesign, along with improved specs (usually that means faster processor, better camera, new features, etc.). Some hope it will have a bigger screen; others don't want a bigger phone. Supposedly the next iPhone was Steve Jobs' last big project that he was involved in when he passed away. Everyone expects it to be a new design. As far as when it will be released, Apple had been on a cycle of releasing a new iPhone every summer, but obviously there were some delays with the iPhone 4S. The Mac Nerds disagree whether Apple will return to the "normal" summer release date, or whether fall is the new release time for iPhones. At any rate, everyone expects the next iPhone to be a big deal, redesigned, and released between June and October.



Mac Nerd

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