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I do NOT want to see pictures of Qaddafi's death

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I cannot believe they are posting these pictures right on the front page of Fox News. Why are they showing these pictures and didn't show Osama Bin Laden's? I just think it's sick.


Yes sickening. Osama's pictures were not released by the US Govt. Gaddafi on the other hand was killed and amateur videos of the event circulated by some rebel groups in Libya.

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I think Americans need to see more pictures of the dead. Maybe it'd make our wars overseas more "real" for them and would change the way we jump into foreign conflicts.


I wish they'd also show pictures of Qaddafi's grandchildren that were killed in a targeted attack a few months ago. Most Americans don't seem to know that we helped murder a five month old and two two year olds. Those are only three children in a very long list, but maybe it'd help counteract the feeling of, "This war was so easy and just." In truth, many experts say that Qaddafi is being replaced by the Mujaheddin. Too many people I know look at this and other conflicts we entangle ourselves with like it's a Call of Duty game. :(

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I don't like it either. They should make the photos of both killed figures available, but via a link, not shoving them in our faces without our even knowing what's coming. I would not have looked at binLaden's photos either, but I think they should have been available for those who wanted to see proof. Isn't that how they did it with Saddam? I never watched the hanging but I was confident that he'd died.

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I think Americans need to see more pictures of the dead. Maybe it'd make our wars overseas more "real" for them and would change the way we jump into foreign conflicts.


I wish they'd also show pictures of Qaddafi's grandchildren that were killed in a targeted attack a few months ago. Most Americans don't seem to know that we helped murder a five month old and two two year olds. Those are only three children in a very long list, but maybe it'd help counteract the feeling of, "This war was so easy and just." In truth, many experts say that Qaddafi is being replaced by the Mujaheddin. Too many people I know look at this and other conflicts we entangle ourselves with like it's a Call of Duty game. :(


As somebody who is and has been very much opposed to these conflicts (I was out there marching against the Iraq War back in the spring of 2003), I agree and disagree. I do think that people need to see the reality of the wars they support. But, I also think that the images don't need to be splashed across the front page of news sites. It's not something I want to see or that I want my children to see. That's not to say I don't think it should be out there, but I do think that you should at least have some warning about the images you are going to encounter.


I don't know. I could be persuaded otherwise. But right now I'm just disturbed by the images and glad my son wasn't peeking over my shoulder.

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Skadi, I appreciate what you said. My heart breaks for the children who were killed and is disturbed by those who rejoice at such news.


I do believe our culture is nearly desensitized to the reality of death because of so much media sensationalism. Death doesn't need to be glorified.


I just read over my original post and wanted to make sure that I was clear. While I'm okay if pictures of Saddam Hussein's hanging, evidence that Bin Ladin really died, and pictures of Qaddafi are available for those who want to see them, I don't want them popping up on my screen. If someone chooses to look at the pictures, that's up to them. I simply want to have a choice in the matter, and not risk having one of the children peeking over my shoulder and seeing them. When they are on the opening screen for Fox News, it's not really my choice.

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I just read over my original post and wanted to make sure that I was clear. While I'm okay if pictures of Saddam Hussein's hanging, evidence that Bin Ladin really died, and pictures of Qaddafi are available for those who want to see them, I don't want them popping up on my screen. If someone chooses to look at the pictures, that's up to them. I simply want to have a choice in the matter, and not risk having one of the children peeking over my shoulder and seeing them. When they are on the opening screen for Fox News, it's not really my choice.


:iagree: I was having a seriously awkward day yesterday, and the last thing I needed emotionally was a dead tyrant to pop up on my screen without warning. Make the picture available via click, it's really not that difficult.


I have viewed graphic pictures of war, but done by choice, and it wouldn't have been yesterday.

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I do believe our culture is nearly desensitized to the reality of death because of so much media sensationalism.


I really don't think we're desensitized. If anything, we're sheltered from it. Throughout history, and even if in other parts of the world, people are surrounded by death WAY more than we are. Us seeing re-enactments in movies doesn't count. Sometimes I wonder if I'm desensitized because I'm so numb to the violence in movies, and such, but the wave of nausea I feel when I drive 55 mph past an animal gutted on the road tells me that this fake violence has not actually desensitized me. In the past, butchered their own animals, yet handling chicken carcasses freaks me out.


If anything I think we're overly sheltered from death.


That said, I do not think these pictures should be "out there" where children can see them. Children SHOULD be sheltered. I do not get a print paper or watch television news for that reason.

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I watched the news yesterday, I'm on Facebook, and I've read a few articles on a few different online news websites (but not FOX.) I've seen precisely zero photos of Gaddafi dead. So, it seems to me that your quandary of not wanting to see graphic images of a dead Gaddafi could be easily fixed by not reading/watching FOX News. :tongue_smilie:

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I watched the news yesterday, I'm on Facebook, and I've read a few articles on a few different online news websites (but not FOX.) I've seen precisely zero photos of Gaddafi dead. So, it seems to me that your quandary of not wanting to see graphic images of a dead Gaddafi could be easily fixed by not reading/watching FOX News. :tongue_smilie:


I saw a small but graphic image when I was on Google News.

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I watched the news yesterday, I'm on Facebook, and I've read a few articles on a few different online news websites (but not FOX.) I've seen precisely zero photos of Gaddafi dead. So, it seems to me that your quandary of not wanting to see graphic images of a dead Gaddafi could be easily fixed by not reading/watching FOX News. :tongue_smilie:


Actually it was on another news source for a time as well, it wasn't just Fox.

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So, it seems to me that your quandary of not wanting to see graphic images of a dead Gaddafi could be easily fixed by not reading/watching FOX News. :tongue_smilie:


I would never choose to go to FOX News :tongue_smilie: though I have accidentally clicked on links that took me there, yet I saw several pictures of the dead dictator yesterday. None of them were on FOX's website.


People saw graphic images from Vietnam. It was the first "tv war". While it was a wake up call for many, it unfortunately didn't stop the penchant for war.

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I really don't think we're desensitized. If anything, we're sheltered from it. Throughout history, and even if in other parts of the world, people are surrounded by death WAY more than we are. Us seeing re-enactments in movies doesn't count. Sometimes I wonder if I'm desensitized because I'm so numb to the violence in movies, and such, but the wave of nausea I feel when I drive 55 mph past an animal gutted on the road tells me that this fake violence has not actually desensitized me. In the past, butchered their own animals, yet handling chicken carcasses freaks me out.


If anything I think we're overly sheltered from death.


That said, I do not think these pictures should be "out there" where children can see them. Children SHOULD be sheltered. I do not get a print paper or watch television news for that reason.

:iagree:In general, Americans are sheltered from real death.

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I watched the news yesterday, I'm on Facebook, and I've read a few articles on a few different online news websites (but not FOX.) I've seen precisely zero photos of Gaddafi dead. So, it seems to me that your quandary of not wanting to see graphic images of a dead Gaddafi could be easily fixed by not reading/watching FOX News. :tongue_smilie:


Or MSN. I couldn't get away from it yesterday if the TV was on.

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I think Americans need to see more pictures of the dead. Maybe it'd make our wars overseas more "real" for them and would change the way we jump into foreign conflicts.


I wish they'd also show pictures of Qaddafi's grandchildren that were killed in a targeted attack a few months ago. Most Americans don't seem to know that we helped murder a five month old and two two year olds. Those are only three children in a very long list, but maybe it'd help counteract the feeling of, "This war was so easy and just." In truth, many experts say that Qaddafi is being replaced by the Mujaheddin. Too many people I know look at this and other conflicts we entangle ourselves with like it's a Call of Duty game. :(


:crying: I did not even hear about that. But I really do not watch the news because of how disturbing it is. I didn't know about Qaddafi until my dh told me yesterday evening. It's very real to me, I just can't handle seeing it. I do think as a society, to many people here have a sick fascination with death-the faces of death show, death pictures on the news, etc. That disturbs me. I used to work hospice and find it very disrespectful.

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I agree with the disrespect inherent in plastering the photos all over everywhere. I do not rejoice at anyone's death. I think everyone, no matter who she or he was, should be given respect in death. When we don't respect their humanity, or as I as a Christian believe, their bearing the image of God despite their sinfulness, then we are on our way to becoming less human ourselves.


I don't think this has anything to do with being "sheltered" from death. It has to do with respect for fellow human beings. A photo used to sensationalize is disrespectful. I can see where a photo might be necessary to "prove" death. That may not be disrespectful, depending how it's done. But the "Ding dong the witch is dead" stuff is disgusting to me.


As to why Bin Laden's photos weren't shown: because the US killed him, didn't want to show them and raise the martyr issue, and buried his body at sea. Our armed forces had control of the body and photos the whole time. This was a NATO airstrike and who knows who took the photos and had control of the body.

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I managed to not see the photos, but a coworker came in saying "whoa, did you see that? They were _________ him and ______________ him in the streets!" He thought the man's final moments were totally awesome to watch.

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I agree with the disrespect inherent in plastering the photos all over everywhere. I do not rejoice at anyone's death. I think everyone, no matter who she or he was, should be given respect in death. When we don't respect their humanity, or as I as a Christian believe, their bearing the image of God despite their sinfulness, then we are on our way to becoming less human ourselves.


I don't think this has anything to do with being "sheltered" from death. It has to do with respect for fellow human beings. A photo used to sensationalize is disrespectful. I can see where a photo might be necessary to "prove" death. That may not be disrespectful, depending how it's done. But the "Ding dong the witch is dead" stuff is disgusting to me.


I wholeheartedly agree.

I managed to not see the photos, but a coworker came in saying "whoa, did you see that? They were _________ him and ______________ him in the streets!" He thought the man's final moments were totally awesome to watch.



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I agree with the OP, I don't want to see it and I don't want to hear about it in detail. It's not because I am sheltered or want to turn a blind eye to things. Watching someone be killed or seeing photos of it isn't going to make someone more attuned to what is going on in the world.


I also believe that having respect for the dead is part of a civilized society.

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Skadi, I appreciate what you said. My heart breaks for the children who were killed and is disturbed by those who rejoice at such news.


I do believe our culture is nearly desensitized to the reality of death because of so much media sensationalism. Death doesn't need to be glorified.


I just read over my original post and wanted to make sure that I was clear. While I'm okay if pictures of Saddam Hussein's hanging, evidence that Bin Ladin really died, and pictures of Qaddafi are available for those who want to see them, I don't want them popping up on my screen. If someone chooses to look at the pictures, that's up to them. I simply want to have a choice in the matter, and not risk having one of the children peeking over my shoulder and seeing them. When they are on the opening screen for Fox News, it's not really my choice.


:iagree: Our media is full of violence and gore and yet we as a society are so removed from the reality of it. To us, it is simply another TV show and entertainment.


This is part of why I avoid most news sources. I read a biweekly magazine and most days I manage to read at least some of the local newspaper. That's about it.

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I agree with the OP, I don't want to see it and I don't want to hear about it in detail. It's not because I am sheltered or want to turn a blind eye to things. Watching someone be killed or seeing photos of it isn't going to make someone more attuned to what is going on in the world.


I also believe that having respect for the dead is part of a civilized society.


I think people can get so caught up in the shock value that they don't even bother thinking through the important aspects of the event.

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