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Dear Uterus...

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Dear Mommy,


I can't wait to see you for realz. But the Drs. said that I should stay here a little longer and grow to be bigger and stronger. I'm going to stay and practice my kicks, punches, and rolls.


Besides, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are always on time this way.


Hugs soon,



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Dear Host body,


If you stayed off your feet like your doctor told you to, I wouldn't have to threaten you with an early eviction notice every 5-10 minutes.


Thank you very much,

Your beloved Uterus.

Actually, my OB has said no such thing :tongue_smilie:He says baby is huge, and my body is probably going to evict sooner than later, and there's nothing to do about it.

Dear Mommy,


I can't wait to see you for realz. But the Drs. said that I should stay here a little longer and grow to be bigger and stronger. I'm going to stay and practice my kicks, punches, and rolls.


Besides, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are always on time this way.


Hugs soon,




I'm good with him staying in another 2 wks, 3 wks, whatever. Its the stoopid uterus that won't shut up! :lol:


As Wolf put it, its the *quietest* any of our kids will ever be...in utero!

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Actually, my OB has said no such thing :tongue_smilie:He says baby is huge, and my body is probably going to evict sooner than later, and there's nothing to do about it.



I'm good with him staying in another 2 wks, 3 wks, whatever. Its the stoopid uterus that won't shut up! :lol:


As Wolf put it, its the *quietest* any of our kids will ever be...in utero!

Speaking from the perspective of someone who gave birth to two very nice kids, both born at 35 weeks 1 day, weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. and 6 lbs. 8 oz., and both discharged in two days, indicating no prolonged issues of being preterm, and having been put on the most vile medication ever to stop contractions, I can absolutely relate to the sentiments expressed.:D:glare:


It'll be over sooner or later, though that is no comfort, I'm sure. There is a limit to how much a body can tolerate.

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with 2dd, my doc left town after my due date. He was shocked when I was still waiting after he came back. I didn't stop pulling my hair out until he'd schedule a date for induction.


took her own sweet time, but was a very easy labor. (delivery, not so much. she decided she'd changed her mind and wanted to stay in there.)


a good hike might get things moving. . .

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First of all, thank you for doing your job so well the other 160 weeks you were occupied.




Either get serious about evicting the baby, or cut it the h*ll out with the 'practice' crap.




Your victim.


What concerns me here is the math--I'd only considered in years & mos. 5 babies=45 mos= app 4years.


But (almost) 200 weeks of use? (Because you can't shortchange her for the work she's done on this baby so far...) :svengo: No wonder the organ's getting crotchety. ;)

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Are we writing letters to various body parts? 'Cause my uterus is just fine, but I'd like to tell my muffin top a thing or two... :D


Hang in there Imp, once it's all over, you'll have yourself a squishy little bundle of blessing to cuddle, and will forget all about it. :)



Let me know if the letter writing campaign works. My saddlebags and I need to have a chat, too.


Imp - :grouphug: Good thing you are keeping your sense of humor.

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What concerns me here is the math--I'd only considered in years & mos. 5 babies=45 mos= app 4years.


But (almost) 200 weeks of use? (Because you can't shortchange her for the work she's done on this baby so far...) :svengo: No wonder the organ's getting crotchety. ;)



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With my 2nd baby, I had contractions all the time starting at 30 weeks. Even when they were too weak to feel, they showed up on my non-stress tests. Sometimes, they were strong enough to make me stop what I was doing and double over. We made several visits to the hospital to make sure they didn't turn into "the real thing." We thought for sure that when I stopped taking turbutilene at 36 wks, the baby would shoot right out. Ha. She wasn't born until 38 wks, 5 days, in spite of contractions every 10 minutes for those 3 wks (and 6 wks prior). But with all that practice, when she decided to come out, it was FAST. I pushed exactly once. I hope you get the same pay-off. :-)

Edited by LizzyBee
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Dear Host body,


If you stayed off your feet like your doctor told you to, I wouldn't have to threaten you with an early eviction notice every 5-10 minutes.


Thank you very much,

Your beloved Uterus.



And Joanne wrote:


Dear Mommy,


I can't wait to see you for realz. But the Drs. said that I should stay here a little longer and grow to be bigger and stronger. I'm going to stay and practice my kicks, punches, and rolls.


Besides, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are always on time this way.


Hugs soon,






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