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Things you should never say to a pregant woman....

Have you had people say weird things to you about pregnancy?  

  1. 1. Have you had people say weird things to you about pregnancy?

    • yes
    • no
    • huh?

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Why are you having a 3rd baby - you already have a girl and a boy.




You're so lucky - you have a girl and a boy so you don't have to have any more kids - you got it perfect in two tries.




Why are you ruining your perfect family by having a 3rd baby - now you will be uneven.


Um we are having more because we like kids regardless of the gender - I didn't have kids to subscribe to some "perfect family' group. :glare:




Or, here's one I heard at dinner tonight: Has your DH scheduled his vasectomy yet?

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I think I have a sign on my forehead that invites crazy people to come talk to me. Here are a few I can remember:


*"It's people like you, having all these kids out of wedlock, that is causing problems in our society" (I was married, but not wearing a wedding ring because my finger was too swollen.) I get the "All the same dad?" thing a lot too.


*"I'd start carrying a pickle jar if I was you."


*"Are you a glutton for punishment?" (I have challenging pregnancies.)


*"Birth control doesn't work for you either, huh"


*"How can you even drive? Aren't your arms too short to reach the wheel by now?"


*By another ob in my dr.'s practice: "What do you mean you're going home? You're already here, we could just do another c-section." (I was at a 7, but active labor had stopped. I was going for my 3rd VBAC--which I had a few days later.)


*my all-time favorite, during my visit with my immunologist (really, a MD with additional certifications said this to me): "Do you really want all of these kids or do you just need time away and some special attention? My mom had us kids back to back because she liked the week away at the hospital with all of the meals delivered to her." I told him my husband was taking me to London later that week (he was).


Maybe I'm just really tired, but I don't get the pickle jar thing?!?!? What is a person supposed to do with a pickle jar?


The only supremely irritating thing that I remember is that my MIL would ALWAYS say the 'sure you're not having twins?' thing. Every time she saw me. I finally pointed out to her that we had an ultrasound where we could count his fingers and toes. I didn't think they'd miss an entire baby. She just said that stranger things have happened. She had multiples and she really, really, REALLY wants there to be multiples in the next generation. Someone made some comment about pregnancies the other day and she said to me "Y'know, after 30......"and kindof trailed off. I almost went OFF on her because I thought she was saying I was too old to have another baby, but no- she was saying that multiples are more common after age 30.

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if you haven't seen someone in a while since you spoke to them about their pregnancy, make sure they are still pregnant. this happened to me twice. i knew the girls were pregnant, hadn't seen them or heard anything and started talking about the pregnancy again. they had to tell me they had misscarriages and i hated it for them to have to tell me. let them give you a sign first to let you know something about the pregnancy. you would think that i would have learned and for over 20 years i hadn't made the mistake. then a couple of weeks ago, i made the mistake again. i felt so bad.

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Depends. If it is a subsequent child after a couple of the same gender, asking "Still trying for that ___?" is rude. Or if it is # anything over 3, "You know what causes that, right?"


Or for anyone - "Was it planned?"



:iagree: If I were still in the baby having business I'd tell them that no, I don't know what causes that. I went to public school back when we didn't get sex ed. :tongue_smilie:

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Literally 9 months pregnant with my twins when I dropped my just written check in the grocery store line and the man behind me stooped to pick it up. I said thank you for picking that up for me, I'm expecting twins anyday and it is really hard to bend down. To which he replied, "Uh, I was gonna say."


But I've had many such comments over the years since I have 12 kids and most of mine were 9 to 10 lbs each whcih means I was always big early and victim to many rude comments.

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This doesn't fit the question but ds 1 was less than a week old and we were out shopping for a rocking chair...I got the "when are you due?" question (ds was with us)


I've also had a sweet lady put her hand on my abdomen and ask me when I was due...and I had to tell her it was my sil who was pregnant.



Neither were ill intentioned, but I cried, a lot.


as for the OP, I got the "oh you can always try again" when I told them it would be another boy. (all boys here:001_smile:)

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:iagree: If I were still in the baby having business I'd tell them that no, I don't know what causes that. I went to public school back when we didn't get sex ed. :tongue_smilie:


I'd say that and then ask them if they could explain it to you. :D I think the, "Yes, and we like it!" reply is good, but I think this is even funnier!

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A (then single) male friend of ours yelled "Hey big mama!" across campus at me when I was pregnant with my oldest. He later said he didn't mean that I was fat-just that I was a mama to be with a big belly. Still..



You know what causes that right?

Are you done?

Are you having your tubes tied?

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"Do they have the same father?" Actually, the guy who owned the bookshop said that to me after I'd had the baby, but the small detail that I don't have a wedding ring doesn't mean I'm playing musical baby-daddies. :glare:




Another MIL one for me - upon visiting and holding the our second baby for the first time, MIL says "where did you come from? You don't look anything like my NAME (her son, my DH)!"


Hello? Do you even get what the implication of your words is?

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I was about 34 weeks pg with DD4 and I carry fairly small, so I looked maybe 5mos pg. I went to the campus Union to get a decaf coffee for myself and a latte for my office mate. When I went to the cash, this little 18yo sorority girl looks at me and refuses to ring up the coffees because "just in case you didn't know" said in a snide voice "caffeine will kill your baby." Well, 10 mins later of me going out of my ever-loving mind on her and calling a manager over, she was promptly removed from her position and sent to the back of the food area where she would not have access to other pregnant customers. (I got the coffee for free - bonus). I don't usually get mad at people, but that one made me boil over.

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Most of the comments I received were kind comments, but this one stands out as one of the more funnier ones.


I am pretty small framed with a short torso, so when I get pregnant, I'm all baby - I carry straight out, like a torpedo. Anyhow, I was about 7 months into my 4th pregnancy and a lady I had casually known for about a year asked "Now, does that ever go back down?" - all while staring incredulously at my already large belly. In my mind I was thinking, "hmmm, you saw me before I was pregnant..." Instead, I just laughed and said, "For the most part!"

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if you haven't seen someone in a while since you spoke to them about their pregnancy, make sure they are still pregnant. this happened to me twice. i knew the girls were pregnant, hadn't seen them or heard anything and started talking about the pregnancy again. they had to tell me they had misscarriages and i hated it for them to have to tell me. let them give you a sign first to let you know something about the pregnancy. you would think that i would have learned and for over 20 years i hadn't made the mistake. then a couple of weeks ago, i made the mistake again. i felt so bad.

:grouphug: I have done that. I actually rang up a fellow homeschooler and offered her my maternity clothes, she said she had to go and hung up, two days later she rang me and told me she had lost the baby at 25 weeks just the day before I rang her. I felt so bad,

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Both of mine were at church, of all places.


The old rector said, "Now you really are pear-shaped!" Umm, thanks a lot. You really know how to endear yourself to your parishioners. :glare:



The worst one was when we were still working on adopting our two foster sons. I was pregnant with #2 surprise.


Old guy comes up and asks me if we are going to "give the other ones back now since you can have your own?"


(The boys had been in our lives since infancy, so they were our own!) I was beyond speechless.

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With my first dd I really packed on the pounds. At one of my last appts before she was born, one of my ob's partners was covering for him. I had gained a ridiculous amount of weight, but his comment was, "Don't you know that's going straight to your hips and thighs?" I didn't know if I should cry or punch him.


The other one that drives me crazy - "Haven't you had that baby yet?" Ummm, obviously not!

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My poor father, who could always manage to stick his foot into his mouth, once asked a woman at church, "Sandy, when is the baby due? Looks like any day now."


She burst into tears, ran into the ladies room, and refused to come out. I said, "Dad, she isn't pregnant." :001_huh: "Oh boy."



When I was pregnant with my firstborn, my husband said to me, as I was lying on the bed (belly up), "Honey, you look like a loaf of bread dough, slowly rising." :lol:



When I was pregnant with the twins -- I went to 39 weeks with them, and they were over 7 lbs. each -- someone asked me, as I waddled along, "Wow, how can you walk with that load?"



We have three beautiful girls, and are constantly asked, "So, when are you gonna try for a BOY?" In front of our daughters, complete strangers ask my husband, "Don't you want a SON?"


My husband is a calm, easy-going man, but if he ever wants to throttle someone, this is the time. ;) He points to our daughters and says, "I am blessed beyond belief with these three and am as happy as a man can be." The girls smile so sweetly. :D


But really, the nerve of people asking that question, as if that were the business of the total stranger in the check out line at Walmart. Really?



You know, now that I think about it, I don't actually remember much from my pregnancy days, except that it's a blur. Do pregnancy hormones block memories? :D

Edited by Sahamamama
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"What are you hoping for?" (Ummm... a baby?)


"WHAT? You still have 2 more months?" (Shut up, B*TCH)


"Haven't had that baby yet? My wife was due after you, and she had her baby last week!" (Just glad you're not my husband, dude.)


"A little cranky today, are you?" (When I was 8 days overdue. No ****, Sherlock.)

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"What are you hoping for?" (Ummm... a baby?)


"WHAT? You still have 2 more months?" (Shut up, B*TCH)


"Haven't had that baby yet? My wife was due after you, and she had her baby last week!" (Just glad you're not my husband, dude.)


"A little cranky today, are you?" (When I was 8 days overdue. No ****, Sherlock.)


:lol::lol::lol: I love the attitude, Pam. Wouldn't it be a riot to have a wire tap on your brain? What would it be like to listen in to The Internal Soundtrack of Pam? :lol::lol::lol:

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