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What does the hive think of airsoft guns?

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My ds have a number of friends that play it but my kids have never tried it. I am wondering what people's experience here has been. I don't know much about it but my kids are curious although not particularly interested at this point. Some of their friends love it though so I am curious too.

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My boys play and they love it. The kids form teams and play "Army" type games. It reminds me of cops and robbers games that I used to play except, there are no bad guy teams.


The pellets, which are biodegradable, can sting a bit. The kids all wear long pants, shirts and eye protection. They have a great time and everyone is really nice. For us, it's fun.


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We shoot each other with the pistols. It does not hurt like paintball. I tried shooting the cat once to keep her off the table, but it didn't seem to bother her. Someone gave the boys a rifle. It packs more of a punch. It left a red mark on my son's leg. It went away in just a couple of hours. They also shoot at their Styrofoam targets. The pistols just bounce off but the rifle will go in.

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My ds have a number of friends that play it but my kids have never tried it. I am wondering what people's experience here has been. I don't know much about it but my kids are curious although not particularly interested at this point. Some of their friends love it though so I am curious too.


My son plays and absolutely loves it. In fact, for his birthday last year he opted to have an airsoft party. It was such a hit that a few of the other boys have hosted airsoft parties just for the fun of it. :D


My son enjoys it so much that he was willing to work hard and save over $150 for a particular airsoft gun that he really wanted. He has never really had anything else that was worth it to him so save like that but he really wanted this gun. He worked hard and earned every penny for it!


I second the glasses though. Protective eyewear is a must!

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Just make sure you take away the pellets before you let them in the house because sometimes they decide to shoot the walls and spackling afterwards is a *****. Just say'n. (though, FTR, Dh did more damage in the house with the water blaster guns)


My mom shoots the squirrels with them. ;)


I'm with pqr, paintball and a few acres is much more fun. And glasses!

Edited by justamouse
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Glasses are a must, but otherwise, I allow it. I don't like it, because in my head you should never point any gun at a person you don't intend to kill. But that also rules out nerf guns, squirt guns, etc...as my son and dh pointed out to me. So I caved. Ds did buy them with his own money, and was responsible enough to get ones that do NOT look like real guns, to avoid causing a tragedy where someone sees him with it and assumes it is real. Kids have been shot by police for things like that. So his are clear, and obviously toys.


Ds12 is obsessed, and spends hours target shooting with his, and plays in the neighborhood with them. No problems at all, other than the stupid bbs being everywhere. My toddler has pooped out several now. But no injuries, and generally, if you can get hurt doing something, my son will.

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My husband says there is absolutely no good purpose to airsoft guns. You can't hunt or target practice with them and they can't protect you. Therefore, no purpose to them but there are a whole lot of safety issues. His position is that no guns should be "toys" and that if you're going to have a weapon of any kind learn to respect it and how to handle it properly. I agree.

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Assuming you are okay with shooting people with toy guns. I think they are great fun.


As everyone has said must wear eyeglasses, pellets hurt if they hit on bare skin.


If you use them indoors, they will leave millions of tiny little dents in drywall. The advantage to indoors, and why as a silly college student we played indoors, is that you can easily sweep up your BBs to reuse them. I also think it was more fun to duck into door ways and wage surprise attacks. Honestly I can't imagine what we were thinking playing indoors. :lol:

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I am drowning in air soft guns here. I would like to never never hear the click of another air soft gun . (They don't shoot them inside, but they sure click them inside.) I would like to never see another air soft pellet on the floor.


My ds's love air soft guns. Me? Not so much!

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I would trust my kids with them because I actually keep an eye on my kids. But and a big giant but, I think in general they are probably not a good idea. Last summer a kid lured one of my kids into the backyard of his house, my son (13) is an aspie and is pretty trusting even though this kid regularly bullied him. Then he pulled out an air soft gun and shot my son in the neck, point blank, no warning, nothing. We immediately called the police because I really think this kid needs help. Anyhow his mom made excuses for him about how he was always made fun of for his weight and actually tried to blame my son. Oh and mom was home and asleep at the time. I just don't trust other people's abilities to parent. It did teach my son a lesson, he just doesn't trust people, since that time he rarely hangs out at other people's houses just because one kid was a total jerk.

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