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Anyone have any favorite conference talks? I missed most of it because of screaming children, out of town guests and just plain tiredness. So thankful for the internet. I'm going to be showing a talk everyday for Gospel Study.


I watched President Uchtdorf's talk from last week. Am I the only one who cried like a baby about the "be patient with yourself; God knows you're not perfect and God knows that everyone you think is perfect really isn't" part? I think I'm going to have to play for myself everyday for a month (at least) until I really believe and accept it.



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I enjoyed President Monson's talk this morning. He told a story about leaving some hard earned dollars in his jeans pockets when he was young and they were sent off to be cleaned. He talked about his faith and how he prayed that his money would come back to him and it did. I always love when he speaks but this story rang true in my heart because I have seen my children pray earnestly when they have lost something. They have that same faith that Heavenly Father will watch over them. Not necessarily that he will answer their prayers the way they want but that he will answer nonetheless. The faith of our prophet is so inspiring.

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Loved President Monson's talk. He is such an amazing speaker. Also enjoyed listening to Elder Hales, Elder Anderson and Elder Eyring. Well....actually I loved listening to everyone. The messages of faith in Lord Jesus Christ and the assurance that He listens to the concerns of each individual were very comforting. Someone reminded us that even when we think something in our lives is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, because it is important to us....it is important to Him. :) The talks should all be on-line at LDS.org soon.

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The talks should all be on-line at LDS.org soon.


Videos are up already. I'm excited. I think I'm going to download a few at a time and listen while I wash dishes. Washing dishes has become very therapeutic for me; just a peaceful time to think about things without kid interruptions (since I only wash when they're asleep or watching a movie).


I did notice a theme of "God knows and love you". Which is nice, I always have weird feelings about it. My testimony of it is somewhat lacking, I guess. I have a feeling I'll be listening to a lot over and over again, just to pound the message into my head. :lol:

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I enjoyed Elder Richardson's talk on teaching with the Spirit. As a (semi)-newly called Primary teacher, and a homeschooling mom who uses the Gospel Principles manual, it was a talk I needed to hear! I like how he said not to focus on covering ALL of the material, but rather pray for guidance in what aspects of the topic to cover with your class, so that they get the message Heavenly Father in particular wants them to have. My oldest turns 8 next year, and I sometimes feel so *overwhelmed* with teacher what I feel she "needs" to know prior to baptism. Now I'm going to spend some time praying for guidance in teaching her the things *Heavenly Father* wants her to know.


And of course the talk about Fathers and Daughters had me tearing up. I had that kind of dad. :)

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Oh, and who else jumped for joy at the announcement that they were going to preserve the Provo Tabernacle and turn it into a TEMPLE!!! :D


(and DH and I were discussing today if this means they might be planning to renovate the existing Provo temple, when the new one is finished, like they're renovating the Ogden Temple. It IS the busiest Temple in the church, so I imagine it's not one they can easily shut down for extensive work).

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I loved the stories about dads and daughters, mostly because while I never had that with my dad I do see it with my dh and dd. Conference always seems to come when I need it the most. I needed that spiritual uplifting this weekend and I am so glad my soul feels rejuvenated.

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Did you all see the "spoof" of Elder Utchdorf's five forget-me-nots on Facebook? :lol:


"Why you won't hear about flowers in Priesthood Session:

1. Be patient with yourself.

2. Ack! No pen! I'll use my iPhone

3. Be hop a candy now

4. I hate auto-correct!

5. Pssst. What was the name of the flower?"

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Oh, and who else jumped for joy at the announcement that they were going to preserve the Provo Tabernacle and turn it into a TEMPLE!!! :D


(and DH and I were discussing today if this means they might be planning to renovate the existing Provo temple, when the new one is finished, like they're renovating the Ogden Temple. It IS the busiest Temple in the church, so I imagine it's not one they can easily shut down for extensive work).

We did! Every time we drove by it, DH asked what they were going to do with it. Now we know! I don't know why they'd renovate the existing one, it seems fine to me but who knows. But the thought of two here is really cool. DH said, "We all need to repent. The end of the world is coming if Paris gets a temple." He served there and he is so excited that they're getting one. Of course, we'd love to be able to go someday, but that's a whole other story.:lol:

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I enjoyed President Monson's talk this morning. He told a story about leaving some hard earned dollars in his jeans pockets when he was young and they were sent off to be cleaned. He talked about his faith and how he prayed that his money would come back to him and it did. I always love when he speaks but this story rang true in my heart because I have seen my children pray earnestly when they have lost something. They have that same faith that Heavenly Father will watch over them. Not necessarily that he will answer their prayers the way they want but that he will answer nonetheless. The faith of our prophet is so inspiring.


:iagree: This was my favorite too.

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Does anyone know how Pres. Monson's wife is doing? There seemed to be a few special prayers offered for her, and other comments. It seemed like she wasn't there? Perhaps that's why his arrival to the Sat. morning session was delayed?

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For the first time in a long time, maybe ever, my girls were mostly quiet! It was weird to realize that I was getting to listen to each talk without reminding myself that I could watch it again later when they were asleep. :D I smiled when President Monson said it was such a great conference. It's so cool to be able to think, "When isn't it wonderful?" I worry about dd3 a lot and it is comforting to hear that God loves us and our trials are necessary.


I about fell over when they announced the new Provo temple! I wonder if they will make changes to the current Provo temple. DH and I got married there before they put the Moroni on top. Someday that will date a lot more. :)

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Does anyone know how Pres. Monson's wife is doing? There seemed to be a few special prayers offered for her, and other comments. It seemed like she wasn't there? Perhaps that's why his arrival to the Sat. morning session was delayed?


Yeah, I didn't see her walk out with him and she's had health problems in the past.

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Sister Dalton's talk about Father's and Daughters was outstanding! My DH is a non-member but stayed in the house during the sessions so the kids would see that Daddy had to be in the house too. Anyway, I turned it up really loud so he could hear it in the other room.


One of these days I will get him baptized... Most days I just want to beat him over the head with a Book of Mormon. :smash: Just kidding..... kinda:glare:

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So, SO excited about the Provo tabernacle being renovated into another temple. When I was at BYU, all of my stake conferences were held in the tabernacle. I just loved that building and was so sad when the fire happened. Now I'm just thrilled that I'll be able to attend the temple there!

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So, SO excited about the Provo tabernacle being renovated into another temple. When I was at BYU, all of my stake conferences were held in the tabernacle. I just loved that building and was so sad when the fire happened. Now I'm just thrilled that I'll be able to attend the temple there!


My husband and I sung in our stake choir there when we were in Provo and have fond memories. Our apartment was 4 blocks away. I kinda wish I still lived that close.

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Isn't General Conference so awesome! It's kind of hard for me when it comes to an end...I just want it to keep going! I think my favorite was Sister Dalton--such enthusiasm and love for these young women--I loved listening to her. I missed hearing from Elder Holland this time around--I think I'll write a letter and tell 'them' that he shouldn't be allowed to speak in Priesthood session because I always love his talks so much (and they usually speak directly to me)!


Still can't believe the Provo Tabernacle will be a temple! Dh drives by it on his way to work...how amazing to have another temple! AND the Payson one...I really need to go to the temple more often. That is my goal from watching conference.


Did any of you watch the RS program right after conference (probably only here on KSL, now that I think about it)? My aunt was interviewed on it--and it was such a beautiful program on how wonderful Relief Society is! Brought tears to my eyes as I watched & heard from sisters around the world...how we are all sisters and united in our faith in Christ. Just love that...

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So, SO excited about the Provo tabernacle being renovated into another temple. When I was at BYU, all of my stake conferences were held in the tabernacle. I just loved that building and was so sad when the fire happened. Now I'm just thrilled that I'll be able to attend the temple there!
I have to admit to slightly mixed feelings: I'm thrilled they are saving it, and a temple is great use of it, but as a BYU music major, my memories include a lot of concerts attended and performed.
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I have to admit to slightly mixed feelings: I'm thrilled they are saving it, and a temple is great use of it, but as a BYU music major, my memories include a lot of concerts attended and performed.


I can understand that, perhaps they will fill that need in some other way...as I am sure they are aware of the loss of a place for concerts...

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Sis. Dalton's was good. I usually don't like most of the women's talks, but it was good.


We were talking about the Provo Tabernacle, and we agree with the previous poster. I think they'll build it and then massively renovate the Provo temple.

Wow, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels that way! :tongue_smilie:They always seem to be a bit... lack-luster, compared to the mens'.

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Wow, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels that way! :tongue_smilie:They always seem to be a bit... lack-luster, compared to the mens'.


Dh and the boys always come home so excited about priesthood session and I feel sort of left out, I know I shouldn't but I don't get that same excitement out of the women's sessions. Hey at least I can read the priesthood talks in the Ensign.

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Did you all see the "spoof" of Elder Utchdorf's five forget-me-nots on Facebook? :lol:


"Why you won't hear about flowers in Priesthood Session:

1. Be patient with yourself.

2. Ack! No pen! I'll use my iPhone

3. Be hop a candy now

4. I hate auto-correct!

5. Pssst. What was the name of the flower?"


I think that was from middle-agedmormonman.blogspot.com. he is funny. You should check out his posts about family mottos.


I thought it was interesting that one theme through conference was that God is unchanging in our rapidly changing world. I missed a lot of conference so i'll be making it up throughout the week.

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Dh and the boys always come home so excited about priesthood session and I feel sort of left out, I know I shouldn't but I don't get that same excitement out of the women's sessions. Hey at least I can read the priesthood talks in the Ensign.

Ya, when the RS session was going I was soooo bored until Pres Uchtdorf got up to speak. And HIS is the only talk you hear anybody talking about now. I couldn't even tell you what the other women spoke about (although I'm sure if I guessed "Visiting teaching, charity, and the latest-and-greatest-this-time-its-going-to-stick name for Homemaking meetings, I'd probably be right. :tongue_smilie:)

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Sister Dalton's talk about Father's and Daughters was outstanding! My DH is a non-member but stayed in the house during the sessions so the kids would see that Daddy had to be in the house too. Anyway, I turned it up really loud so he could hear it in the other room.


One of these days I will get him baptized... Most days I just want to beat him over the head with a Book of Mormon. :smash: Just kidding..... kinda:glare:


cseitter---I'm right there with you! Someday I'll get him baptized. We watched a special about the MTC that showed between sessions yesterday. Several missionaries had fathers get baptized or become active while they were serving on their missions. We have two friends that had the same thing happen to them. My oldest is about 1 1/2 years away from serving a mission. That's my goal--to hit him over the head enough times between now and then to affect some kind of change! :tongue_smilie:

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Ya, when the RS session was going I was soooo bored until Pres Uchtdorf got up to speak. And HIS is the only talk you hear anybody talking about now. I couldn't even tell you what the other women spoke about (although I'm sure if I guessed "Visiting teaching, charity, and the latest-and-greatest-this-time-its-going-to-stick name for Homemaking meetings, I'd probably be right. :tongue_smilie:)



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Wow, I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who feels that way! :tongue_smilie:They always seem to be a bit... lack-luster, compared to the mens'.

Yeah, I went to the conference center for it last year. Couldn't really tell you what they said. Sister Beck gives some really good talks though.

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Ya, when the RS session was going I was soooo bored until Pres Uchtdorf got up to speak. And HIS is the only talk you hear anybody talking about now. I couldn't even tell you what the other women spoke about (although I'm sure if I guessed "Visiting teaching, charity, and the latest-and-greatest-this-time-its-going-to-stick name for Homemaking meetings, I'd probably be right. :tongue_smilie:)


Me, too. And I'm the homemaking/enrichment/other RS meeting counselor in my ward. Ssshhhhh.....:lol:

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Oh, and who else jumped for joy at the announcement that they were going to preserve the Provo Tabernacle and turn it into a TEMPLE!!! :D




Dh and the boys always come home so excited about priesthood session and I feel sort of left out, I know I shouldn't but I don't get that same excitement out of the women's sessions. Hey at least I can read the priesthood talks in the Ensign.


I liked the women's talks this time better than usual. I also liked the RS Conference talks better than usual this time--on the second listen. I "got" a lot more out of them the second time around. I listened to Priesthood session last night after it was posted, since that's always awesome.


Was anyone else sad to see how Elder Hales was looking even sicker? :( I know Pres. Monson said he was doing better than before, so I can't imagine what he felt like when he was doing worse. Still gave a great talk.


I will have to listen to them over the week. I had three kids running around so if I heard any of them, it was in bits & pieces. I heard the $5 story and the temple announcements, and the Japanese elder speak (made my brother excited--he just returned from his Japanese mission).

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There have been several women's talks I've enjoyed recently. I always like Sister Allred and I though President Beck's talk in the RS meeting was excellent. Sister Thompson's talk on Saturday morning was also very good.


I haven't been able to listen to much of conference yet since it's on in the middle of the night here. We turned it off just before President Monson showed up on Saturday morning (we'd only stayed up to hear him anyway). We did listen to the Priesthood session for church yesterday. I love that it's available now as soon as it ends.


I was especially glad to finally hear the Temple Patron Fund mentioned. We've been donating to it for years and have friends who've used it; I've never known why no one ever talked about it much.

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I have to admit to slightly mixed feelings: I'm thrilled they are saving it, and a temple is great use of it, but as a BYU music major, my memories include a lot of concerts attended and performed.


Me too, though I'm more on the excited side. The Tabernacle was the site of dh's and my first date (1977 to a Messiah Sing-Along) which didn't happen (long story! :lol:) and 5 years of playing with the Utah Valley Symphony while dh was at BYU. We definitely want to go back there when the temple is finished.


I guess I'm the odd one: I liked Sis. Thompson's talk about personal revelation. I also liked Elder Ardern's talk about the wise use of our time. (Actually, I liked all of the talks! :001_smile:)

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Loved ALL the talks! I really appreciated Elder Anderson's talk, since DH and I finally made the decision to go ahead and have another baby as we felt strongly that we should. I found out almost two weeks ago that I'm pregnant.


I was so excited about the tabernacle conversion!! President Monson was so cute during that talk!

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Loved ALL the talks! I really appreciated Elder Anderson's talk, since DH and I finally made the decision to go ahead and have another baby as we felt strongly that we should. I found out almost two weeks ago that I'm pregnant.


I was so excited about the tabernacle conversion!! President Monson was so cute during that talk!

Congratulations! What wonderful news! :party:

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I was especially glad to finally hear the Temple Patron Fund mentioned. We've been donating to it for years and have friends who've used it; I've never known why no one ever talked about it much.


Really?? I've never heard of it before this weekend.


Loved ALL the talks! I really appreciated Elder Anderson's talk, since DH and I finally made the decision to go ahead and have another baby as we felt strongly that we should. I found out almost two weeks ago that I'm pregnant.


I was so excited about the tabernacle conversion!! President Monson was so cute during that talk!


CONGRATS!!!! :party:


I will have to listen to that talk. I am just now in the not-terrified-to-think-about-babies-anymore stage and am able to think about baby names. That's the first step, right? :lol: (Ds will be 1 this week. I've still got quite a while, lol.)

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I was so glad they mentioned the Temple Patron Fund because I had never heard of it either!


We knew about it because we've spent lots of time in places where people need it. It's also listed on the Church website where we pay our tithing (no one to give it to here) so if you're an online donater, you might have noticed it. But most members can easily donate what they want to through their wards or branches, so it wasn't obvious.

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Oh, and who else jumped for joy at the announcement that they were going to preserve the Provo Tabernacle and turn it into a TEMPLE!!! :D


(and DH and I were discussing today if this means they might be planning to renovate the existing Provo temple, when the new one is finished, like they're renovating the Ogden Temple. It IS the busiest Temple in the church, so I imagine it's not one they can easily shut down for extensive work).


Yes, but what on earth are they going to call it?!? Provo 2.0 just doesn't sound right . . .

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Elder Hales' talk on the atonement meant a lot to me. I took notes and I'm glad I did. It helps to regain the feelings of those moments as I took the notes even though I am sometimes having a hard time focusing, and not always being able to remember why I'm writing what they have said...I lose what they said at times. This shall pass from me I hope, as I continue to heal.

And the talk about thinking "I can go in, I'm strong, I can handle it, even with the warnings of how dangerous something is...then to find out I couldn't handle it after all, fortunately there was the lifeguard"...that talk. Not that I'm doing anything dangerous!:tongue_smilie:

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I'm sad to have missed this thread before. My parents came down from Montana to watch conference with us, so I've been playing with them and not on the computer much. I was really grateful because Dad took ds to the priesthood session, and I don't think I could've gotten the boy there without him since dh is still out of town. Mom grew up in Star Valley and just about fell off her chair when they announced the temple there. She burst into happy tears and said, "So Temple Bench is finally going to get its temple!" Of course, the exact site hasn't been announced yet as far as I know, but evidently there's a patch of ground the early settlers picked out for a temple lo these many years ago. Then she said, "And imagine Star Valley, Wyoming and Paris, France in almost the same sentence." Evidently she found that very amusing.


Lots of good talks this time, as always. I'm looking forward to listening to them all again over dishes and laundry. :)

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Yeah, I thought about how odd it will be to have a temple in Utah that has such small grounds.



The church has been busy buy up the land around the temple. They purchased the old travelodge and the mexican resturant. I believe they either own or will shortly own everything on the block except the post office. :001_smile: Deseret news has the story.



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