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Someone in another thread said she was told once that she should learn to use the search feature. So.. questions!!!


1. Should we use the search feature before we ever start a new thread, just in case we can get an answer without bothering people in the present day?


2. If we stick to posting only brand new topics, what on earth can we talk about that hasn't yet been talked about on this board?


I'm not going to be able to get this out of my head now! It's like a personal challenge. hmmm...

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Someone in another thread said she was told once that she should learn to use the search feature. So.. questions!!!


1. Should we use the search feature before we ever start a new thread, just in case we can get an answer without bothering people in the present day?


2. If we stick to posting only brand new topics, what on earth can we talk about that hasn't yet been talked about on this board?


I'm not going to be able to get this out of my head now! It's like a personal challenge. hmmm...


It doesn't hurt to know what the previous discussions have been like, but I don't mind people re-discussing the same topics.


It isn't like it will only be the exact same people responding with the exact same posts. New information shows up, people's experience changes etc.


Now people should check first before discussing inflamatory topics like crockpots and shopping carts. :lol:


In my personal defense however, I do not now, nor do I ever believe I will be able to work the search function.

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Someone in another thread said she was told once that she should learn to use the search feature. So.. questions!!!


1. Should we use the search feature before we ever start a new thread, just in case we can get an answer without bothering people in the present day?


2. If we stick to posting only brand new topics, what on earth can we talk about that hasn't yet been talked about on this board?


I'm not going to be able to get this out of my head now! It's like a personal challenge. hmmm...



New threads on frequent topics do not bother anyone...this is not a mailing list that shoots off an email to everyone's inbox. Anyone who does not want to go into a thread that appears to be an old familiar topic making the rounds again is welcome to pass over it. If you are posting a question that has been answered many times before, you might prefer to search first, and you may not get responses from people who feel like they have already answer the question 50 times in other threads. But so what ? There is nothing wrong with doing both - searching and posting.

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New threads on frequent topics do not bother anyone...this is not a mailing list that shoots off an email to everyone's inbox. Anyone who does not want to go into a thread that appears to be an old familiar topic making the rounds again is welcome to pass over it. If you are posting a question that has been answered many times before, you might prefer to search first, and you may not get responses from people who feel like they have already answer the question 50 times in other threads. But so what ? There is nothing wrong with doing both - searching and posting.


:iagree: Plus, new people show up here all the time. They may have new thoughts on the shoes on/off issue. Or new pics of men in kilts. You never know what we could be missing here. :D

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Another forum I frequent is pretty irritated when people ask a question before searching through older threads. The policing they do borders on the ridiculous (hmm, reminds me of the recent, over the top troll policing here this summer) and it's a turn-off to people who are new or maybe just less forum saavy. Everyone has a first foray, right?


That said, it can also be annoying when people appear to think little enough of other peoples' time by asking again in a new thread rather than doing a quick search -especially if this happens on a very regular basis- or for questions that are easily searchable (Where is the XYZ Homeschool Conference this year? What is the name of XYZ book referenced earlier this week?)


I think it's just a courtesy to use common sense :) Also, maybe our preference will be dependent upon what we seek from the forum: knowledge/data? discussion? I imagine the folks here, and most in general, appreciate a blending of both.

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I use the search feature frequently before posting about curriculum issues, but rarely for general stuff. (Unless someone references something that peaks my interest or I'm trying to determine if a poster is always x,y, or z.)


There is nothing new under the sun, but I'd be interested to see if you can actually post about something that is completely new to the board. :tongue_smilie:

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Another forum I frequent is pretty irritated when people ask a question before searching through older threads. The policing they do borders on the ridiculous (hmm, reminds me of the recent, over the top troll policing here this summer) and it's a turn-off to people who are new or maybe just less forum saavy. Everyone has a first foray, right?


That said, it can also be annoying when people appear to think little enough of other peoples' time by asking again in a new thread rather than doing a quick search -especially if this happens on a very regular basis- or for questions that are easily searchable (Where is the XYZ Homeschool Conference this year? What is the name of XYZ book referenced earlier this week?)


I think it's just a courtesy to use common sense :) Also, maybe our preference will be dependent upon what we seek from the forum: knowledge/data? discussion? I imagine the folks here, and most in general, appreciate a blending of both.


Since I am the poster who mentioned this in another thread, I figure I will contribute. For one thing this particular situation involved "me" as a newbie, asking a very vague curriculum question. "Would someone please give me the cliffnotes version of what MEP is?" The response was a very SWEET and KIND, "No, but you can do a search on here, then if you have a more specific question I am sure someone would be happy to answer."


I am very, VERY, thankful for this poster's response to me. She taught me a courtesy. I was being rather lazy and a bit naive as to the depth of discussions that had gone one before I had joined.


I love seeing all kinds of discussions on the general board, and I even appreciate when the same discussion comes around again and again. But, I also appreciate that someone pointed out the search feature and its benefits. ;)

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Since I am the poster who mentioned this in another thread, I figure I will contribute. For one thing this particular situation involved "me" as a newbie, asking a very vague curriculum question.


Oh I know, but I've personally seen someone say that. They commented how they tired of talking about the same old same old all the time. I believe she got many responses suggesting she skip over those topics. :D

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How do you prevent needles from becoming embedded (and therefore, unextractable) in your pincushion?


What is the largest dust bunny you have ever found in your own home?


Pencil points up or down in a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils?


Do you throw the bird seed shells and "left behinds" on the ground when you refill the feeders, or do you carry them to the trash can?


Crawl spaces: Encapsulate or no?


Autumn cleanup: All at once or as they fall?


Related to the hype surrounding Kruger's The Sibling Effect: Is there a favorite child in your brood? Were you the favorite in your family of origin? How is birth order affecting relationships in your family?


And although this one is technically old, it's always "fresh," as far as I am concerned: What's on your nightstand? Why?

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I meant to add that my post count is low, but I have "history" from the old boards. I *think* some folks remember me, but if they don't? Well... oh, well, right?


As for a blog and/or FB presence making one more real (another somewhat related thread), I'm not so sure about that. Isn't it just easier to avoid the threads that seem iffy? (To me, "iffy" is any topic that would make me recoil (mentally and/or physically) if it were broached in person (e.g., sensitive or personal disclosures, religious and/or political observations, and anything to do with personal finance. Oh, and any subject introduced with the phrase, "Am I the only one...?" Nothing good can ever come of that. Heh, heh, heh.)

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How do you prevent needles from becoming embedded (and therefore, unextractable) in your pincushion?


I do not own a pincushion. My mom would leave thread on the needles. I believe I used to enjoy pushing them down anyway.

What is the largest dust bunny you have ever found in your own home?


One the size of small dog. We had three huskies at one time, it would only take one shake during shedding season.


Pencil points up or down in a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils?

Depends on the age of the child using the pencils. Actually, I prefer mine flat in a drawer, ds puts his tips down.


Do you throw the bird seed shells and "left behinds" on the ground when you refill the feeders, or do you carry them to the trash can?


Throw on the ground


Crawl spaces: Encapsulate or no? vented, but covered so no animal can nest under the house.


Autumn cleanup: All at once or as they fall? as they fall.


Related to the hype surrounding Kruger's The Sibling Effect: Is there a favorite child in your brood? Were you the favorite in your family of origin? How is birth order affecting relationships in your family?


Yes, the only one is my favorite. I am favored by my mother, my sister was favored by my dad. I don't believe birth order affects how we parent.


And although this one is technically old, it's always "fresh," as far as I am concerned: What's on your nightstand? Why?

My nighstand? Today? :lol:


Martian Chronicles, A book on essays by Bradbury, a book on the Transcendentalists, A Great Courses catalog, Irish language DVDs, The shooting script from Inception, and a 1965 Dolciani Geometry book. Most of these I am skimming for later, except Martian Chronicles which simply got buried. I am reading Simply Einstein.


Excuse me, but I feel that I must point out that this subject of new subjects has been discussed before.:lol::lol::lol::D :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:;)


I'm sorry, this is no snark Sunday.

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