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Having my first follow up imagining in a half an hour.

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I could use your thoughts and prayers. I had to tell my local doctor how the expert doctor wanted my ultrasound done. Thankfully, she agreed to order it as I suggested specifying various chains of lymph nodes to be imaged. Initially, she told me this wasn't necessary.


Please pray that the tech who does the study knows where to locate these specific nodes and that everything looks great.


This was scheduled last night. Then our power went out. I haven't even told my parents.


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.


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Everything looked good! Yeah!!!!! Thank you Lord.


At first I had to wait about 20 minutes. The tech told me that she was stressed about it because it wasn't normal procedure. She was confused about why it was being done and asked a lot of questions. However, she said, "well at least you don't have inflammatory that is horrible." She said that because my skin punch biopsy was negative. She cringed when I told her I do in fact have inflammatory. She was very thorough and I felt confident about the technique/procedure from what I could tell. She did seem to know where the various lymph nodes were located. The radiologist came in and spent more time with me.


Now, I can relax until the next 3 month exam when I have to decide if I will go through with the PET scan.


I had her put it on a disk. The woman who worked medical records knew my first name. When I commented that I was surprised she said I had been in her thoughts and that she thinks of me all the time.


My daughter went to her first high school football game tonight. I allowed her to go with her younger sister and a friend and the friend's younger sister. I was slightly uncomfortable about it but they had a great time together and are very happy.


Thanks again!!

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My daughter went to her first high school football game tonight. I allowed her to go with her younger sister and a friend and the friend's younger sister. I was slightly uncomfortable about it but they had a great time together and are very happy.


Yay, mama! Letting go this way is soooo hard, but it's a good thing. God has those girls in his hand, right along with you.


Christine, you are in my prayers. I am honored that you share this journey with us, and I am THRILLED that you received good news!



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Everything looked good! Yeah!!!!! Thank you Lord.


At first I had to wait about 20 minutes. The tech told me that she was stressed about it because it wasn't normal procedure. She was confused about why it was being done and asked a lot of questions. However, she said, "well at least you don't have inflammatory that is horrible." She said that because my skin punch biopsy was negative. She cringed when I told her I do in fact have inflammatory. She was very thorough and I felt confident about the technique/procedure from what I could tell. She did seem to know where the various lymph nodes were located. The radiologist came in and spent more time with me.


Now, I can relax until the next 3 month exam when I have to decide if I will go through with the PET scan.


I had her put it on a disk. The woman who worked medical records knew my first name. When I commented that I was surprised she said I had been in her thoughts and that she thinks of me all the time.


My daughter went to her first high school football game tonight. I allowed her to go with her younger sister and a friend and the friend's younger sister. I was slightly uncomfortable about it but they had a great time together and are very happy.


Thanks again!!


I'm so glad everything looked good. Thanks for letting us know. :)

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