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How old for a cell phone?

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My 10 yo really wants a cell phone. She has no need for a cell phone. She is HSed and doesn't usually go anywhere without me. Tonight she came home from soccer and said that all her friends have one and that they all text each other. I do want her to keep in touch with her friends and feel included even though she is not at their PS school.


Is 10, almost 11 too young for a cell phone? She will be 11 just before Christmas.

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K has a cell phone, and she is 9. On her 7th birthday we allowed her to buy a pay as you go cell phone, and she was responsible for keeping minutes on it. After a year of 1. Not losing it and 2. Keeping minutes on it, we gave her a 'real' phone for her 8th birthday. By this point she had proven she could use it responsibly and also not lose it.


You know your daughter best. Will she be responsible with it? If so then I don't see why not.


I want to add as far as texting goes, K is allowed to text but she is not allowed to use any short hand in her message (as in all words MUST be spelled out), or she loses her phone. We check her messages weekly to ensure she is spelling everything correctly and not talking about anything improper.

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I don't think it is too young, but we have waited until our kids needed them here.


Honestly, most of the chit chat on cell texting isn't worth the cost to me. It is a lot of


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Ntng, U?


Im brd




If my kids want to call someone, they can call but a cell for texting isn't something I would provide my kids.


Ds16 got a phone when he was in highschool. With the freedoms of being in highschool, I wanted more avaialbiltiy to contact him. He isn't into texing unless it is useful (Telling me where he is etc) and only uses 60 minutes or so a month of cell talk time.

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My two oldest got inexpensive TracFones when they had a real need to have them (at 11 and 12). When I began dropping them off at riding lessons and needed them to call when they are ready to be picked up. No texting. If they have something important to say to their friends they can pick up the phone at home and call them. If they hadn't needed to contact me after lessons they still wouldn't have phones.

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My oldest got hers on her 11th bday. We had just started letting the kids stay home while we ran short errands, and since we don't have a land line we felt like a cell phone was justified. If your daughter just wants to text and doesn't need it for emergencies I would look at an ipod touch. You can get a free phone # to talk and text on it using wifi (text now is one app for Ipod I have heard of thats free)

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I like my friend's answer. When her middle-school-aged son kept asking her when he could get a cell phone her answer was, "When it's convenient for me." I can see that there comes a time when kids are at activities and need to arrange rides, etc., when it is a convenience for the family that they have a phone. I'm thinking high school age.

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I like my friend's answer. When her middle-school-aged son kept asking her when he could get a cell phone her answer was, "When it's convenient for me." I can see that there comes a time when kids are at activities and need to arrange rides, etc., when it is a convenience for the family that they have a phone. I'm thinking high school age.


For us this was age 12. I had to convince the husband that yes, the kid did need a cell phone. We have no house phone and the three of us usually spend our evenings at meetings and such. Giving him a cell means he can be in contact with his friends more and it means I don't have to share mine when he's out and needing a ride home at the end. Our one caveat is that it is a pay-as-you-go and we load 5 EUR a month on it. That's enough for about 10 good sized calls or small texts. If he wants more, he can purchase more, but the phone gets reserved for emergencies only when it flashes that it's down to 1EUR.

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My oldest 3 have cell phones. The youngest of the oldest 3 (heehee) got her phone when she was 10. All 3 of them are in activities where they are dropped off and picked up later. I also wanted them to be able to reach me at a friend's house if they wanted to leave. (This was an issue for dd11 with a friend who would beg dd to come over and they would play and have fun and then friend would get mean - pulling her hair, calling her names, etc. They were good friends and enjoyed their time together, but when this girl was done, she was done and didn't seem to have the social skills - probably due to age - to just end the playdate, kwim? Dd hated having to go ask the mom to use her phone. We got her a phone so she could text, then I would call and say it was time to come home. This wasn't a friend in walking distance where she could just leave. This friend would also frequently ask dd to spend the night and dd didn't want to hurt her feelings by saying no. So she would text me that she was going to call to ask to spend the night and would I please say no.)


I realize cells and kids is a controversial issue, but it really is "to each his own." Each family finds what works best for them and does it. :)

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I agree with all of you. We have two cell phones and a house phone. They can take one of the cell phones with them if they need to be dropped off some where but that is not often. Mostly for a birthday party of something like that. I just know that she misses her friends and she is a really good kid. She does her work, she gets good grades - she is getting an award through her Charter for her testing grades. She sleeps well in her bed (her 9yo sister doesn't). She is always honest, responsible and respectful. So, although I don't find a need and don't really want to have an extra bill, I do see the value in rewarding her with something that he sister doesn't have. I also like all the kids that she would be in contact with and I do think she needs more friends and social time. That being said, I want to make it sure it stays clean and friendly as well.


OH, I just noticed that I am a Scout Bee now! I think I like that better then Forager Bee (-: I wonder what's next?

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It's such a costly thing, so my answer is based on need. My youngest (12) is a dancer and is starting to spend hours and hours at the studio. I simply cannot commit that many hours to sitting in one place! She is due for a cell, but it's killing us to consider even one more bill. So far, she has been able to use the studio phone, but we want her to have her privacy (via texting) when she communicates with us. There is also always a line of kids at the studio waiting to use the phone when she needs to call us. If those kids had cells, she would have a lesser need. ;)


Dh and I were discussing this very thing tonight: we need her to have a cell phone, but we are cheapskates.

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It's such a costly thing, so my answer is based on need. My youngest (12) is a dancer and is starting to spend hours and hours at the studio. I simply cannot commit that many hours to sitting in one place! She is due for a cell, but it's killing us to consider even one more bill. So far, she has been able to use the studio phone, but we want her to be able to call us wthout standing in line, and we want her to have her privacy (via texting).


Dh and I were discussing this very thing tonight: we need her to have a cell phone, but we are cheapskates.


We already have a family plan, so the phone itself was free and it was $10/month to add her. Otherwise, I don't know what we would have done. But the cost wasn't prohibitive, so we went for it.

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It's such a costly thing, so my answer is based on need. My youngest (12) is a dancer and is starting to spend hours and hours at the studio. I simply cannot commit that many hours to sitting in one place! She is due for a cell, but it's killing us to consider even one more bill. So far, she has been able to use the studio phone, but we want her to be able to call us wthout standing in line, and we want her to have her privacy (via texting) when she communicates with us.


Dh and I were discussing this very thing tonight: we need her to have a cell phone, but we are cheapskates.



We actually just got our other two cell phones. One for me and one for DH which is mostly uses for the car since he travels over 1 1/2 to work each way. Mostly just emergencies and then I have mine. If the kids stay home they can use the land line to call me if I am out. If I drop them off some where, they usually take Dad's phone since he works nights. We just bought two of the Net 10 phones from Best Buy and paid for about 300 minutes on each. We won't be using them much, so we are hoping it's not a monthly bill. So, this cell phone for her would be a complete reward and not necessary since she could use dh's phone and maybe I should just let them share it or maybe he could take mine to work and I could just give her that one instead. Anyway, I digress....check out the Net 10 phones as they were not too expensive and if you don't use it all the time the minutes are not too bad.

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We already have a family plan, so the phone itself was free and it was $10/month to add her. Otherwise, I don't know what we would have done. But the cost wasn't prohibitive, so we went for it.



It's more than $10 for us, and the phone won't be free. We'll have to add her, but we are taking our dang time about it. My poor 19 year old has my *very* old phone, although she doesn't care. It's piece of garbbage that holds a charge for about 18 hours. The 17 yr old bought his own new one, but she is a cheapskate. She only has a phone because we insist upon it. Still, our cell phone bill is about $170/mo. Grand theft dough. I should be marching on Wall Street.

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It's more than $10 for us, and the phone won't be free. We'll have to add her, but we are taking our dang time about it. My poor 19 year old has my *very* old phone, although she doesn't care. It's piece of garbbage that holds a charge for about 18 hours. The 17 yr old bought his own new one, but she is a cheapskate. She only has a phone because we insist upon it. Still, our cell phone bill is about $170/mo. Grand theft dough. I should be marching on Wall Street.


Wow. That is a LOT. I would be extremely hesitant to add to that bill. If the phones weren't free and the monthly cost was more than $10, I doubt our dc would have phones, unless it was critical. As it is, we are shopping around for when our contract is up to see if we can go cheaper. We like to wear our cheapskate hats, as well. :tongue_smilie:

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It's more than $10 for us, and the phone won't be free. We'll have to add her, but we are taking our dang time about it. My poor 19 year old has my *very* old phone, although she doesn't care. It's piece of garbbage that holds a charge for about 18 hours. The 17 yr old bought his own new one, but she is a cheapskate. She only has a phone because we insist upon it. Still, our cell phone bill is about $170/mo. Grand theft dough. I should be marching on Wall Street.



I don't think I would have any at that price. I can understand and wouldn't ever consider it for that price. I hope you can find something that works for you. Now I feel a little extravagant considering buying one for my dd.

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I don't think I would have any at that price. I can understand and wouldn't ever consider it for that price. I hope you can find something that works for you. Now I feel a little extravagant considering buying one for my dd.


We will have to get her one, it's really just a matter of when. I would never buy a cell phone for a child who didn't actually need one.

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I don't think it is too young, but we have waited until our kids needed them here.


Honestly, most of the chit chat on cell texting isn't worth the cost to me. It is a lot of


Wtz up?

Ntng, U?


Im brd




If my kids want to call someone, they can call but a cell for texting isn't something I would provide my kids.



:iagree: Texting is insidious and so hard to be rid of once you allow it. My 15yo figured this out on her own and refuses to text. She told her friends she'd rather skype or talk.

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It's more than $10 for us, and the phone won't be free. We'll have to add her, but we are taking our dang time about it. My poor 19 year old has my *very* old phone, although she doesn't care. It's piece of garbbage that holds a charge for about 18 hours. The 17 yr old bought his own new one, but she is a cheapskate. She only has a phone because we insist upon it. Still, our cell phone bill is about $170/mo. Grand theft dough. I should be marching on Wall Street.


:svengo: Who's your wireless company??? The mafia?

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Um, maybe when/if they move away for college.


Between watching 14yos paw the library door with one hand while texting with the other, and seeing them sit in cars texting each other (in the same car)...NOT something I'm willing to encourage let alone pay for.


We have a cell phone, but only 3 people have the number. We use it just for emergency or the "hey, I'm at the store, need anything?" kind of calls. We do not enable texting and if we did get our kids a phone for some practical need, we wouldn't enable texting then either.


Maybe funny since we're a very techie family. Just more into programming our phones not to ring outside of a 2hr window each day rather than bringing in more constant "connection" to... twaddle. :D Yes, I have no trouble ignoring a ringing phone.


I guess I'll just put the money we save in the "my parents ruined my life by not getting my a cell phone and letting me text like a zombie" therapy fund. :lol:

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I love that people assume because a teen/tween has a phone, they are a texting zombie. :lol: Nothing could be farther from the truth in our house. While we all text, it certainly isn't the center of our universe.


On that note, I think computers should be banned! Do you know how many teens sit around in front of a computer playing games and hanging out on Facebook?


After all, it would be impossible to institute rules surrounding cell phone (or computer) useage. Once you let it in, it will take over your family, deactivate your microwave, and cause your freezer to thaw. Never mind that your dc's eyes will glaze over and they will never speak to anyone again! :willy_nilly:


Obviously, I am being extremely tongue in cheek. If your dc can't handle the responsibility of having a phone, by all means, don't get them one. But don't assume that anyone between the age of 10 and 21 can't handle it. ;) Many can and do, quite well. :D

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I would rather my kids text. I have many reasons, but my main reason is communication privacy. (Unless you're going to divorce court, are Tiiger Woods or Prince Charles.) I can't stand to hear other people yammering on their cells in public. That's why, on the 8th day, the gods created texting. It's so nice and quiet.


Our bill is high because we have three computers...I mean SmartPhones. ;) We're not due for any upgrades at this point, but you can guess who is next up for the free one. lol She won't need a computer, er, SmartPhone, but she will need to text.

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I would rather my kids text. I have many reasons, but my main reason is communication privacy. (Unless you're going to divorce court, or are Tiiger Woods or Prince Charles.) I can't stand to hear other people yacking on phones in public. That's why, on the 8th day, the gods created texting.


Our bill is high because we have three computers...I mean SmartPhones. ;) We're not due for any upgrades at this point, but you can guess who is next up for the free one. lol She won't need a computer, er, SmartPhone, but she will need to text.


Oh, well that makes sense then. Can't you still add a regular line for the $10 a month? I have one smartphone (used to have two but my husband dropped his in a pool) and 4 regular phones on my plan. Verizon did the free phone deal every time we added a new user. Except that now we've maxed out the family plan and Meghan had to move to my mom and dad's family plan, LOL.

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Oh, well that makes sense then. Can't you still add a regular line for the $10 a month? I have one smartphone (used to have two but my husband dropped his in a pool) and 4 regular phones on my plan. Verizon did the free phone deal every time we added a new user. Except that now we've maxed out the family plan and Meghan had to move to my mom and dad's family plan, LOL.



Oh, did I forgot to mention international calls/texts? ;)


Whether it is $10 / month or more, we need to do it. Eventually. lol A free upgrade won't even matter, as the 19 yr old can't continue with her dinosaur cell.

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I love that people assume because a teen/tween has a phone, they are a texting zombie. :lol: Nothing could be farther from the truth in our house. While we all text, it certainly isn't the center of our universe.


On that note, I think computers should be banned! Do you know how many teens sit around in front of a computer playing games and hanging out on Facebook?


After all, it would be impossible to institute rules surrounding cell phone (or computer) useage. Once you let it in, it will take over your family, deactivate your microwave, and cause your freezer to thaw. Never mind that your dc's eyes will glaze over and they will never speak to anyone again! :willy_nilly:


Obviously, I am being extremely tongue in cheek. If your dc can't handle the responsibility of having a phone, by all means, don't get them one. But don't assume that anyone between the age of 10 and 21 can't handle it. ;) Many can and do, quite well. :D



Well, I won't be the one to start the tread about how old they should be to get their own computer. :tongue_smilie:


I agree, once the habits start they are hard to break. I really need to think on this and maybe let her use ours for awhile and see how it goes. Easier to take mine back then take her's away. And, yes the computer is over-used and I need to tighten up on that too but they are not on FB and won't be anytime soon.

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Once you let it in, it will take over your family, deactivate your microwave, and cause your freezer to thaw.




I keep missing parts of this thread because I am texting with my oldest, who is attending grad school in another state. ;)


You're kidding, but why can't I say "Clean kitchen, thaw freezer" to my cell and have it be done? I think that would be fab.


"Vacuum living room." I just said that to my iPhone...and nothing. I hate that.


Oops, I said hate.

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I keep missing parts of this thread because I am texting with my oldest, who is attending grad school in another state. ;)


You're kidding, but why can't I say "Clean kitchen, thaw freezer" to my cell and have it be done? I think that would be fab.


"Vacuum living room." I just said that to my iPhone...and nothing. I hate that.


Oops, I said hate.



I might just pay the $170 tab if it did that. :tongue_smilie:

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I love that people assume because a teen/tween has a phone, they are a texting zombie. :lol: Nothing could be farther from the truth in our house. While we all text, it certainly isn't the center of our universe.


On that note, I think computers should be banned! Do you know how many teens sit around in front of a computer playing games and hanging out on Facebook?


After all, it would be impossible to institute rules surrounding cell phone (or computer) useage. Once you let it in, it will take over your family, deactivate your microwave, and cause your freezer to thaw. Never mind that your dc's eyes will glaze over and they will never speak to anyone again! :willy_nilly:


Obviously, I am being extremely tongue in cheek. If your dc can't handle the responsibility of having a phone, by all means, don't get them one. But don't assume that anyone between the age of 10 and 21 can't handle it. ;) Many can and do, quite well. :D


I'm sure some can handle it -- I just haven't seen any yet. :D Around here the public libraries are located IN the public high schools. Result is we get to see first hand LOTS of kids who won't look up from their cell phones long enough to figure out how to open a door. Eye contact? forgetaboutit. I'm also used to our girls sky ping with teen family who are obviously posting on FB AND texting friends at the same time as skyping.


IMO kids don't know how to just...be...anymore, without the constant interaction of tv, computers, and cell phones. They post youtube videos instead of writing their own (bad teen) poetry. Obviously we're in the minority here, but I would just echo the caution that it's easier to delay than to take it back. So just be sure it's what you want and your family (not just your child) is ready for it. To me it's just one more complication I can live without. And do. Just fine. :lol:

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My five year old has a cellphone. I bought it after a scary incident where a city bus drove off before we all managed to get out of there. It left my DD alone, standing on the side of the road. The bus only got a couple of meters before the "angry mob" managed to convince the driver to stop and open the doors, but it was very unpleasant.


DD handled the situation very well. She stood at the bus stop calmly, and only started being panicky once we were safely reunited. It was a country bus stop and there were no other people around anywhere near.


At that point, I decided that having a cellphone and being able to call for help (mom, mom's friends, or the police) should be one of the safety measures available to DD, just in case. Also, when she goes out to the park with my friend and her daughter, she can call me anytime without having to ask for permission or relying on my friend to have credit on her phone.


And, she can take pictures of interesting things she sees along the way :D.

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I keep missing parts of this thread because I am texting with my oldest, who is attending grad school in another state. ;)


You're kidding, but why can't I say "Clean kitchen, thaw freezer" to my cell and have it be done? I think that would be fab.


"Vacuum living room." I just said that to my iPhone...and nothing. I hate that.


Oops, I said hate.




For vacuuming, have you heard of those robotic vacuums? I think they're called Roomba.

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My special needs teen and my about to turn 11 y/o share one as of last year around this time. But I do think I need to get my 11 y/o her own. I always said that when the time comes that they are spending time away from our view without access to a phone, that's when they need one, because I want them to be able to get in touch with me and me with them.


Because we got to the point with my 11 y/o where she's allowed to ride her bike "around the corner" or "to the park" with her friends from time to time without an adult, as opposed to always being right on our block where I could look out and see her, I want us to be able to get in touch with each other at times like those. Likewise my special needs teen has a friend a few blocks away that she sometimes gets together with, and sometimes they like to walk to the park or library, and I want us to be able to get in touch with each other, too.


Once in a while it comes up that they each want to do something simultaneously and then I'm like uh who do I give the phone to... so I think they each need their own at this point.


Would I have gotten her one just so she could stay in touch with friends? No, I'd have told her she could use my phone to call a friend. Do I think you are wrong if you give your daughter one for that reason, though? No, that's up to you!

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All my children have cell phones, and the youngest three got theirs at 10. They are at activities where they are away from me and I want them to be able to call. If you get her one and go with a regular plan, make sure you get unlimited texting! It is expensive if you don't and they go over.

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If they text each other and you are usually home in wifi range, get her an iPod touch. You can even get one of the older models.


It has a texting app that allows for FREE unlimited texting. It only works in wifi range, but may be a good alternative if you don't wish to pay the monthly fees and if you are ok with her texting her friends.


I don't have texting on my cell plan, but I do have an iPod touch and text that way if I need to.



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My oldest didn't get her cell phone until 15yo. I had wanted her to have one at 14yo because we kept ending up in situations where I would give her mine and have her call me on the home phone to let me know that she'd made it where she was going (biked to an art class every week).


My other two got theirs at the same time when we went to DisneyWorld. I wanted no part of getting separated from them at DisneyWorld with no way to find each other. They were 11yo and 13yo at the time.


As soon as we got everybody phoned, we got rid of our landline. That actually ended up saving us $10/month from what we had been paying.


I can say that having my kids phoned is a relief. My two younger kids do a lot more away from the house than my oldest ever did (because my oldest just wasn't interested, for the most part). I am very happy to always have a way to contact them.


My youngest dd's friends do all communicate by texting most of the time, so having a phone really helped her feel more in tune with her friends (almost all of whom are 1-2 years older than she is and had cell phones for 3-5 years before she did).

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