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Just Bragging. Care to share your planner/schedules? Here is mine.

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I finally finished organizing my homeschool planner! We are starting 1st and kindergarten here next month so I'm so excited for it to be done!


If you are interested in viewing what we are doing...take a look!



If you have your own planner to share...please post! I love taking a look to what others are doing!:D

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I am not very spreadsheet savvy. My schedules consist of hand written ideas in a cheap spiral notebook. I did take the time and make a Word document which I print each week and pencil in the boys' work for each subject. Just that took me forever. In fact, I am just going to edit the subject and use the same thing next year.


I will not even begin planning my subjects till after the 4th of July.

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I'm so antsy to get started on my plans for next year. I have almost all of our materials on hand, but I always force myself to finish assembling my son's portfolio for this year before I let myself start on the fun stuff--planning!


Today is supposed to be our last day of the year, and I'm actually ahead of schedule with the portfolio. But I can't finish until he finishes, and he's dragging his feet. So, we may not be able to wrap up until sometime next week.


It's torture!

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Liz, how do I see your weekly planner. I linked to it from your blog but then I got this savefile program. I just want to open without creating an account. I like that format. Did you use Donna Young or make your own.


For the others do any of you use Excel or Mac i works to make your weekly schedule, if so please post.

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Liz, how do I see your weekly planner. I linked to it from your blog but then I got this savefile program. I just want to open without creating an account. I like that format. Did you use Donna Young or make your own.


For the others do any of you use Excel or Mac i works to make your weekly schedule, if so please post.


I'd be curious to know what program makes this as well. I've made my own in Excel, but I like yours better. :001_wub:

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I made the planner using Word and just created 2 tables. After fixing them to my liking, I had them printed front and back (book style). I think I had to make an extra copy of the first page or something for it to turn out right. I actually did try Donna Young and some others, but none of them really "fit" me. This one works because I can just pencil things in daily or weekly (in case we're behind or ahead).


When you go to savefile, you just click on the download button. I didn't think that you needed to sign up to the website. If it doesn't work for you, let me know! I'd be happy to email them to you and you can alter the subjects to what you use. ;)



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does everyone use a planner like this?


I've been using a standard blank teacher's planner from Staples. It only has room for five days in the week, though, and since we often do "schooly stuff" on the weekends as well, I'd love a planner with space for seven days' activities.

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It only has room for five days in the week, though, and since we often do "schooly stuff" on the weekends as well, I'd love a planner with space for seven days' activities.


I had the same problem. All the planners I saw were only 5 days and never had enough space. Making my own was the only solution! Now I have 7 days and a small column for notes.

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my older dd had a ball dressing her up!


I just put a much better picture of my planner up, using scribd. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the file on my blog where you just click it and it gets bigger. I could only get it up by saving it as a jpg and uploading it as a picture. Anyway, scrbd worked great!

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I rarely follow my plans :glare:, so I've found it best to have a general plan/routine and then write down what we actually did. Here is what I use At-A-Glance Academic Planner . It is spendy, but I like it because it has an equal amount of space for all seven days. I use the "quick notes" square to write down the subjects I cover with the girls each day (general routine). It is my reminder list for this 40 something brain that tends to forget what subjects we haven't gotten to yet that day.


I still like to make tables, though. It can be kind of addicting. ;)

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