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My daughters are going to New York on Sept. 12 and I'm freaking out

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My 16 and 14 year old daughters are going to NYC on Monday with my mother for their annual trip. I knew the trip was a day after the 9/11 10th year anniversary but I wasn't too worried about it. Today I have been reading about new terrorist threats for NYC and Washington.


I want my girls to have a fun trip with my mother but I am so worried about what could happen.


Any advice? Should I just let them go and deal with the fact that there are always going to be risks in life? Or, since this is so serious should I suggest they either postpone or cancel the trip? I know that my mom and the girls would be very disappointed if they didn't go. They are all seasoned travelers but it still scares me to death.



Elise in NC

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My 16 and 14 year old daughters are going to NYC on Monday with my mother for their annual trip. I knew the trip was a day after the 9/11 10th year anniversary but I wasn't too worried about it. Today I have been reading about new terrorist threats for NYC and Washington.


I want my girls to have a fun trip with my mother but I am so worried about what could happen.


Any advice? Should I just let them go and deal with the fact that there are always going to be risks in life? Or, since this is so serious should I suggest they either postpone or cancel the trip? I know that my mom and the girls would be very disappointed if they didn't go. They are all seasoned travelers but it still scares me to death.



Elise in NC




Would it be possible to postpone it? Are they flying or driving?


If it is an annual trip to NYC, maybe they'd consider a different destination just to change things up?


I am of the belief that terrorists are determined to bring harm to the US. If it is not NYC this weekend, it will be somewhere else at some other time. That doesn't mean I'll hide in my room or never go anywhere or do anything but it does mean I'll be cautious.


There is more security in Manhattan. Vehicles are being searched at bridges and tunnels into Manhattan. Something has prompted this.

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On the upside, security will be tight and the awareness heightened. I'd still be willing to go. Any crazy thing can happen at any time.



I really don't think it's a big deal.

My biggest caveat would be the crowds (for them being there, I hate when it's like that), but that's just a personal enjoyment factor.

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My 16 and 14 year old daughters are going to NYC on Monday with my mother for their annual trip. I knew the trip was a day after the 9/11 10th year anniversary but I wasn't too worried about it. Today I have been reading about new terrorist threats for NYC and Washington.


I want my girls to have a fun trip with my mother but I am so worried about what could happen.


Any advice? Should I just let them go and deal with the fact that there are always going to be risks in life? Or, since this is so serious should I suggest they either postpone or cancel the trip? I know that my mom and the girls would be very disappointed if they didn't go. They are all seasoned travelers but it still scares me to death.



Elise in NC


There is always going to be risk in life. I think we (Americans) get more worked up about the significant date thing than they (potential terrorists) do. There have been other plots foiled in NY that weren't on anniversaries or big holidays (like the SUV loaded with explosives).


If anything, this is probably a period when there will be heightened security and vigilance.


If they go anywhere near the WTC site, I can't recommend the memorial sculpture on the side of the nearby fire station enough. It's on the side of Engine 10/Ladder 10's station house. The scuptor studied Trajan's Column because he wanted the story depicted to be understandable centuries from now. Wonderful piece.


(Disclaimer: I am very aware of how many colleagues dh lost on September 11th and how close I came to losing him. This isn't an anniversary I take lightly at all. But I've also tried very hard not to live the last ten years in fear of what if. We don't control the number of our own days. I can be prudent without being fearful. I don't think prudence dictates avoiding NYC.)

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Thank you, everyone, for all the opinions. It really helps to hear the opinions of others.


I think I need to let them go. They are flying to NY and already have a hotel booked. They have a list of all the things they are going to do. It would be a huge disappointment if I didn't let them go. This will be their first trip ever to NY.


It's so hard letting go. As my kids get older I am forced to do that more and more. It doesn't seem to get any easier. :001_huh:



Elise in NC

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Several of my friend's dh's have to fly in and around that week. We, including the men, all have it in the back of our minds. However, you can't live your life in fear. In my faith, I believe that when your time comes, you will die. All you can do is live your life without major risks, love your family each and every day, and leave the rest in God's mighty hands.


Your children are in my prayer as are you. I pray that God will grant you peace as they travel!

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